
listen to the pronunciation of i-don
İngilizce - Türkçe

i-don teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

i don't care
umurumda değil
don't mention it
bir şey değil
{i} yasak

Orada, onlar onun yasak olduğunu söylemez. Aslında, onlar onun zorunlu olduğunu söyler. - Over there, they don't say that it's prohibited. In fact, they say that it's mandatory.

Onlar bunun orada yasak olduğunu söylemezler. Aslında onun zorunlu olduğunu söylerler. - They don't say that it's prohibited there. In fact, they say that it's mandatory.

You don't say
{k} Yok canım!
{i} uzman

Uzman olması gereken biri için çok şey biliyor gibi görünmüyorsun. - For someone who's supposed to be an expert, you don't seem to know much.

Neden Tom'un bu mesele ile ilgilenmesine izin vermiyoruz? Nede olsa, o uzman, değil mi? - Why don't we let Tom handle this matter? After all, he's the expert, right?

{k} do not
{i} yapılmaması gereken şey
don't mention it
önemli değil
i don't care if i do
don't be a stranger
(deyim) özletme kendini
don't bite off more than you can chew
(deyim) boyundan büyük işlere kalkışma
don't build
(Bilgisayar) yerleştirme
don't dim
(Bilgisayar) karartma
don't give me any of your lip!
(deyim) bana cevap verme!
don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
(deyim) atsan atılmaz satsan satılmaz
don't sweat it
(deyim) endişelenme
don't turn a blind eye to what's happening
(deyim) başını kuma gömme
don't turn a blind eye to what's happening
(deyim) olanları görmezden gelme
don't twist my words
(deyim) sözlerimi çarpıtma
i don't feel like myself
iyi değilim
i don't feel like myself
keyfim yok
i don't know
i don't think so
i don't think so
hiç de zannetmiyorum
i don't think so
if you don't mind
eğer sizin için sakıncası yoksa
Don't mention it!
If you don't mind
sizce bir sakıncası yoksa

Niçin bir beyefendi gibi davranmaya çalışmıyorsun? - Why don't you try to behave like a gentleman?

Koltuğunu neden şu yaşlı beyefendiye vermiyorsun? - Why don't you give your seat to that old gentleman?

(İspanya'da) Bay

Neden öğretmenine danışmıyorsun? - Why don't you ask your teacher for advice?

Öğretmenine soru sormaya çekinme. - Don't hesitate to ask your teacher a question.


Parkta beyzbol oynama. - Don't play baseball in the park.

Burada beyzbol oynama. - Don't play baseball here.

(İngiltere'de) birdemde öğretim görevlisi
dos and don'ts
davranış kuralları
A thing you don't want is dear at any price
(Atasözü) Deve bir akçaya , deve bin akçaya
Don't Push Your Luck
şansını fazla zorlama
Don't bite off more than you can chew
(Atasözü) Çiğneyebileceğinden fazlasını ısırma
Don't sweat it
(deyim) Endişenmeyi bırak!

1. "You can't do anything about it, so don't sweat it." 2. "You tried your best, so stop sweating it.".

Don´t bother!
Zahmet etmeyin!
Don´t look a gift horse in the mouth
Bahşiş atın dişine bakılmaz
Don´t move a muscle!
Don´t stand out there in the wet!
Orada yağmurun altında durma!
Don´t trouble yourself
Zahmet etmeyin./Zahmete girmeyin
Don´t you have any manners?
Sende hiç terbiye yok mu?
Don’t worry
Merak etme! Endişelenme!
I don´t think he´s all there
k. dili Bence bir tahtası eksik
Oil and water don't mix
(Atasözü) Ateşle barut yanyana durmaz
do's and don'ts
Yapılacaklar ve Yapılmayacaklar
don't ask
don't be afraid

Hatalar yapmaktan korkmayın. - Don't be afraid to make a mistake.

Bu şey yok, korkmayın! - It's nothing, don't be afraid!

don't be such a wet blanket
(deyim) Oyun bozanlık yapma
don't bother
Zahmet etme(yin)!
don't bullshit a bullshitter
(deyim) Tereciye tere satma!
don't count your chickens before they hatch
(deyim) Dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvama
don't count your chickens until they're hatched
(deyim) Dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvama
don't cry
don't get me wrong
beni yanlış anlama
don't give a shit
bir bok vermem
don't give up
vazgeçmek yok
don't have time for
zaman ayıramamak
don't hold your breath
"Fazla beklenti içinde olma", "Uzun sürebilir." gibi anlamlar veren söz
don't mess with me
bana karışma
don't mind
takma kafana
don't push
push yok
don't push your luck
şansını zorlama
don't speak loudly
yüksek sesle konuşma


don't sweat it
(deyim) "Boş yere kendini üzme!" ; "Olan olmuş.Kendini boşa helâk etme!" ; "Olan olmuş. Elinden bir şey gelmez!"

If you did your best but didn't win a medal, don't sweat it.

don't take it personally
Üstüne alınma! Kişisel olarak alma!

If I talk about certain issues, please do not take it personally.

don't teach your grandmother suck eggs
tereciye tere satılmaz
don't touch

Islak boyaya dokunmayın. - Don't touch the wet paint.

O tavaya dokunmayın! O çok sıcak. - Don't touch that pan! It's very hot.

don't worry
Endişelenme! Merak etme! Dert etme!
don´t worry
Üzülme! Endişelenme!
hips don't lie
kalçalar yalan söylemez
i don't feel well
i iyi hissetmiyorum
i don't intend to
i düşünmüyoruz
i don't know
i bilmiyorum
i don't understand you
seni anlamıyorum
i don't want
i istemiyorum
if you don't wish
Eğer istemiyorsanız
if you please, if you don't mind
lütfen, sakıncası yoksa eğer
you don't have engough coins to buy this
bunu almak için yeterli bozuğun yok
you don't say
Türkçe - Türkçe

i-don teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

don kişot
“1605 ve 1615’te iki bölüm halinde yayımlanan, şövalye öykülerinin komik bir birleşimi olarak tasarlanan “Don Kişot”, bu serüvenleri okumaktan aklı karışmış yaşlı şövalye olan “Don Kişot”un, atı Rosinante ve gerçekliğe bağlı uşağı Sancho Panza ile birlikte geçirdiği serüvenleri gerçekçi bir dille anlatıyor. Aynı zamanda yazılış amacı toplumun Don Kişot'a deli gözüyle bakması, aslında delinin o toplum olduğunu karmaşık bir anlatımla dile getiriyor
İngilizce - İngilizce

i-don teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

River in European Russia, flowing 1200 mile to the Sea of Azov. Called Tanais in classical sources
River in Scotland, flowing 62 mile to the North Sea
A diminutive of the male given name Donald or Gordon
Don Juan
A man who obsessively seduces women; a philanderer

James has three girlfriends; he's a real Don Juan.

Don Juans
plural form of Don Juan
I don't eat fish
Indicates that the speaker does not eat fish
I don't eat meat
Indicates that the speaker does not eat meat
I don't eat pork
Indicates that the speaker does not eat pork
I don't know
This entry exists in order to provide translations and derivatives
I don't speak American Sign Language
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the American Sign Language
I don't speak Azerbaijani
I don't speak Azeri
I don't speak Azeri
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the Azeri language
I don't speak Catalan
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the Catalan language
I don't speak English
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the English language
I don't speak Indonesian
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the Indonesian language
I don't speak Persian
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the Persian language
I don't speak Russian
Indicates that the speaker is unable to speak the Russian language
I don't think
used after a statement to indicate an emphatic or ironic negative

There's lots of good things to watch on the telly tonight - I don't think!.

I don't think so
No (used to refuse or decline something proposed)

Go out with you? Huh, I don't think so, sweetheart!.

I don't think so
I think that what has just been said is untrue, but I am not completely sure

Is this the right place to catch the bus? — I don't think so.

I don't understand
Indicates that the speaker is not understanding the current subject or situation
Lord willing and the creek don't rise
Barring unforeseen circumstances

Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we'll have that new barn finished in time for the harvest.

clothes don't make the man
An aphorism meaning that you cannot judge a person solely by his appearance. Usually pertains to men
do's and don'ts
A set of rules or guidelines that one has to follow in a particular situation
A mafia boss
To put on (clothes)
A university professor, particularly one at Oxford or Cambridge
Eye dialect spelling of don't
Something that must not be done
Used before an emphatic negative subject

Don’t nobody care.

Contraction of does not

I sure hope the road don’t come to own me.

Contraction of do not

Don't Stand, Don't stand so, Don't stand so close to me.

don't ask, don't tell
Canada's policy on anyone leaving the United States during the Vietnam War in order to avoid the military draft
don't ask, don't tell
A US military policy governing homosexuality and bisexuality in the military. Basically, any enlistee who is a homosexual cannot divulge this information, on or off duty, while in the military
don't ask, don't tell, don't harass, don't pursue
The full name of the U.S. Military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy concerning the service of homosexuals in the military as defined in
don't be penny wise and pound foolish
Don't focus on minutiae and lose sight of the big picture; don't obsess over tiny inconsequential efficiencies while glaring inefficiencies are going on elsewhere
don't be penny wise and pound foolish
Don't be careful when it comes to spending small amounts of money, but careless when spending much larger amounts
don't call us, we'll call you
A stereotypical request from a hiring organisation to a potential candidate, suggesting that the candidate will not be hired
don't cha
Alternative spelling of don'tcha
don't count your chickens before they're hatched
You should not count on something before it happens
don't cry over spilled milk
Alternative spelling of don't cry over spilt milk
don't cry over spilt milk
It is no use worrying about unfortunate events which have already happened and which cannot be changed
don't do anything I wouldn't do
A phrase, often used jocularly, to give vague advice upon parting
don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly
Driving (a vehicle) very fast is a dangerous act
don't drop the soap
Used as a mockery to someone who is about to be or should be confined in prison
don't get me started
What one states when one has a large amount of things to say (often negative) about the subject currently being discussed

Don't get me started on why I can't stand her.

don't give up your day job
Used to criticise a person's talent (especially musical, singing or acting,) implying that they could not earn a living from it without other regular employment
don't go there
Don't start talking about that

My sista was all talkin' 'bout her new buff boyfriend, and I was like, Don't go there, sista!.

don't hold your breath
"Don't wait." Said cynically to suggest that what has just been mentioned to is unlikely to happen soon or at all

The government says it's going to introduce free meals for all schoolchildren. — Huh, don't hold your breath.

don't knock yourself out
Don't overexert yourself (in doing something that does not require much effort)

I'll get round to it soonish. — Well, don't knock yourself out!.

don't let the bedbugs bite
Used to wish a person a good night's sleep
don't let the door hit you on the way out
Used to indicate that one is glad to see someone leaving
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Do not unappreciatively question a gift or handout too closely
don't look at me
A response indicating that one is not willing or able to perform a task

B: Don't look at me, I don't know anything about grammar.

don't make me laugh
Used to express that one cannot take a suggestion seriously

Carney Blake? Don't make me laugh. Rose chuckled, his hand still extended for payment. He's been down drunk all summer. He'll be lucky if he doesn't shoot himself..

don't mention it
A very polite way of expressing that idea that something is too trivial to warrant thanks

Thank you for doing that. - Don't mention it.

don't mind if I do
Used to express acceptance of something offered to the speaker

Would you like a biscuit? ― Don't mind if I do!.

don't pass go
To say that somebody is not do anything without receiving further instructions

Don't come back, don't see Taylor, don't pass Go. Don't do anything in this town again, Miss Grey, ever.

don't pass go
To say that somebody is obliged to do something without question

As usual, this information was imparted to me with a blank stare, and dumped in my lap with an expression that said, Don't pass Go, don't collect 200 dollars, go straight to jail!.

don't put all your eggs in one basket
Don't dedicate all your resources into one thing
don't quit your day job
Alternative form of don't give up your day job
don't shit where you eat
Refers the principle that one shouldn't cause problems in a place or situation that one finds oneself in often, as one will be negatively affected by these problems
don't shoot the messenger
The bearer of bad news should not be held accountable for the bad news
don't take any wooden nickels
Do not permit yourself be cheated or duped; do not be naive

H. T. Webster's comic strip, The Timid Soul, in the Oakland Tribune of September 10, 1950 used the tendency to repeat worn phrases as the subject for the hero's good intentions. The following are recorded: . . . Don't take any wooden nickels.

don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs
Don't presume to give advice to those who are more experienced
Eye dialect spelling of don't you

What's the matter? Don'tcha believe me?.

plural form of don't

Playing by don’ts won’t get the job done.

if it ain't broke, don't fix it
Leave something alone; avoid correcting, fixing, or improving what is already sufficient, as it could end up being detrimental

I know it's an ugly looking antenna, but you know what they say: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

real men don't eat quiche
The stereotypical man does not do things that are considered effeminate, as to do so would imply they are effeminate
say it, don't spray it
Used to remind someone not to release any saliva while talking

Toshiaki, this three year-old who I babysit, always spits on me when talking. I know he doesn't mean it, but telling him say it, don't spray it just doesn't work.

two wrongs don't make a right
A wrongful action is not a morally appropriate way to correct or cancel a previous wrongful action

Late in the fight, Roger told me Zab was going to do something dirty, and he did it, Mayweather said after the fight. I didn't return it, because two wrongs don't make a right..

where the sun don't shine
Up or in the anus

You can take your unsolicited advice and stick it where the sun don't shine.

you don't dip your pen in company ink
One should avoid romantic relationships in the workplace

It wasn't money that attracted his current wife, Madeleine Deininger, who started working for Ravenswood in 1985. . . . We had the policy that you don't dip your pen in company ink. We stayed good friends for a long time, Peterson says.

you don't dip your pen in the company inkwell
Alternative form of you don't dip your pen in company ink
you don't dip your pen in the company's ink
Alternative form of you don't dip your pen in company ink
you don't dip your pen in the inkwell
Alternative form of you don't dip your pen in company ink
you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
You don't need an expert to tell you what you already know
you don't say
really?; no kidding!; is that so?

Hey, guess what? There's a country called Brazil! You don't say..

{f} contraction used with a pronoun in a question (i.e. Don't we look nice?); no!, command prohibiting something (i.e. Don't touch)
{i} prohibition, something which is not allowed
Don't is the usual spoken form of `do not'
don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
(deyim) do not know what to do with something
don't turn a blind eye to what's happening
(deyim) don't ignore something and pretend you do not see it
{n} a Spanish title for a gentleman
{v} to put on, invest with, dress
Don't sweat it
(deyim) Do not worry about it! You can't saw sawdust!

If you did your best but didn't win a medal, don't sweat it.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it
(Atasözü) If there is no evidence of a real problem, and fixing the "problem" would not effectively improve Wikipedia, then don't waste time and energy (yours or anybody else's) trying to fix it
Oil and water don't mix
(Atasözü) If you add oil to water, the oil tries to stay separate. This proverb is a way of saying that certain people or characteristics do not go together
don quijote
See: don quixote
don't bullshit a bullshitter
(deyim) A warning given when someone tries to talk around someone on a certain subject, but the person is very familiar with the subject matter
don't give a shit
"Don't give a shit" is slang for "don't care"
i don't give a shit
(Slang) I don't care
Don't Know Don't Care
I'm not sure and I am not interested, DNDC
Türkçe - İngilizce

i-don teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı


There is frost on the grass. - Çİmin üzerinde don var.

The frost did a lot of damage to the crops. - Don ürünlere çok zarar verdi.

don giymek
freezing to wear


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    ... lyrics that "Don't hide yourself in regret." I was ...