holz (n)

listen to the pronunciation of holz (n)
İngilizce - Türkçe

holz (n) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{s} ahşap

Bu masa ahşaptan yapılmıştır. - This desk is made of wood.

Masa ahşaptan yapılmıştır. - The desk is made of wood.


Tom odunla yanan aşçı sobası için odun yardı. - Tom chopped wood for his woodburning cook stove.

Tom tüm öğleden sonra odun yardıktan sonra yorgun hissetti. - Tom felt exhausted after chopping wood all afternoon.


Bu masa tahtadan yapılmıştır. - This table is made of wood.

Bu tahta bir masadır. - This is a wooden table.

{i} fıçı

Bu masa ağaçtan yapılmıştır. - This table is made out of wood.

O ağaçlığın perili olduğunu söylüyorlar. - They say that the wood is haunted.

{s} tahtadan yapılmış

O oyuncak tahtadan yapılmış. - That toy is made out of wood.

Bu masa tahtadan yapılmıştır. - This table is made of wood.

küçük orman

Koru yakıldı, alevler yükseldi, ve kısa sürede bayan Askew ve arkadaş şehitleriyle ilgili geriye kalan bütün şey dökülen bir küller yığınıydı. - The wood was kindled, the flames arose, and a mouldering heap of ashes was soon all that remained of Mrs Askew and her fellow martyrs.

odun tedarik etmek
mangal kömürü
{i} orman; koru
{i} kereste

Tom yosunlu, çürümüş keresteleri temizledi. - Tom cleared away the mossy, rotten wood.

O, bir kitaplık yapabilmesi için biraz kereste satın alıyor. - He is buying some wood so that he can make a bookcase.

(İnşaat) tahta, takoz
{i} ağaçlık

Parkın her yanı ağaçlık. - The park is well wooded.

metil ispirtosu
{i} ağaç; tahta: That table's made of wood. O masa ağaçtan yapılmış. The staircase is made of wood. Merdivenler
woods i
Almanca - İngilizce
An erection

That girl at the strip club gave me wood.

A forested or wooded area, most often used in the plural

He got lost in the woods beyond Seattle.

As the previous but referring to wood of a particular species

Teak is much used for outdoor benches, but a number of other woods are also suitable, such as ipé, redwood, etc.

Another name for a Bowl
English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887)
It consists of elongated tubular or needle-shaped cells of various kinds, usually interwoven with the shinning bands called silver grain
You can say `touch wood' in British English, or `knock on wood' in American English, to indicate that you hope to have good luck in something you are doing, usually after saying that you have been lucky with it so far. She's never even been to the doctor's, touch wood Touch wood, I've been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries
A type of golf club the head of which is frequently made of wood
United States film actress (1938-1981)
scientifically called xylem It's the stuff trees are mostly made of
A secondary tissue found in seed plants which consists largely of xylem tissue
any wind instrument other than the brass instruments
Tough fibrous substance obtain from a tree
a golf club with a long shaft used to hit long shots; originally made with a wooden head; metal woods are now available United States painter noted for works based on life in the Midwest (1892-1942) English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887) English conductor (1869-1944) United States film actress (1938-1981) the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
The substance of trees and the like; the hard fibrous substance which composes the body of a tree and its branches, and which is covered by the bark; timber
{s} wooden, made from wood; of wood (material); of a forest
As the previous but referring to a particular wood, i.e. a wood that is recognized as such in the trade. "Teak is much used for outdoor benches, but a number of other woods are also suitable, such as ipé, redwood, etc"
Hu wouldv Past tense of 'will' Ex 'Wood you pass the catnip, pleeze?'
A wood is a fairly large area of trees growing near each other. You can refer to one or several of these areas as woods, and this is the usual form in American English. After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood. see also dead wood
A Club used to hit the ball longer distances than irons Used mainly from tee off blocks, but also used on the course
(Holz) drechseln
to work the wood lathe
(Holz) drechseln
to turn (on a wood lathe)
(Holz, Stein) spalten
to rive (wood, stone) {rived
(Holz, Stein) spalten
Ader (Holz, Marmor)
streak (wood, marble)
Ast (im Holz)
Auflagebalken (Holz, Stahl)
Ausriss (im Holz)
Beizen (von Holz)
Beizen von Holz
wood staining
Bohrer für Holz
drill barrel
Bohrer für Holz
drill barrels
Bäume / Holz schlagen
to harvest (trees; timber)
Dachkonstruktion aus Holz
timber roof construction
Eisenholz (besonders hartes Holz mit hoher Dichte)
ironwood (particularly hard, high-density wood)
Ethanol aus Holz
wood ethanol
Europäischer Verband der Arbeitnehmer des Sektors Bau und Holz
European Federation of Building and Woodworkers
Faserabweichung (Holz)
Faserrichtung (Holz)
grain (wood)
Faserrichtung (Holz)
grain direction
Faserrichtung (Holz)
orientation of fibers
Festmeter (Holz)
solid cubic metre /meter (of timber)
Festmeter (Holz)
solid measure (of timber) in cubic metres /meters
Feuchtegleichgewicht (im Holz)
moisture(-content) equilibirum (in wood)
Flader (Holz)
curled spot (wood)
Flader (Holz)
Flader (Holz)
Formen von kunststoffimprägniertem Holz
prepreg moulding
Fraßgang (im Holz)
feeding tunnel
Fraßgang (im Holz)
worm groove (in wood)
Frostkern (Holz)
frost heart
Frostkern (Holz)
faulty heart (wood)
Frostriss (Holz)
frost shake (wood)
Frostriss (Holz)
frost crack
Fräse für Holz
Fräsen für Holz
Furnierzwinge aus Holz (Tischlerei)
caul (carpentry)
Furnierzwingen aus Holz
Gerbstofffärbung (Holz)
tannin coloration (wood)
Gerbstofffärbung (Holz)
tannin colouration
Gerbstoffgehalt (Holz)
amount of tannic acid (wood)
Gitterträger (aus Holz oder Stahl)
truss girder
Gitterwerk (aus Holz, Plastik, Metall etc.)
Gitterwerk (aus Holz, Plastik, Metall etc.)
trellis (of wook, plastic, metal etc.)
Harzader (Holz)
resin streak
Harzader (Holz)
pitch streak (wood)
Harzgalle (Holz)
resin gall
Harzgalle (Holz)
pitch pocket (wood)
Heizen mit Holz
heating with wood
to put some more wood, coal etc. on (the fire)
Holz (veraltet)
Holz (veraltet)
Holz arbeitet.
Wood is subject to movement
Holz arbeitet.
Wood is prone to movement
Holz bearbeiten
to work wood
Holz der Palmyrapalme
palmyra wood
Holz entnehmen
to remove timber
Holz entnehmen
to extract timber
Holz in den Wald tragen
to carry coals to Newcastle
Holz quer absägen
to saw across the grain
Holz schrupphobeln
to plane off timber
Holz verzuckern
to hydrolyze wood
Holz zurechtschneiden
to lumber wood
Holz- und Steinbearbeitung
wood and stone working
wood pellets
Holz/Stein bearbeiten
hewed, hewn}
Holz/Stein bearbeiten
to hew a wood/stone {hewed
Holz/Stein bearbeitend
hewing a wood/stone
Holz/Stein bearbeitet
hewed/hewn a wood/stone
Holz/Stein grob bearbeiten
to rough-hew wood/stone
Kante (von Holz) (Zimmerei)
edge (of sawn timber) (carpentry)
Klipfel (Werkzeug zur Holz- und Steinbearbeitung)
mallet (tool for wood and stone working)
Lackieren (von Holz)
Lackschicht (auf Holz)
Lichtschutzmittel (Holz)
sun cracking inhibitor (wood)
Löffelbohrer (Holz)
spoon/shell/dowel/duck's bill auger/bit
Löffelbohrer (Holz)
wimble scoop (wood)
Löffelbohrer (Holz)
nose bit
Markstrahl (Holz)
medullary ray
Netsuke (japanische Schließe aus geschnitztem Holz)
netsuke (Japanese fastener of carved wood)
Nicht jedes Holz gibt einen Bolz.
Every reed will not make a pipe
Perle aus Glas / Holz
Pflegemittel (z. B. für Holz)
maintenance agent
Platte (Holz)
Quellschutzmittel (Holz)
anti-swelling agent (wood)
Quellung (von Holz)
swelling (of wood)
Querriss (im Holz)
crack along the edge
Querriss (im Holz)
edge crack (in the wood)
Raummaß für Holz (USA)
Raummeter (Holz)
cubic meter (of timber)
Raummeter (Holz)
cubic metre
Rindeneinschluss (Holz)
bark pocket
Rindeneinschluss (Holz)
inbark (wood)
Riss durch natürlichen Wuchs (Holz)
Rissigkeit (von Holz)
shakiness (of wood)
Sammlerin (Beeren, Holz etc.)
Sammlerin (Beeren, Holz etc.)
Schindel (Holz)
Schlagzerspanung (von Holz)
Schlagzerspanung (von Holz)
hogging (of wood)
Schwartenabsägen (Holz)
slabbing (lumber)
Schäl-Restrolle (Holz)
peeler core (wood)
Schälspan (Holz)
peeler shaving (wood)
Spanpresse für Holz
press for wood chips
Spanpressen für Holz
presses for wood chips
Spanschütteinrichtung (Holz)
particle spreader
Splintverfärbung (Holz)
sapstain (wood)
Ster (Raummeter geschichtetes Holz)
stère (cubic metre of stacked/piled wood)
Sägeschnitt entlang zum Faserverlauf von Holz
rip cut in wood
Sägeschnitt quer zum Faserverlauf von Holz
cross-grain cut in wood
Textur (Holz, Anstrich)
Textur (Holz, Anstrich)
Textur (Holz, Anstrich)
texture (wood, coating)
Toi-toi-toi! Dreimal auf Holz!
Knock on wood!
Trocknungsriss (Holz)
seasoning check
Uferpromenade (aus Holz)
Verwachsung (im Holz)
Verziehen (von Holz)
Zapfen (Holz)
abgelängtes Holz
crosscut wood
abgestorbenes Holz
dead wood
abgestorbenes Holz
ablagern lassen (Holz)
to weather
auf Holz klopfen
to touch wood
auf Holz klopfen
to knock on wood
aufquellen Holz / Erbsen
swollen, swelled}
aufquellen Holz / Erbsen
to swell {swelled
aufquellen Holz / Erbsen
to swell out
aus Holz
aus dem gleichen Holz geschnitzt sein
to be cut from the same cloth
aus einem anderen Holz geschnitzt sein
to be cut from a different cloth
aus einem anderen Holz geschnitzt sein
to be of a different stamp
aus härterem Holz geschnitzt sein
to be made of sterner stuff
ausgeglühtes Stück Holz
austrocknen (durch Lagern) (Holz)
to season (wood)
baumkantiges Holz
rough edged/dull wood
buntädriges Holz
veined wood
buntädriges Holz
variegated wood
das Holz (Pfosten oder Querlatte des Fußballstors)
the woodwork (wooden frame of the soccer goal)
drei Festmeter Holz
three cubic metres solid measure of timber
durch Holz/Metall schneiden
to cut/knife through wood/metal
eine Figur aus Holz schnitzen
to carve a figure in wood
entrindetes Holz
peeled wood
entrindetes Holz
barked wood
etw. beschlagen (Holz, Schloss)
to truss something (wood; lock)
etw. herausarbeiten (aus Holz, Stein)
to carve out <> something
etw. mit Holz ausbauen
to box something
etw. mit Holz ausbauen
to timber something
flüssiges Holz
wood putty
fossiles Holz
fossil wood
frostklüftig (Holz, Stein)
frost-cleft (wood, stone)
frostklüftig (Holz, Stein)
frost frost-cracked
fräsen (Holz)
to shape
gerbstoffhaltiges Holz
tannin-bearing wood
gerbstoffhaltiges Holz
gerbsäurehaltiges Holz
wood containing tannic acid
geschnitzte Figur (Holz)
gestockt (Holz mit einer vom Stockschwamm hervorgerufenen Zeichnung)
gesunder, verwachsener Ast (im Holz)
sound knot
glühendes Holz
glowing fire
harzen Baum / Holz
to secrete resin
harzen Baum / Holz
to exude resin
in die Kerbe fügen (Holz, Glas)
to rabbet
in die Kerbe fügen (Holz, Glas)
to rebate something (wood, glass)
juveniles Holz
juvenile wood
kernrissig (Holz)
shaky (wood)
komplexe Verwerfung (Fehler im Holz)
compound (defect in timber)
maserig (Holz)
maserig (Holz)
grainy (wood)
mit Holz verkleiden (Wand, Decke)
to wainscot something (wall; ceiling)
mit Holz verkleidend
mit Holz verkleidend
mit Holz verkleidet
mit Holz verkleidet
mit Holz verkleidet
nicht abgelagertes Holz
unseasoned timber
nur Holz treffen
to only hit the woodwork
nur das Holz treffen
to only hit the woodwork
reifes Holz
mature wood
rissig Holz / Erdboden
chappy (wood; soil)
silifiziertes Holz
silifiziertes Holz
silifiziertes Holz
silicified wood
silifiziertes Holz
opalized wood
stehendes Holz
growing stock (forestry)
stehendes Holz
tree population
stehendes Holz
stock of trees
stehendes Holz
growing timber
um zu sehen, aus welchem Holz er geschnitzt ist
to see what mettle he is made of
verfaultes Holz
verfaultes Holz
verkohlen (Holz, Leiche)
to char (wood, body)
verkohltes Stück Holz
versteinertes Holz
petrified wood
verzogenes Holz
warped wood
voll Knorren (Holz)
voll Knorren (Holz)
voll Knorren (Holz)
knobby, knobbly