(Askeri) SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ: Fert veya toplulukların zihni veya bedeni huzurunu arttırmak, ıslah etmek, korumak veya yerine getirmek maksadıyla, yer bahis konusu olmaksızın yapılan, temin edilen veya düzenlenen bütün hizmetler. Önleyici ve tedavi edici sağlık tedbirlerini, tıbbi hizmet doktrinini, hasta ve yaralıların naklini, sıhhi bakımdan elverişli olanların seçilmesi, elverişsiz olanlara son işlem yapılmasını; tıbbi, diş, veteriner, laboratuvar ve göz servislerini içine alır; fakat, yalnız bunlara inhisar etmez
The Public Health Service is a major division of the Department of Health and Human Services dedicated to promoting the public health of the United States
The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is the uniformed service of the Public Health Service and organized under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHS Corps) is one of the seven United States Uniformed Services. The Surgeon General of the United States, a vice admiral, directs the PHS Corps, which provides licensed medical and health sciences professionals to the PHS, DHHS, other United States Uniformed Services and other government agencies
In Britain, the National Health Service is the state system for providing medical care. It is paid for by taxes. An increasing number of these treatments are now available on the National Health Service. = NHS. the NHS the state system for providing health care in Britain, paid for by taxes. Comprehensive government public-health service in Britain covering virtually the entire population, established in 1946. Financed primarily by general taxes, most services are free. General practitioners and dentists are paid per patient registered with them and may also have private patients. Hospital and specialist services are provided in government hospitals and other facilities by salaried professionals. Local health authority services provide maternity and child welfare, home nursing, and other preventive services. The NHS has provided generally good health care at relatively low cost, but the increasing expense of hospital stays has caused financial strain