
listen to the pronunciation of i-can
İngilizce - Türkçe

i-can teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

garbage can
çöp tenekesi

Dün çöp tenekesinden yemek yiyen bir adam gördüm. - I saw a man yesterday eating from a garbage can.

Çöp tenekesini incelediğini gördüğüm çocuk dört gündür bir şey yemediği söyledi. - The boy I saw searching through the garbage can said that he had not eaten anything for four days.

{f} yapabilmek

O, yurtdışında eğitim yapabilmek için çok çalışıyor. - He works hard so that he can study abroad.

{f} ebilmek
{i} teneke kutu

Tom teneke kutuların birini aldı, onu açtı ve bir yudum aldı. - Tom picked up one of the cans, opened it, and took a sip.

Teneke kutuyu atmadan önce ezin. - Crush the can before you throw it away.

{f} olabilmek
{i} teneke kutudaki içecek
{i} kaba et
{f} yapamamak
{f} edebilmek

Tom'a yardım edebilmek için her şeyi yapıyorum. - I'm doing everything I can to help Tom.

{i} kutu

Taşıyabildiğin kadar çok kutu getir. - Bring as many boxes as you can carry.

Yanında iki kutu bedava ayakkabı cilası ile birlikte onlar sadece 50 dolar. - They're only $50 with two cans of shoe polish free of charge.

{i} popo

Çok fazla fasulye yedim ve şimdi popom ötmeyi durduramıyor. - I ate too many beans and now my backside cannot stop singing.

{i} kodes
You can thank your
{k} Sen olmadığın için talihine şükret!
You can't be serious
Ciddi olamazsın!
{f} konservesini yapmak
can opener
konserve açacağı

Konserve açacağının nerede olduğunu biliyor musun? - Do you know where the can opener is?

Bazen bir konserve açacağı olarak makas kullanırım. - I sometimes use scissors as a can opener.

you can find the schedule over there
tarifeyi orada bulabilirsiniz
you can pick it up in an hour
bir saat içerisinde alabilirsiniz
you can pick it up later today
bugün içerisinde alabilirsiniz
you can pick it up tomorrow
yarın alabilirsiniz
you can't miss it
mutlaka görürsün
{i} hela
as far as i can see
görebildiğim kadar
as much as we can
elimizden geldiğince
as much as you can
elinden geldiğince
as you can see
göreceğiniz üzere
as you can see
gördüğünüz üzere
burst can
kılıfın çatlaması
can find it in one's heart
(deyim) istemek
can i help you
sana yardım edebilirmiyim
can i help you
size yardım edebilirmiyim
can i help you
yardımcı olabilir miyim
can you dig it?
(deyim) anlıyor musun?
can you fill in this form
bu formu doldururmusunuz
can you hear me
beni duyabiliyor musun
can't stand
tahammül edememek
can't swallow
can't take my eyes off you
gözlerimi senden alamıyorum
can't take one's eyes off
(Konuşma Dili) gözlerini alamamak
can't take one's eyes off
(Konuşma Dili) bakışlarını çekememek
can't take one's eyes off
bakmaya doyamamak
can't you see
carry the can
suçu üstlenmek
don't bite off more than you can chew
(deyim) boyundan büyük işlere kalkışma
from all i can tell
söylecebileceğim kadarıyla
how can i be of assistance?
nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?
how can i be of assistance?
nasıl yardım edebilirim?
i can't stand
tahammül edemiyorum
if you can
if you can
jerry can
jerry can
(Askeri) çanta bidon
kerosene can
gaz tenekesi
knot that can't be untied
what can i do
ne yapabilirim
what's done can't be undone
olan oldu
{f} edememek
{k} cannot
Beggars can't be choosers
Dilenciye hıyar vermişler eğridir diye beğenmemiş
beer can
bira kutusu
bite off more than one can chew
başından büyük işe girişmek

Gözlerin kapalı yürüyebiliyor musun? - Can you walk with your eyes closed?

Televizyonu kapatabilirmiyim? - Can I turn off the TV?


Bazen bir konserve açacağı olarak makas kullanırım. - I sometimes use scissors as a can opener.

Yeni konserve açacağım eskisinden daha sağlam, böylece umarım bezelyelerime kavuşmak artık 2 dakikamı almayacak. - My new can opener is sturdier than the old one, so hopefully it won't take 2 minutes to get at my beans anymore.

(müzik) kaydetmek
konserve kutusu
konserve yapmak
can buoy
can can
kan kan dansı
can't help
elinde olmamak
can't help
-meden edememek
kıran kırana
coffee can
kahve kutusu
fuel can
benzin bidonu
gasoline can
benzin bidonu
milk can
süt kabı
oil can
petrol can
benzin bidonu
take the can
ceremeyi çekmek
tin can
teneke kutu

Teneke kutu içinde altı tane balık var. - There are six fish inside the tin can.

{f} gücü yetmemek
Bilge can´t help but win
k. dili Bilge´nin kazanması kesin
Pigs can fly
(deyim) Hayatta olmaz! İmkânsız!
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
(deyim) zorla güzellik olmaz
a can of worms
(deyim) İçinden çıkılması zor bir durum; çözümlenmesi güç bir problem
a can of worms
k. dili içinden çıkılması zor bir durum; çözümlenmesi güç bir problem
can be known
bilinen olabilir
can be purified; can be improved
saf olabilir; geliştirilebilir
can be steered
kazanmasında olabilir
can ı help you
Sana yardım edebilirim
can't afford
(bir şeyi) zarar görmeden yapabilememek
can't bear

He can't bear having so much responsibility.

can't stand
litter bin; trash can, garbage pail
çöp tenekesi, çöp kutusu, çöp kovası
no problem can withstand the assault of sustain thinking
düzenli düşünmeyle çözülmeyecek sorun yoktur
watering can
Süzgeçli bahçe sulama kova
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
(Atasözü) Ağaç yaşken eğilir
Türkçe - Türkçe

i-can teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

Gönül: "Çirkin bana kurban, ben de güzele / Can sever güzeli, maldan ziyade."- Karacaoğlan
can sıkıntısı
Yapılacak bir iş olmamaktan ve hiçbir şeyle oyalanma imkânı bulunamadığı için duyulan tedirginlik, bunalım
Bektaşilik ve Mevlevilikte tarikat kardeşi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Boyun, unk
İngilizce - İngilizce

i-can teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

ceric ammonium nitrate
Consistent and asymptotically normal, a statistic estimator Tn(X1, X2, ..., Xn) is CAN (consistent and asymptotically normal) if
Campus area network
The Andean Community of Nations
GI can
trash cans that are galvanized
GI can
used to refer sardonically to shells fired by the German Army in World War I
a cat can look at a king
Alternative form of a cat may look at a king
a golden key can open any door
Sufficient money can accomplish anything
aerosol can
A canister whose pressurized contents may be released as an aerosol when a button is pressed
Offering unlimited food to a diner at a restaurant for a fixed price for as long as he or she continues to eat

JT's serves all-you-can-eat prime rib on Wednesday nights for $18.99.

Offering unlimited service for a fixed price per time period

Nokia has unveiled its all-you-can-eat Comes With Music package for the United Kingdom.

an offer one can't refuse
An offer from one side in any transaction with the results of failing to accept so unattractive that the other side is almost guaranteed to accept
an offer one can't refuse
An offer from one side in any transaction with terms so attractive that the other side is almost guaranteed to accept
as best one can
In the best possible way, given the circumstances

We tried to make our lives comfortable as best we could.

beer can
A lightweight metallic can containing beer

There were empty beer cans stacked to the ceiling.

before you can say Jack Robinson
Very quickly. Quicker than you expect

You have to be careful in that area. They'll have your wallet before you can say Jack Robinson.

beggars can't be choosers
When resources are limited, one must accept even substandard gifts
bite off more than one can chew
To try to do too much; to take on or attempt more than one is capable of doing

I think I bit off more than I could chew when I agreed to paint this house by myself.

booze can
A nightclub or bar, especially one which operates illegally or is otherwise disreputable

The establishment was operating as a booze can serving drinks well after hours, Mammoliti said.

To shut up

Can your gob.

To preserve, by heating and sealing in a can or jar

They spent August canning fruit and vegetables.

To know how to; to be able to

Can you remember your fifth birthday?.

A tin-plate canister, often cylindrical, for preserved foods such as fruit, meat, or fish
toilet, bathroom
To know
To fire or dismiss an employee

The boss canned him for speaking out.

A more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids, usually of steel or aluminium
to discard, scrap or terminate (an idea, project, etc.)

He canned the whole project because he thought it would fail.

May; to be permitted or enabled to

Can I use your pen?.

A container used to carry and dispense water for plants (a watering can)
can I buy you a drink
Indicates the speaker wishes to buy the interlocutor a drink, in a bar
can I come in
Indicates that the speaker is asking for permission to enter a room
can I use your phone
Indicates that the speaker needs to communicate with someone via the interlocutor's telephone, if it is available
can buoy
a truncated conical buoy, normally painted red and white, and numbered with even numbers, used to show the port side of a channel; the starboard side is marked with a conical buoy
can buoys
plural form of can buoy
can do with
To need; to want; to benefit from
can do without
To say that something is not wanted because it makes the situation worse than it was, or is simply very annoying

I can do without your moaning all the time. I've got enough problems as it is!.

can it
To silence; to quit doing something; to put an end to something

Can it, you two! I'm trying to work.

can man
A firefighter whose task is to haul a fire extinguisher

Douglas Oelschlager was the can man, bringing up extinguishers.

can of corn
An easily caught fly ball

He hits a can of corn to left.

can of worms
A troublesome situation; an issue whose resolution is difficult or contentious, but not necessarily complex

Calling her the greatest person who ever lived would definitely open a can of worms.

can of worms
A complex, troublesome situation arising when a decision or action produces considerable subsequent problems

If I give her a promotion which she doesn't deserve, it will open up a whole can of worms with the other employees.

can opener
A device used to open tin cans, usually by slicing the lid off
can openers
plural form of can opener
can you tell us
A prefix indicating a polite request

Can you tell us how you will motivate your students to learn?.

Old second-person singular form of can

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! Much pleasure thou can'st give me.

cannot; is unable to; does not have the ability to

I can't quite get it to work.

To forbid, not permit

You can't enter the hall without a ticket.

can't help
Not able to avoid a situation, or stop something from happening

I can't help crying whenever I see Romeo and Juliet.

can't wait
To eagerly anticipate; to find it unbearable to wait for a forthcoming pleasurable event

I can't wait for that party on Friday.

Cannot have

They can't've seen us yet or they would have come over to say hello.

confident and willing to get a job done

It is important to approach each day with a smile on your face and a can-do attitude.

An implement for opening metal cans
carry the can
To take responsibility, especially in a challenging situation

You could reasonably argue that Brown himself should carry the can for much of the regulatory failure of the banks.

ad hoc, or in any way possible
of a form of amateur freestyle wrestling (catch wrestling)

In Lancashire and the north of Ireland, the catch-hold or catch-as-catch-can system still finds favour.

intermittent; only when possible or when the opportunity presents itself

Which being done, the Women run in the dark to catch as catch can ; and whatever Lot they light on,.

don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly
Driving (a vehicle) very fast is a dangerous act
from can see to can't see
From the time when it is barely light enough to see until there is no light remaining whatsoever: from sunup to sundown, from dawn to dusk
garbage can
A receptacle, usually roughly cylindrical and wider at the top then at the bottom, which serves as a place to discard waste materials
how can you sleep at night
A rhetorical question, used to tell someone that they should feel guilty about something
if you can't beat them, join them
If your adversaries are stronger than yourself, it is better to join the adversaries
if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
If you cannot handle the pressure, you should not be in a position where you have to deal with it
it can't be helped
It's inevitable. There is no alternative
kick the can
A particular game played by children, similar to tag

How about kick the can? Ben suggested, spotting an empty beer can on the sidewalk.

kick the can down the road
To defer something
A particular game played by children, similar to tag

If we were playing kick-the-can, it'd get everyone out of jail and make life hell for whoever's it..

A tin can (containing two or three quarts) used for taking hot water out of a boiler; a piggin
money can't buy happiness
Money can buy external things, but true happiness comes from inside
more than one can poke a stick at
occurring in abundance; of a large quantity; many

Check out this shop! They have more kinds of carpet than you can poke a stick at!.

more than one can shake a stick at
occurring in abundance; of a large quantity; many

Any English High Street has more Indian Restaurants than you can shake a stick at.

more than you can shake a stick at
Alternative form of more than one can shake a stick at
no can do
It's not possible
one can run but one can't hide
There is nothing someone can do to evade something

You can run but you can't hide.

one can't hold two watermelons in one hand
do not attempt to take on more than you can handle
open a can of whoop ass
A good-humored threat of physical harm

Chan stars in his first all-American production as chan as Hong Kong Detective Inspector Lee, a noble, innocent and caring police officer who can really bust open a can of whoop-ass when given the chance.

so quiet one can hear a pin drop
Said during a lull in a normally bustling place or scene, or as the result of a sudden dramatic or tense moment
spray can
A pressurized canister that ejects its contents from a nozzle when a button is pressed; used especially for paint
Attributive form of spray can

spray-can whipped cream.

those who can't do, teach
One who fails is likely to become a teacher. (Refers to common trend of teachers having low wages)
tin can
a destroyer
tin can
a container, usually cylindrical, made out of sheet metal coated with tin, or aluminum
tip the can
A children's game similar to hide and seek, with the addition of a target such as a flag
tomato can
An inferior fighter in the sport of boxing; The insinuation is that an up and coming fighter takes on a "tomato can" to burnish his reputation and record
tomato can
A boxer who "takes a dive" or loses a fight on purpose
trash can
A receptacle which serves as a place to discard waste materials
two can play at that game
Alternative form of two can play that game
two can play that game
The tactics and/or strategies of an enemy can be used against him
watering can
A utensil for watering plants, consisting of a container with a handle and long spout, the spout sometimes being fitted with a perforated nozzle
what can I say
Said to express that you do not have any information of nor opinion on of the topic being discussed
where can I pee
advise me as to where I may relieve myself
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
You can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it
you can say that again
That is very true
you can talk
used when someone receives criticism for something by someone else who is guilty of the same thing
you can't always get what you want
It is not always possible to get what is wanted
you can't fight city hall
Nothing can be done to change the situation, because it is a governmental decision

I see they're going to build the airport after all. I suppose you can't fight city hall.

you can't get a quart into a pint pot
Expression said to indicate that what is being discussed is not possible

They've asked me to get to New York by five o'clock, but you can't get a quart into a pint pot!.

you can't judge a book by its cover
It is not possible to make reliable judgments about things or people by considering external appearances alone
you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear
It is not possible to produce something refined, admirable, or valuable from something which is unrefined, unpleasant, or of little or no value
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
In order to achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary that something should be destroyed
you can't polish a turd
Something inherently bad cannot be improved
you can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
You can't have it both ways
you can't say fairer than that
That is good, reasonable, or fair; one cannot hope for a better decision or outcome
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
It is almost impossible to change people's habits or traits or mindset
you can't tell a book by its cover
Alternative form of you can't judge a book by its cover
{f} not able, unable, not capable
Campus Area Network (network) A network which encompasses interconnectivity between floors of a building and/or buildings in a confined geographic area such as a campus or industrial park Such networks would not require public rights-of-way and operate over fairly short distances (see LAN, MAN, WAN)
to know, be skillful in
can I help you
may I assist you, can I do something to help
can't stand
not able to suffer, cannot endure
trash can
A special folder in the Macintosh operating system where deleted files are sent when the user sends the command to delete them They reside in the trash can until the user gives the command to permanently erase them, thus giving the user the chance to recover any information accidentally deleted
what can I say
i have nothing to say, i am out of words
Can't is the usual spoken form of `cannot'. Contraction of cannot
{v} to be able, to havepower
{n} a vessel for liquids, a kind of cup
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
(deyim) you can give someone the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it
open a can of worms
(deyim) Start a situation that will be terrible
Can Can dance
risque dance characterized by high kicking and leaping (popular in 19th century France)
The can-can is a dance in which women kick their legs in the air to fast music. can-can dancers from the Moulin Rouge
Türkçe - İngilizce

i-can teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

can sıkmak
can sıkmak
can sıkıcı

Tom was boring, but Mary wasn't. - Tom can sıkıcıydı, ancak Mary değildi.

can sıkıcı

My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying! - Ailem aptal şeyler hakkında tartışmayı sürdürüyor. Bu çok can sıkıcı!

You are really annoying. - Gerçekten can sıkıcısın.

can çekişmek
can sıkıcı

It was really embarrassing. - O gerçekten can sıkıcıydı.

She finds her parents embarrassing. - Anne ve babasını can sıkıcı buluyor.

can vermek
can çekişmek

The spirit of Satan reawakens. - İblisin ruhu yeniden canlanıyor.

The spirit of the demon reawakens. - Şeytanın ruhu yeniden canlanıyor.

soul, spirit; life; person, soul; vitality, energy, zeal, vigour; brother, friend
can atma
can sıkmak
can sıkıcı

They are weary of their tedious work. - Onlar can sıkıcı işlerinden dolayı bitkindiler.


Hello, my dear, I made two pictures and I want your opinion on them. - Merhaba canım, ben iki resim yaptım ve ben onlar hakkında fikrini istiyorum.

No, my dear, you had better go on horseback. - Hayır, canım, atla gitsen iyi olur.


He saved the child at the risk of his own life. - Kendi canını tehlikeye atarak çocuğu kurtardı.

Health and vitality are important for long life. - Sağlık ve canlılık uzun hayat için gereklidir.

can sıkıntısı
can alıp can vermek
to be in agony; to be in great distress
çöp tenekesi garbage can; trash can; Brit


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