When I heard the name of the winner, you could have knocked me down with a feather!.
He didn't survive the operation - he's had it.
These socks have had it - there are holes in both toes.
Conventional wisdom has it that heat rises, but in fact heat diffuses: hot air rises.
So you might not have a million-seller every time, 'cause you're not movin' around and what have you, but at least you'll have a good track record.
What a lovely vase! You shouldn't have!.
You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.
... It's a spontaneous part of the show. >>Kevin Allocca: Have you done any particularly ...
... CROWLEY: Governor, I've gotta ' gotta ' actually, I need to have you both (inaudible). ...