
listen to the pronunciation of gun
İngilizce - Türkçe

Tom bir tabanca ve bir bıçakla kendini silahlandırdı. - Tom armed himself with a gun and a knife.

Ben polis. Karakola kadar gelir misiniz? N-neden? Kasabanın ortasında tabancayla ateş etmeye gitmenin bir suç olmadığını düşünemiyor musun?! - This is the police. Would you mind coming down to the station? W-why? You can't think it's not a crime to go shooting guns off in the middle of town?!

{i} silâh

Silahını buraya fırlat. - Toss your gun over here.

O, bu silahı yüklü bulundurur. - He keeps this gun loaded.

{i} tüfek

O, bir makineli tüfekle onu vurdu. - She shot him with a machine gun.

Onlar tüfeklerle silahlandılar. - They armed themselves with guns.

ateşli silah

Ateşli silah kurbanlarıyla dolu çok sayıda ambulans vardı. - There were many ambulances filled with gunshot victims.

Ateşli silahların sesini duyduk. - We heard the sound of gunshots.

{f} ateş et

Tom çabucak silahını yeniden yükledi ve ateş etti. - Tom quickly reloaded his gun and fired.

Tom silahını çekti ve Mary'ye ateş etti. - Tom pulled out his gun and shot Mary.


Tom, Mary parayı toplarken rehineleri silahla tuttu. - Tom held the hostages at gunpoint while Mary gathered the cash.

Toplar bütün gece gümbürdedi. - The guns thundered away all night.

{f} ateş etmek
{f} avlamak
gun carriage top kundağı ve arabası
{i} avcı

Avcı silaha cephane koydu. - The hunter put ammunition in the gun.


ABD silahlı cinayet oranı diğer yoğun nüfuslu, yüksek gelirli ülkelere göre 15 kat daha yüksektir. - The U.S. gun homicide rate is 15 times higher than other populous, high income countries.

Neden ABD hükümeti insanların silah almalarına izin verdi? - Why does the US government let people have guns?

{i} silâhlı kimse
{f} (motoru) birdenbire tam gazla çalıştırmak; (arabayı) birdenbire tam gaz sürmek
(Askeri) TOP: Nispeten uzun bir namluya, yüksek ilk hıza ve yatık bir mermi yoluna sahip olan ve insan tarafından taşınmayan bir silah. Bir top; kundağı motorlu, tekerlekli, tırtıllı veya çekili olabilir. Namlu uzunluğu, çapın 30 veya daha fazla katı olan topçu silahı. Bak. "howitzer; mortar"
tüfekle avlamak
{f} vurmak

Birbirlerini vurmak için silahlarını kullandılar. - They used their guns to hit each other.

gun barrel tüfek namlusu
kurşun ve gülle atan her çeşit silâh
{f} tam gaz vermek (otomobil)
{i} pompa
ağızotu koymak
gun powder
(Askeri,Avcılık) barut
gun cotton
(Askeri) pamuk barutu
gun tackle
(Askeri) kabasorta
gun barrel
tüfek namlusu
gun carriage
top arabası
gun cruiser
gun deck
silah rampası
gun dog
av köpeği
gun down
silahla vurup düşürmek
gun emplacement
top platformu
gun fire
top ateşi
gun flint
tüfek çakmaktaşı
gun metal
top madeni
gun missile
silah roket
gun muzzle
namlu ağzı
gun room
silah odası
gun barrel
Silah namlusu
gun battle
Silahlı çatışma
gun current
tabanca akımı
gun deck
Savaş gemisinde silahların bulunduğu güverte
gun drill
(Mühendislik) namlu matkabı
gun license
Silâh ruhsatı
gun platform
(Askeri) Karada veya gemide topların yerleştirildiği platform
gun point
gun port
Bir savaş uçağında ya da top benzeri silahlarda namlunun çıktığı yuva
gun safe
silah kasası
gun shot
ateşli silah
gun shy
silah utangaç
gun stick
silah sopa
gun toting
silah toting
Üzerinde silah taşıyan, silahlı
gun barrel
gun barrel
gun battle
topçu savaşı
gun bolt
(Bilgisayar) silah sürgüsü
gun burst
(Bilgisayar) silah patlaması
gun butt
tabanca kabzası
gun camera
(Askeri) silah kamerası
gun camera
(Askeri) foto mitralyöz
gun car
(Askeri) TOP VAGONU: Top naklinde kullanılan demiryolu vagonu
gun car
(Askeri) top vagonu
gun carriage
top kundağı
gun carriage
(Askeri) TOP KUNDAĞI: Bir topun sabit veya müteharrik kaidesi. Bazen yükseliş ve yan ıskala tertibatı da kundak üzerinde bulunur. Buna bazen kısaca kundak (carriage) da denir
gun carrier
(Askeri) SİLAH TAŞIYICISI: Bak. "carrier"
gun cotton
(Askeri) PAMUK BARUTU: Pamuğu; nitrik asit ve sülfürik asit ile muamele ederek yapılan infilak maddesi. Pamuk barutu; bazı mermilerde ve elektrikli ateşleme tertibatında, alevi infilak maddesine ulaştırmakta kullanıldığı gibi, yüksek kaliteli bazı dumansız barutların yapılmasında da kullanılır. Pamuk barutu; içinde çok miktarda azot bulunan bir nitro selülozdur. Buna (nitro cotton) da denir. Bak. "nitrocellulose"
gun cover
(Askeri) SİLAH ÖRTÜSÜ, TOP ÖRTÜSÜ: Top, makinalı tüfek vesaire gibi silahları, dış tesirlere karşı koruyan örtü
gun crew
(Askeri) silah mürettebatı
gun crew
(Askeri) top mürettebatı
gun defended area
(Askeri) TOPLA SAVUNULAN BÖLGE: Hava savunma topçusu tarafından savunulan hayati bölge. Bu bölge üzerinde dost hava araçlarının uçması, bazı belirli durumlar müstesna, yasaktır. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defense artillery defended area"
gun deflection board
(Askeri) YAN LEVHASI: Bak. "deflection board"
gun density
(Askeri) SİLAH YOĞUNLUĞU: Belirli bir hedefi ateş altına almak için toplanan silahların sayısı. Bak. "density"
gun device
(Bilgisayar) silah aygıtı
gun difference
(Askeri) MESAFECE KADEME FARKI: Belirli bir topun hedefe olan mesafesi ile esas topun hedefe olan mesafesi arasındaki fark
gun direction
(Askeri) ATEŞ İDARESİ: Bir gemide top ateşinin tevzi ve idaresi
gun displacement
(Askeri) TOPUN BATARYA ORTASINA NAZAR. AN KADEMELENMESİ, KADEMELENME: Bir topun batarya ortasına veya bataryadaki esas topa olan mesafesi
gun displacement correction deflection
(Askeri) YANCA KADEMELENME DÜZELTMESİ: Kademelenmeden dolayı yanca yapılan düzeltme
gun displacement correction range
(Askeri) MESAFE KADEMELENME DÜZELTMESİ: Kademelenmeden dolayı mesafece yapılan düzeltme
gun drill
(Askeri) top eğitimi
gun drill
(Askeri) TOP EĞİTİMİ: Bir topun; o topa tahsis edilmiş personel tarafından, çalıştırılması ve bakımı öğretimi
gun emplacement
(Askeri) SİLAH MEVZİ SAHASI: Kamuflaj, cephane ikmali vesaire gibi lüzumlu tesislerle birlikte bir silahın atış mahalli
gun empty
(Askeri) boş silah
gun flint
flinta çakmağı
gun for
tabanca ile aramak
gun for
(belirli bir yeri) elde etmek için bütün gayretiyle çalışmak
gun for
gun for
(birinin) çanına ot tıkamak için fırsat kollamak
gun group
(Askeri) NAMLU GRUBU: Bir silahta, geri tepme düzeni veya kundak ve teferruatı hariç, diğer ana parçalar
gun group
(Askeri) namlu grubu
gun happy
silâha çekinmeden sarılan kimse
gun harpoon
tüfek zıpkını
gun harpoon
gun hoist
(Askeri) TOP MATAFORASI: Büyük çaplı toplarda sevk barutunu ve mermileri kaldırmak için, topun kaması yanına konan bir çeşit vinç
gun hoist
(Askeri) top mataforası
gun in battery
gun junction box
(Askeri) TOP İRTİBAT KUTUSU: Tek bir top üzerinde bulunan ve atış esasları intikal sisteminden, elektrik cihazından göstergeler, vesaireden gelen tel ve kabloların bağlantılarını muhafaza eden kutu
gun lever
(Askeri) top yükselme kolu
gun lever
(Askeri) YÜKSELTME KOLU: Bir kundak üzerine tespit edilmiş olan ve topu atış vaziyetine yükseltmeye yarayan kol
gun missile
gun moll
silâhlı soyguncu kadın
gun moll
gangsterin kız arkadaşı
gun motor carriage
(Askeri) TOP MOTORLU KUNDAĞI: Bak. "carriage"
gun mount
(Askeri) SİLAH MESNEDİ: Bir silaha desteklik eden kundak, üçayak veya diğer bir mesnet
gun mount
top kundağı
gun operational control
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA BALON KONTROLÜ: Hava savunma topçusunun atışına engel olmaması için, hava savunma bölge komutanı tarafından baraj balonlarının vaziyetinin kontrolü
gun out of battery
gun parallax
(Askeri) MEVKİ FARKI: Bak. "parallax"
gun park
(Askeri) TOP PARKI: Garnizon, kamp ve ordugahta topların park edildikleri yer
gun park
(Askeri) top parkı
gun pit
top siperi
gun pit
makineli tüfek yuvası
gun pointer
(Askeri) YAN NİŞANCI: Top mürettebatı içinde topu tevcih eden şahıs. Buna "gunner" da denir
gun pointer
(Askeri) Yan nişancı
gun pointer control
(Askeri) YAN NİŞANCI KONTROLU: Özellikle hava savunma atışlarında, her topun kendi yan nişancısı tarafından yapılan atış kontrolu. Yan nişancısı, gerekli önlemeyi temin ve hedefi izli mermilerle veya açık nişangahlarla takip eder
gun pointer's platform
(Askeri) YAN NİŞANCI BASAMAĞI: Büyük toplarda, yan nişancının duracağı platform
gun pointer's shield
(Askeri) YAN NİŞANCI KALKANI: Yan nişancıyı koruyan madeni levha
gun pointing data
(Askeri) TOP TEVCİH ESASLARI: Bak. "firing data"
gun rack
gun rack
(Askeri) SİLAHLIK: Bak. "arms rack"
gun rail
(Askeri) RAYLI MESNET: Bir skavt (scout car) veya buna benzer üstü açık bir zırhlı arabada, makinalı tüfek mesnetlerine mahsus olmak üzere, gövde etrafına döşenmiş olan ray
gun rail
(Askeri) raylı mesnet
gun report
(Askeri) silah sesi
gun report
(Askeri) TOP SESİ, SİLAH SESİ: Bir top veya silah ateşlendiği zaman çıkardığı ses
gun rest
(Askeri) borda tirizi
gun s.o. down
birini (ateşli silahla) vurmak
gun safety
(Bilgisayar) silah güvenliği
gun section
(Askeri) tek top
gun section
(Askeri) TEK TOP: Sahra topçusunda; bir bataryanın, mürettebat ve teçhizatı ile birlikte bir top ve bir cephane arabasından teşekkül eden tali kısmı
gun shed
(Askeri) top sundurması
gun shed
(Askeri) TOP SUNDURMASI: Topları ve diğer topçu malzemesini depo etmeye yarayan kapalı saha
gun shelter
(Askeri) MAZGAL KAPAĞI: Toplara mahsus daimi tahkimatta, top atış vaziyetinde bulunmadığı zaman mazgalları kapamaya yarayan kurşun geçirmez bir kapak veya kalkan. Sahrada top mevziinin üstüne örtülen ve parça tesirine karşı koruyan örtüler bu vazifeyi görür
gun shield
(Askeri) TOP KALKANI: Topu ve mürettebatını düşman ateşinden korumak için top kundağına takılan zırh levha
gun shield
(Askeri) top kalkanı
gun shop
silah dükkanı
gun shy
silâh sesinden korkan
gun shy
gun shy
gun shy
gun sight aiming point camera
(Askeri) SİNEMİTRALYÖZ: Uçaklarda sabit veya döner bir silahın tevcih aleti civarına yerleştirilmiş küçük film makinası. Bu makina, muharebede ateşin menzilini ve sıhhatini kontrola yarar
gun slide
(Askeri) Namlu kızağı
gun slide
(Askeri) KIYMETLENDİRME VE KESTİRME TERTİBATI SÜRGÜSÜ: Kıymetlendirme ve kestirme tertibatı (plotting and relocating board mechanism) nın bir parçası
gun sling
(Askeri) Tüfek Kayışı
gun sling
(Askeri) TÜFEK KAYIŞI: Yürüyüşte silahı taşımak ve atış esnasında silahı sağlam bir şekilde kavramak için, bir tüfek veya karabinaya takılan kayış. Buna, kısaca (sling) de denir
gun someone down
birini ateşli silahla vurmak
gun squad
(Askeri) TOP NUMARA ERLERİ: Topun atışa hazırlanmasında ve ateş etmesinde görevli olan erler. Ayrıca bakınız: "manning detail"
gun squad
(Askeri) top numara erleri
gun squad
(Askeri) top mürettebatı
gun stock
(Avcılık) silah kundağı
gun stroke
(Askeri) dipçik
gun target line
(Askeri) BİR TOPTAN (TOPLARDAN) HEDEFE UZANAN HAYALİ DÜZ HAT: Ayrıca bakınız: "spotting line"
gun the car up
gaza basmak
gun the car up
gun tube
(Askeri) SİLAH NAMLUSU: Bak. "tube"
gun tunnel
(Havacılık) top tüneli
gun tunnel
(Havacılık) şok tüpü
gun turret
gun turret
gun turret
(Askeri) KULE: Bak. "turret"
gun type weapon
(Askeri) TOP TİPİ SİLAH: Herbiri kritik kitleden az olan, bir veya daha fazla atomu parçalanabilir malzemenin, hızla genişleyen parçalanma zincirinin sonucu olarak patlayabilecek bir kritik üstü kütle oluşturmak üzere çok hızlı bir şekilde bir araya getirildiği bir aygıt. GUN 280 M. (VERY HEAVY ARTILLERY): 280 MM. LİK TOP (ÇOK AĞIR TOPÇU): Özellikle bir nükleer mermi atmak üzere imal edilmiş seyyar bir top. Bu topta hareket kabiliyeti, bir adet iki uçlu bir taşıt aracıyla sağlanmıştır
gun up
gaz vermek
gun up
gun ware
(Askeri) AĞIZ BASINÇ DALGASI: Bak. "muzzle wave"
gun wave
(Askeri) ağız basınç dalgası
gunite gun
(İnşaat) çimento tabancası
gunite gun
(İnşaat) ganayt tabancası
speed gun
Radar cihazı

A radar speed gun (also radar gun and speed gun) is a device used to measure the speed of moving objects.

tag gun
Kılçık tabancası
tagging gun
Kılçık tabancası
artillery gun book
(Askeri) namlu kundak defteri
as sure as a gun
assault gun
(Askeri) hücum topu
bren gun
(Askeri) makineli tüfek
caulking gun
kalafat tabancası
concrete gun
(İnşaat) beton tabancası
drench gun
(Tıp) direnç tabancası
drench gun
(Tıp) püskürtücü
extend the gun
(Avcılık) silahı hedefe doğrultmak
field gun
(Askeri) top
jump the gun
(deyim) çok aceleci olmak
key gun
anahtar yükleme birimi
minute gun
(Askeri) merasim topu
muzzle (gun)
paint gun
point gun
silah doğrultmak
possess gun
silah bulundurmak
pressure gun
basınç tabancası
pressure gun
basınçlı tabanca
radar gun
Radar cihazı
radar speed gun
Radar cihazı
rocket gun
shot gun
(Askeri) av tüfeği
side gun
(Askeri) borda silahı
skeet gun
(Askeri) orta namlulu av tüfeği
sporting gun
(Askeri) uzun namlulu av tüfeği
spray gun
(Tıp) püskürtücü tabanca
stun gun
şok tabancası
swift gun
(Tekstil) kılçık tabancası
waist gun
(Askeri) borda silahı
welding gun
(Bilgisayar) kaynak tabancası
ack ack gun
air gun
hava tüfeği
air gun
tenek tüfeği
antiaircraft gun
uçaksavar topu
antitank gun
tanksavar topu
burp gun
makineli tüfek
cement gun
çimento tabancası
compressor gun
kompresör tabancası
electron gun
elektron tabancası
electron gun
çınca tabancası
electron gun
çınca püskürteci
field gun
sahra topu
gatling gun
hired gun
kiralık tabanca
inoculation gun
aşı tabancası
jump the gun
yarışta hatalı çıkış yapmak
light gun
ışıklı kalem
light machine gun
hafif makineli tüfek
light machine gun
hafif makinalı tüfek
Türkçe - Türkçe
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Renk
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Tarz, gidiş, sıfat
İngilizce - İngilizce
A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity. JP 1-02
To seek to attack someone; to take aim at someone

He's been gunning for you ever since you embarrassed him at the party.

Any weapon that launches a projectile from a tube, even if it is not a firearm, e.g., air-pressure pellet gun, air rifle, BB gun; or, a home-made firearm such as a potato gun
Any device or tool that projects a substance in a superficially similar fashion to a firearm, e.g., nail gun, squirt gun, spray gun, grease gun
A long surfboard designed for surfing big waves (not the same as a longboard, a gun has a pointed nose and is generally a little narrower)

2000: by the winter of 1962, the Brewer Surfboards Hawaii gun was the most in-demand big-wave equipment on the North Shore. — Drew Kampion at

To be very good or the best at something

Daniel is gun at basketball.

(with “down”) To shoot someone or something, usually with a firearm

The CEO gunned down that idea before we could present it to the board.

A very portable, short weapon, for hand use; a bullet or projectile-firing weapon; a handgun: a revolver, pistol, Derringer, zipgun, so forth
A pattern that "fires" out other patterns

The glider gun on the bottom of the NOT circuit emits a continuous stream of gliders, while the data stream source emits a glider only when there is a value of 1 in the stream.

To offer vigorous support to a person or cause

He’s gunning for you.

A device or tool shaped like a pistol and operated in similar fashion by pulling a trigger with the index finger, e.g., rivet gun, screw gun, price-label gun
To speed something up

He gunned the engine.

A cannon with a 6-inch/155mm minimum nominal bore diameter and tube length 30 calibers or more. See also: howitzer; mortar. JP 1-02
A less portable, long weapon; a bullet or projectile firing weapon; a rifle, either manual, automatic or semi-automatic; a musket or shotgun

This is my rifle, this is my gun. One is for fighting, one is for fun. (U.S. military cadence, used to make recruits memorize that the only correct term for a soldier's standard-issue firearm is a rifle, not a gun.).

{n} a cannon, musket a great flagon or pot
Any weapon that launches a projectile from a tube, even if it is not a firearm, e.g., potato gun, air-pressure pellet gun
large but transportable armament
  1 Individual designated as an official gunner at an event   2   Firearm handler swings and fires (blanks) in seasoned and finished tests   
Larger guns are called cannon, ordnance, fieldpieces, carronades, howitzers, etc
A cannon with tube length 30 calibers or more. See also: howitzer; mortar. JP 1-02
The device that dispenses a material (adhesive) onto a substrate or product
If you jump the gun, you do something before everyone else or before the proper or right time. It wasn't due to be released until September 10, but some booksellers have jumped the gun and decided to sell it early
an outfielder's outstanding throwing arm
shoot with a gun
See these terms in the Vocabulary
{f} shoot, fire; dramatically increase the speed of, accelerate rapidly
Matrix's name for his gun; it functions with Matrix's cybernetic eye RB: 3 H
A cannon designed to throw a projectile a long distance with a flat trajectory
Hypodermic needle
- term for mortar
A slang term for the instrument known as a "theodolite" This instrument is what the surveyor uses to turn angles and measure distances
A relatively long-barreled cannon designed to fire projectiles with a nearly flat trajectory For a discussion of the distinguishing characteristics of field guns, siege guns, smoothbores and rifles, see the Weapons page For more examples, see the Encyclopedia
If you stick to your guns, you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong. He should have stuck to his guns and refused to meet her. Weapon consisting essentially of a metal tube from which a missile or projectile is shot by the force of exploding gunpowder or some other propellant. The term is often limited today to the so-called big guns, cannon larger than a howitzer or mor(Tarih) It may also be used to refer to military small arms such as the rifle, machine gun, and pistol, as well as to nonmilitary firearms such as the shotgun. Though the Chinese used gunpowder in warfare from the 9th century, guns were not developed until the Europeans acquired gunpowder in the 13th century. The earliest guns ( 1327) resembled old-fashioned soda bottles; they apparently were fired by applying a red-hot wire to a touchhole drilled through the top. Separating the barrel and the powder chamber resulted in breechloaders, which continued to be used in naval swivel guns and fortress wallpieces well into the 17th century. Small arms, as distinguished from hand cannon, did not exist until the development of the matchlock in the 15th century. See also flintlock, wheel lock. antiaircraft gun Gatling gun Machine Gun Kelly machine gun submachine gun Taewon gun Uzi submachine gun
A very portable, short weapon, for hand use; a bullet or projectile-firing weapon; a handgun
a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)
a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel) shoot with a gun
the discharge of a gun as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies; "a twenty gun salute" a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel) shoot with a gun
a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas"
If you come out with guns blazing or with all guns blazing, you put all your effort and energy into trying to achieve something. The company came out with guns blazing
A poor term for mortar
A gun is a weapon from which bullets or other things are fired. He produced a gun and he came into the house The inner-city has guns and crime and drugs and deprivation. gun control laws
A hypodermic needle
Muskets, rifles, carbines, and fowling pieces are smaller guns, for hand use, and are called small arms
Any device or tool that projects a payload in a superficially similar fashion to a firearm, e.g., nail gun, squirt gun, spray gun, grease gun
Violent blasts of wind
A device or tool shaped like a pistol and operated in similar fashion by pulling a trigger with the index finger, e.g., rivet gun, price gun, screw gun
A less portable, long weapon; a bullet or projectile firing weapon; a rifle, either manual, automatic or semi-automatic, or a shotgun (or, historically, a musket or other firearm now obsolete)
To practice fowling or hunting small game; chiefly in participial form; as, to go gunning
A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles by the explosion of gunpowder, consisting of a tube or barrel closed at one end, in which the projectile is placed, with an explosive charge behind, which is ignited by various means
a cannon that fires a high velocity projectile on a flat trajectory
Large surfboard for riding big waves
a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)
a professional killer who uses a gun
A breech-loading gun A gun loaded at the breech, which is then closed by a screw or wedge-block Evening or sunset gun A gun fired at sunset, or about 9 o'clock p m
{i} device with a metal tube through which bullets or other missiles are fired; rifle; pistol; cannon; professional killer (Slang)
A gun or a starting gun is an object like a gun that is used to make a noise to signal the start of a race. The starting gun blasted and they were off
the discharge of a gun as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies; "a twenty gun salute"
a hand-operated pump that resembles a gun; forces grease into parts of a machine
The British restrict the term in portable arms to shotguns Here it is properly used for rifles, shotguns, handguns and airguns, as well as cannon
A piece of heavy ordnance; in a restricted sense, a cannon
To gun an engine or a vehicle means to make it start or go faster by pressing on the accelerator pedal. He gunned his engine and drove off. see also airgun, machine-gun, shotgun, sub-machine gun
gun club
A club for firearms enthusiasts
gun clubs
plural form of gun club
gun dog
A breed of dog used by hunters to find, flush out and retrieve birds and other game
gun dogs
plural form of gun dog
gun down
To shoot down
gun for
To strive for the downfall or diminution of another

He has been gunning for her since the day he arrived, he wants her job.

gun it
To accelerate or speed up quickly or suddenly

You're going to have to gun it to pick up that much speed in such a short distance.

gun lobbies
plural form of gun lobby
gun lobby
An organized group which attempts to influence public policy and law with respect to firearms, especially as an advocate of ownership of and access to firearms by individual citizens

But efforts like Woods' are up against powerful headwinds — and not just because of the powerful gun lobby that often strangles gun-control laws.

gun powders
plural form of gun powder
A small two-masted vessel during the Age of Sail, typically carrying 12 guns, comprising two long guns in the chase position and ten carronades on the broadsides. In the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars this term implied an armed brig smaller than a brig-sloop
Afraid of guns, or the noise they make
gun port
(Askeri) An opening in the body of an aircraft or in a wall or armoured vehicle through which a gun may be fired
gun barrel
metal tube of a gun through which bullets are fired
gun bullets
round lead balls that are shot from a gun; round lead balls that are shot from a rifle
gun carriage
A frame or structure upon which a gun is mounted for firing or maneuvering. a frame with wheels on which a large heavy gun is moved around
gun carriage
vehicle used to transport a cannon or large gun
gun carriage
a framework on which a gun is mounted for firing
gun case
a case for storing a gun
gun control
Gun control refers to the laws that restrict the possession and use of guns. France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles. Regulation of the sale and use of rifles and handguns. laws that limit the ways in which guns can be sold, owned, and used
gun control
governmental supervision and regulation of the ownership of firearms (e.g. licensing requirements, background checks on gun buyers, etc.)
gun control
efforts to regulate or control sales of guns
gun crew
group in charge of a ship's guns
gun deck
formerly any deck other than the weather deck having cannons from end to end
gun deck
area on a ship where cannons are kept
gun dog
A gun dog is a dog that has been trained to work with a hunter or gamekeeper, especially to find and carry back birds or animals that have been shot. A dog trained or bred to assist hunters, as in flushing or retrieving game. a dog that is trained to find and bring back dead birds that have been shot for sport American Equivalent: bird dog
gun down
strike down or shoot down
gun down
injure or kill with a gunshot, shoot down
gun down
If someone is gunned down, they are shot and severely injured or killed. He had been gunned down and killed at point-blank range
gun emplacement
an emplacement for a gun
gun enclosure
a self-contained weapons platform housing guns and capable of rotation
gun for
If someone is gunning for you, they are trying to find a way to harm you or cause you trouble. You knew that they were gunning for you, but did you ever imagine that it would be as bad as this?
gun moll
The girlfriend of a gangster
gun muzzle
the open circular discharging end of a gun
gun room
military quarters of midshipmen and junior officers on a British warship
gun salutes
ceremonial shots fired in honor of something or someone
gun smoke
smoke created by the firing of guns
gun trigger
lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun
gun turret
a self-contained weapons platform housing guns and capable of rotation
soldier who aims the cannons at their targets, device which aims the cannons at their targets
gun-position officer
officer in charge of fir from a gun battery
gun-runner gun-runners in AM, use gunrunner A gun-runner is someone who takes or sends guns into a country secretly and illegally
Gun-running is the activity of taking or sending guns into a country secretly and illegally. the activity of taking guns into a country secretly and illegally, especially so that they can be used by people who want to fight against their government
If someone is gun-shy, they are nervous or afraid. The electric-power industry is gun-shy about building more large plants
a sight used for aiming a gun
carrying a gun
BB gun
a gun that shoots BB-size pellets, typically using compressed air, or sometimes just a compressed spring
Chekhov's gun
An element that is introduced early in the story whose significance to the plot does not become clear until later
Gatling gun
A type of machine gun with several barrels on a rotating frame, still used today on some modern aircraft and naval weapons
Sten gun
A family of lightweight British submachine guns
Thompson submachine gun
a .45-caliber American submachine gun, having a wooden stock and a drum or box magazine
Tommy gun
a Thompson submachine gun
air gun
A gun that propels a projectile by compressed air
big gun
A large-caliber artillery piece
big gun
Someone who is powerful or influential most often in plural form

If this doesn't work, they'll have to bring in the big guns.

A toy gun for children with bullets in paper caps
chain gun
A machine gun or autocannon that uses an external power source via a continuous loop of chain
chase gun
A gun moved temporarily from its normal broadside position to fire through the chase ports in the bow or stern of a ship
chicken gun
Alternative name of chicken cannon
coach gun
A double-barrelled shotgun with very short barrels
costain gun
A gun that fired a small rocket with a line attached; used to rig a breeches buoy
electric gun
a gun with electrically powered components, such as the reloader, or barrel rotator
electric gun
an electroshock gun; a taser; a stun gun
electric gun
a gun that uses electricity to vaporize water as the propulsive force on the ballistic projectile
electric gun
a gun that uses electromagnetic, electric or magnetic force to propel a projectile
electric gun
a railgun
electric gun
a coilgun
electron gun
Any device that produces a stream of electrons, especially a narrow stream that is focused onto a phosphor screen
evening gun
The firing of a gun after the last note of the retreat, signalling the lowering of the flag at sunset; the gun thus fired

That life is not worth living the whole army of suicides declare,—an army whose roll-call, like the famous evening gun of the British army, follows the sun round the world and never terminates.

flame gun
a large blowlamp used to control weeds etc
flare gun
A large-bore pistol-like firearm used to fire signal flares
give a gun
To order a gun to be fired; sometimes construed with dative (or to), implying that it is done as an honor, as a help (occasionally as a hostile demonstration)
give it the gun
Literal meaning
give it the gun
To cause a vehicle to accelerate; to open the throttle of an engine
grease gun
a levered device for forcing grease into machinery
grease gun
a small machine gun, particularly the .45 calibre M3 used by the US in WW2
Simple past tense and past participle of gun
equipped or bedecked with guns

She was armored and gunned and ready for action.

Well-developed muscles of the upper arm, especially the biceps and triceps

I read in another magazine about a workout that can put a whole inch on your arms in just one day! Obviously that sounds awesome, because my guns are only 15 inches.

plural form of gun
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gun
is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me
Indicates the speaker has noticed an erection underneath the interlocutor's clothes
jump the gun
to trade securities based on information that is not yet public; to trade on inside information
jump the gun
to begin a race too soon, before the starting gun goes off
jump the gun
to act or begin too soon or without due caution

Don't you think it is jumping the gun to report this without verifying it?.

jumped the gun
Simple past tense and past participle of jump the gun
jumping the gun
Present participle of jump the gun
jumps the gun
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jump the gun
laser gun
a weapon that uses laser power as its destructive force
laser gun
a ray gun
Alternative spelling of laser gun
light gun
A device resembling a gun that allows the player of a video game to target a point on the screen
machine gun
A type of firearm that continuously fires bullets in rapid succession
To fire a machine gun
To kill people with a machine gun
morning gun
At military posts, a gun fired at the first note of reveille; the firing of this gun

We have already heard the triumphant morning gun of Vermont, booming with increased volume. Far off San Francisco has merrily responded; old Maine in the North stands ready to send us a cheering echo, and all over the land our hosts are mustering with the inspiring confidence that to march on is to conquer.

pellet gun
A low-power air pistol
pellet gun
A small gun that propels a pellet by using a compressed spring, rather than an explosion of gunpowder or other means
pop gun
A toy gun that emits a loud pop by firing a cork from a barrel in which a piston slides, compressing the air and forcing the cork out. The cork is traditionally attached to the toy by a piece of string
pop gun
A firearm of unimpressive appearance
radar gun
A hand-held (or mounted) device that uses the Doppler effect and a radar beam to measure the velocity of moving objects (especially traffic)
railroad gun
a railway gun
railway gun
a large mobile artillery gun mounted on a railroad rail car
ray gun
A fictional weapon that emits harmful rays
Alternative spelling of ray gun
run and gun
To move the ball quickly and shoot often. Often used attributively

This coach likes to play a run and gun offense.

In which the player's character runs on foot and uses a projectile weapon

What makes a horror game different to write than, say, a run-and-gun first-person shooter?.

A revolver with a cylinder that holds six bullets
smoking gun
Evidence, particularly of a crime, that is difficult or impossible to dispute

We have a theory, but we haven't found a smoking gun yet.

son of a gun
son of a bitch
spear gun
a form of mechanical gun that fires a spear as a projectile; generally used under water when spearfishing
spring gun
a gun rigged to fire when a string is tripped
spud gun
a toy gun that fires a plug of potato by compressing the air in the barrel, forcing the potato 'bullet' out at speed
spud gun
a larger version of the same, powered by compressed air, butane or other propellant which fires a complete potato
squirt gun
A toy gun used to shoot water

He possessed a large squirt gun which he delighted to fill with bilge water in the dead of night.

staple gun
A heavy-duty device for driving staples directly into wood or other material
starting gun
A signal to start or proceed
starting gun
A gun fired to start a race
stun gun
A weapon intended to immobilize, usually through delivery of an electric shock
stutter gun
A machine gun, particularly the Thompson or similar
submachine gun
A type of short range machine gun that is carried as a personal weapon and uses pistol ammunition

Bare-chested children and their parents gathered in doorways, on roofs and in windows as he passed, watched warily by Brazilian troops carrying submachine guns. - New York Times, 09/03/2007.

swivel gun
A small cannon attached to a swivel or pivot. It was usually located on a ship's rail so it could have a large range of fire, and could fire anything ranging from small round balls of lead to cannon balls
top gun
A most highly rated gun shooter
top gun
Someone most highly rated
Attributive form of top gun

top-gun shooter.

under the gun
Too close to be subject to artillery fire
under the gun
The first player to act on the first round of betting in Texas hold 'em
under the gun
Under great pressure to perform

He was under the gun to finish the project quickly.

water gun
A toy gun used to shoot water

Apparently it was a water gun, but it was a very, very realistic replica.

you get more with a kind word and a gun than you do with a kind word alone
It is advantageous not to rely solely on being nice
young gun
a new or rising talent or star
submachine gun
An air-cooled, magazine-fed, automatic carbine designed to fire pistol cartridges
A gun
stun gun
a weapon designed to disable a victim temporarily by delivering a nonlethal high-voltage electric shock
radar gun
A radar speed gun (also radar gun and speed gun) is a device used to measure the speed of moving objects. It is used in law-enforcement to measure the speed of moving vehicles and is often used in professional spectator sport, for such things as the measurement of the speed of pitched baseballs, runners and tennis serves
radar speed gun
A radar speed gun (also radar gun and speed gun) is a device used to measure the speed of moving objects. It is used in law-enforcement to measure the speed of moving vehicles and is often used in professional spectator sport, for such things as the measurement of the speed of pitched baseballs, runners and tennis serves
speed gun
A radar speed gun (also radar gun and speed gun) is a device used to measure the speed of moving objects. It is used in law-enforcement to measure the speed of moving vehicles and is often used in professional spectator sport, for such things as the measurement of the speed of pitched baseballs, runners and tennis serves
{n} the act of hunting with a gun
{n} firearms
A gun
A gun
a gun
shot by guns
{s} equipped with guns or cannons
past of gun
The act or practice of hunting or shooting game with a gun
{i} gunnery; art of shooting with guns; practice of hunting or shooting game with guns
present participle of gun
plural of gun
Well-developed muscles of the upper arm
third-person singular of gun