he has written more than a score of books

listen to the pronunciation of he has written more than a score of books
İngilizce - Almanca
Er hat mehr als zwanzig Bücher verfasst
he has written more than a score of books


    he has writ·ten more than a score of books

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    hi hız rîtın môr dhın ı skôr ıv bûks


    /ˈhē həz ˈrətən ˈmôr ᴛʜən ə ˈskôr əv ˈbo͝oks/ /ˈhiː həz ˈrɪtən ˈmɔːr ðən ə ˈskɔːr əv ˈbʊks/