A hyphen is the punctuation sign used to join words together to make a compound, as in `left-handed'. People also use a hyphen to show that the rest of a word is on the next line. a short written or printed line (-) that joins words or syllables dash (from hyph' hen )
A mark or short dash, thus [-], placed at the end of a line which terminates with a syllable of a word, the remainder of which is carried to the next line; or between the parts of many a compound word; as in fine- leaved, clear-headed
A punctuation mark ( - ) used between compound adjectives and some other compound structures: He is three-and-a-half years old
[ 'hI-f&n ] (noun.) circa 1620. Late Latin & Greek; Late Latin, from Greek, from hyph' hen under one, from hypo under + hen, neuter of heis one; more at UP, SAME.