ihzar müzekkeresi

listen to the pronunciation of ihzar müzekkeresi
Türkçe - İngilizce
habeas corpus
An order signed by a judge directing a sheriff or other official, who has a person in his custody, to bring that person before the court to determine whether or not he should be released from custody
the civil right to obtain a writ of habeas corpus as protection against illegal imprisonment a writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a judge
      Court orders that require jailers to show just cause for holding an individual
"You have the body " The name given a variety or writs whose object is to bring a person before a Court or judge In most common usage, it is directed to the official or person detaining another, commanding him to produce the body of the prisoner or person detained so the Court may determine if such a person has been denied his liberty without due process of the law
Latin phrase meaning "you have the body " A judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court
From the Latin: "You have the body"; the name of a writ used to bring a person before a court or a judge so that the court or judge may determine whether that person is being unlawfully denied his or her freedom
"You have the body " A writ of habeas corpus requires that a person be brought before a judge It is usually used to direct an official to produce a prisoner so the court may determine if liberty has been denied without due process
It is used to test the legality of a persons imprisonment
(RWT) A writ that is usually used to bring a prisoner before the court to determine the legality of his imprisonment It may also be used to bring a person in custody before the court to give testimony, or to be prosecuted
Latin for "You have the body " Most often, a writ of habeas corpus is a judicial order forcing law enforcement authorities to produce a prisoner they are holding, and to justify the prisoner's continued confinement A petition for a writ of habeas corpus often is filed in federal courts by state prison inmates who say their state prosecutions violated federally protected rights in some way
a writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a judge
A writ whose object is to bring a person before a court or judge
ask any one for a legal phrase and the chances are this is the phrase they will come up with It is the right, supposedly enshrined in American law, which prevents a person from being wrongfully imprisoned, and which means literally "you must have the body" The right which it encompasses is the right that no one may be imprisoned or restrained without, within a reasonable period of time, being brought before a lawful court to answer the charge for which the detention occurred It is used to prevent people from being held as prisoners for too long by the authorities
This is the right guaranteed to a citizen to obtain a writ that will allow a person to appear before a court or judge with the intent to inquire about the cause of a person's imprisonment with the objective to protect this person's right to personal liberty
"You have the body " The name given to a variety of writs whose object is to bring a person before a court or judge In most common usage, it is directed to the official or the person detained so the court may determine if such a person has been denied his liberty without due process of law
A writ that is usually used to bring a prisoner before the court to determine the legality of his imprisonment It may also be used to bring a person in custody before the court to give testimony, or to be prosecuted
Latin: phrase meaning 'may you have the body': legal remedy against being wrongly imprisoned Thus: writ of habeas corpus: writ to obtain the release of someone who has been unlawfully held in prison or in police custody, or to make the person holding him bring him to court to explain why he is being held and whether the detention is lawful A prerogative writ Habeas corpus was one of the concessions the British Monarch made in the Magna Carta and has stood as a basic individual right against arbitrary arrest and imprisonment
A writ commanding that a person be brought before a judge Most commonly, a writ of habeas corpus is a legal document that forces law enforcement authorities to produce a prisoner they are holding and to legally justify his or her confinement
the civil right to obtain a writ of habeas corpus as protection against illegal imprisonment
A writ having for its object to bring a party before a court or judge; especially, one to inquire into the cause of a person's imprisonment or detention by another, with the view to protect the right to personal liberty; also, one to bring a prisoner into court to testify in a pending trial
Türkçe - Türkçe
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