to break, disregard, disagree or not act according to (rules, conventions, etc.)
If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it. They went to prison because they violated the law = break + violation violations vio·la·tion To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law He was in violation of his contract. + violator violators vio·la·tor a government which is a known violator of human rights
destroy; "Don't violate my garden"; "violate my privacy" fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns; "This sentence violates the rules of syntax
violate the sacred character of a place or language; "desecrate a cemetary"; "violate the sanctity of the church"; "profane the name of God"
act in disregard of laws and rules; "offend all laws of humanity"; "violate the basic laws or human civilization"; "break a law"
force (someone) to have sex against their will; "The woman was raped on her way home at night"
fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns; "This sentence violates the rules of syntax
If someone violates a special place, for example a grave, they damage it or treat it with disrespect. Detectives are still searching for those who violated the graveyard. = desecrate + violation vio·la·tion The violation of the graves is not the first such incident
fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns; "This sentence violates the rules of syntax"
If you violate someone's privacy or peace, you disturb it. These men were violating her family's privacy
ihlal etmek, bozmak, çiğnemek: violate an agreement bir anlaşmayı bozmak
ih·lal et·mek, boz·mak, çiğ·ne·mek: vi·o·la·te an ag·re·e·ment bir an·laş·ma·yı boz·mak