Aerobics is a form of exercise which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, and strengthens your heart and lungs. The verb that follows aerobics may be either singular or plural. I'd like to join an aerobics class to improve my fitness. a very active type of physical exercise done to music, usually in a class. System of physical conditioning for increasing the efficiency of the body's intake of oxygen. Aerobic exercises (e.g., running, jogging, swimming, dancing) stimulate heart and lung activity. To produce a benefit, aerobic training must raise the heart rate (pulse) to the exerciser's target level for at least 20 minutes and include at least three sessions a week. The concept of aerobics was pioneered by Kenneth H. Cooper and popularized in his books Aerobics (1968) and The Aerobics Way (1977)
Exercise performed to music which stimulates the aerobic capacity of the heart and lungs
Rhythmic exercises performed to music that stimulates the aerobic capacity of the heart and lungs and burns calories
A low-intensity, sustained activity that relies on oxygen for energy Aerobic activity builds endurance, burns fat and conditions the cardiovascular system To attain an aerobic effect you must increase your heart rate to 60-80 percent of your maximum heart rate, and maintain that for at least 20 minutes Examples of aerobic exercise include running, brisk walking, bicycling, swimming and aerobic dance