{i} (Pathology) lack of feeling, loss of sensation (caused by disease); (Medicine) localized or general reduction of sensitivity to pain (through drugs)
absence of pain sensation; numbing a tooth is local anaesthesia; with general anaesthesia the patient is unconscious
an·aes·the·sia in AM and sometimes in BRIT, use anesthesia Anaesthesia is the use of anaesthetics in medicine and surgery
(anestesia, anestesia html) Anaesthetical Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
A dangerous time for people with sleep apnoea The anaesthetic drugs, pre-medication sedatives and post operative pain relief drugs can all worsen sleep apnoea If you are on nasal APNOEA (ap-nee-ah) A pause in breathing; conventionally more than 10 seconds From the Greek a (without) pnoea (breath)