Bilimci hem yurt içinde hem de yurt dışında ünlüdür.
- The scientist is famous both at home and abroad.
Yurt içinde ve yurt dışında ünlüdür.
- He is famous both at home and abroad.
Tom'un evi bir kale gibi görünüyor.
- Tom's home looks like a castle.
Bir erkeğin evi onun kalesidir.
- A man's home is his castle.
Eve vardıktan sonra derhal bir yemek hazırlamaya girişti.
- Upon arriving home, he immediately set about preparing a meal.
Bomba Tom'un evini parçalara ayırdı. İyiki, o anda evde değildi.
- The bomb blew Tom's house to smithereens. Fortunately, he wasn't at home at the time.
Onlar evlerimizin dışına bomba yerleştirdiler.
- They planted bombs outside our homes.
Arnavut kaldırımlı dar sokaklarda, eve geri dönüş yolunu asla bulmayacaksın.
- You'll never find the way back home, through narrow streets of cobblestone.
Darmadağın bir evde yaşamak çok streslidir.
- Living in a cluttered home is very stressful.
Onun anavatanı Almanya'dır.
- His home country is Germany.
Anavatanlarını işgalcilere karşı savundular.
- They defended their homeland against the invaders.
O, ev ödevini akşam yemeğinden önce yapmaya alışkındır.
- She is accustomed to doing her homework before dinner.
Biz evde olmaya alışkın değiliz.
- We're used to not being home.
Eve dönerken yağmura yakalanmıştım.
- I was caught in the rain on my way home.
O, eve altıda mı gelir?
- Does he come home at six?
Başarılı bir yerel çocuk eve geliyor.
- A successful local boy is coming home.
Yerel hükümetin evsizlere yardım etmesine acil bir ihtiyaç var.
- There is an urgent need for the local government to help the homeless.
Bu milyarderin 4 farklı ülkede 5 evi var.
- This billionaire has 5 homes in 4 different countries.
Casus ülkesine döner dönmez başka bir ülkeye gitmesi söylendi.
- No sooner had the spy returned home than he was told to go to another country.
Vatanımızı korumak için sonuna kadar savaşacağız.
- We'll fight to the end to protect our homeland.
İlk başta, Meg vatan hasreti çekti.
- At first, Meg was homesick.
O şarkı bana yuvamı hatırlatıyor.
- That song reminds me of my home.
Yuvamızı sevgi ve mutluluk dolu yapacağımızı umuyoruz.
- We hope we will make our home full of love and happiness.
Ailenle birlikte eve aitsin.
- You belong at home with your family.
Evdeki herkese söylemek için sabırsızlanıyorum.
- I can't wait to tell everybody at home.
Tüm sayıları, renkleri ve evdeki eşyaları ezbere biliyorum.
- I know all the numbers, colors and things at home by heart.
Öğle yemeğini evde yedi.
- She has lunch at home.
Bu gece evde mi kalacaksın?
- Will you stay at home tonight?
Tom bir bakımevine kondu.
- Tom was put in a nursing home.
Birçok insanın hiç evleri yoktu.
- Many people had no homes at all.
Eski evler, özellikle geleneksel Japon olanlar, modern yapıya göre nemli ve soğuk olabilir.
- Old homes, especially traditional Japanese ones, can be damp and unfriendly to modern life.
Tom ülkesinde bir kız arkadaşı olduğunu Mary'ye söylemedi.
- Tom had not told Mary that he had a girlfriend back home.
Güneş batarken, hepimiz eve doğru hareket ettik.
- The sun having set, we all started for home.
Askerlerimizi yurda getirelim.
- Let's bring our troops home.
İmparator zaferle yurda döndü.
- The emperor returned home in triumph.
He made no complaint of his ill-fortune, but only repeated in a quiet voice, with a pathos of which he was himself evidently unconscious, I want to get home to Ninety-second Street, Philadelphia..
He enter'd in the house—his home no more, / For without hearts there is no home; .
Walker was penalised for a picking up a Gerry Taggart backpass and from the resulting free-kick, Keane fired home after Johnnie Jackson's initial effort was blocked.
Home! home! sweet, sweet home! / There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.
The missile was able to home on the target.
Everyone's gone to watch the game; there's nobody home.
I've been to cities that never close down / From New York to Rio and old London town / But no matter how far or how wide I roam / I still call Australia home.
How home the charge reaches us, has been made out by ẛhewing with what high impudence ẛome amongẛt us defend sin, .
because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:.
The rights listed in the UNCRC cover all areas of children's lives such as their right to have a home and their right to be educated.
I said what's up Homes? What you doing over this side of the hood?.
... so stay in your homes and off the roads. ...
... computer in their homes. ...