hazreti isa mesih

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Türkçe - İngilizce
a title of jesus
The Anointed; an appellation given to Jesus, the Savior
   the Greek word for the Hebrew masiah (see messiah) Both words mean anointed, that is, blessed by having oil poured over the head By applying this title to Jesus, the early Christians expressed their belief that he was the messiah of Israel
The World Teacher of humanity and angels alike The Master of Masters Embodier of the 2nd or Love aspect of Deity Known as Maitreya in the East Set to "reappear" to 0fulfill His mission started 2000 years ago
It is synonymous with the Hebrew Messiah
A transliteration of the Greek word that is the equivalent for the Hebrew word rendered in most translations as {Messiah}, meaning ``anointed one'' The Bible refers to others as being anointed by God, but Christ as an official title belongs only to Jesus in his Messianic role Once a person in service noted that I referred at least twice to ``Christ Jesus'' rather than ``Jesus Christ'' and wondered why I inverted the order, and which was correct Because Christ is a title, not a part of Jesus' name, although Jesus Christ is the more common ordering, either way is correct, just as one might properly say either ``President Clinton'' or ``Mr Clinton, the President''
Christ the Second Person of the Trinity; the one Son of God or totality of the Sonship; the Self that God created by extension of His spirit; though Christ creates as does His Father, He is not the Father since God created Christ, but Christ did not create God (Note -- not to be equated exclusively with Jesus ) see: creations, vision
from the Greek "christos," meaning "anointed one" or "chosen one " See also Messiah
any expected deliverer
Christ is the Greek word that Greek-speaking Jews used as the translation of the Hebrew word messiah Thus to Greek-speaking Jews and to the God-fearing gentiles who attended the synagogue, christ meant either a mundane Hebrew king, such as Solomon, David, or Hezekiah, or the apocalyptic king at the end of time However, the Greek word christ comes from a verb that means to rub down an athlete with lineament—the closest equivalent in Greek to the concept of anointing Therefore, as we moved out of Palestine and into the Greek-speaking world to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah, outsiders invented the word Christian to deride us
The Messiah/The Anointed One
   the Greek word for the Hebrew masiah (see messiah) Both words mean anointed, that is, blessed by having oil poured over the head By applying this title to Jesus, the early Christians expressed their belief that he was the messiah of Israel
The image of God in form, the divine individual Child of God Humanity
Another name for Jesus Christ Also means Anointed One
The Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word 'Messiah ' It means 'The Anointed One ' Jesus was called the Christ because He was the one whom God chose and sent as Savior and Lord
The second person of the Trinity, Who is present in the Eucharist
a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)
Christ is a title It is the N T equivalent of the O T term "messiah" and means "anointed one " It is applied to Jesus as the anointed one who delivers from sin Jesus alone is the Christ As the Christ He has three offices: Prophet, Priest, and King As Prophet He is the mouthpiece of God (Matt 5: 27-28) and represents God to man As Priest He represents man to God and restores fellowship between them by offering Himself as the sacrifice that removed the sin of those saved As King He rules over His kingdom By virtue of Christ creating all things (John 1: 3; Col 1: 16-17), He has the right to rule Christ has come to do the will of the Father (John 6: 38), to save sinners (Luke 19: 10), to fulfill the O T (Matt 5: 17), to destroy the works of Satan (Heb 2: 14; 1 John 3: 8), and to give life (John 10: 10,28) Christ is holy (Luke 1;35), righteous (Is 53: 11), sinless (2 Cor 5: 21), humble (Phil 2: 8), and forgiving (Luke 5: 20: 7: 40; 23: 34)
From the Greek Christos, a translation of the Hebrew Messiah, meaning "anointed one," the term derives from the ancient practice of anointing kings at their coronation The Messiah or Christ was to be a kingly descendant of David