große meerenge

listen to the pronunciation of große meerenge
İngilizce - Türkçe

große meerenge teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(İnşaat) ses

Modern Yunanca'da harfleri birleştirerek sesler oluşturabilirsiniz. Örneğin b sesi için μπ'yi, d sesi için ντ'yi, g sesi için γκ'yi ve c sesi için ise τζ'yi kullanabilirsiniz. - You can make sounds by combining letters in Modern Greek. For example you can use μπ to make the sound b, ντ to make the sound d, γκ to make the sound g and τζ to make the sound dj.

Kulak yolu ses dalgalarını kulak zarına iletir. - The ear canal sends sound waves to the eardrum.

{i} koy

Ben korkunç sesleri engellemek için parmaklarımı kulaklarıma koydum. - I put my fingers in my ears to block out the terrible sounds.

Bir koyun nasıl ses çıkarır? - What sound does a sheep make?

{s} kuvvetli
{f} gibi gelmek: That sounds
akıllıca (davranış)
geniş boğaz
(Ticaret) iyi durumda
ses çıkarmak

Bir dil ne kadar çok ülkede konuşulursa, yerli konuşanı gibi ses çıkarmak o kadar daha az önemlidir, çünkü o dilin konuşanları değişik lehçeler duymaya alışkındır. - The more countries a language is spoken in, the less important it is to sound like a native speaker, since speakers of that language are accustomed to hearing various dialects.

Bir yerli konuşan gibi ses çıkarmak istiyorsan bu çok iş gerektirir. - If you want to sound like a native speaker, it'll take a lot of work.


Tom etkilenmiş görünüyor. - Tom sounds impressed.


Çok rahatladık, o, eve sağ salim döndü. - To our great relief, she returned home safe and sound.

Rahatladım, o, eve sağ salim geldi. - To my relief, he came home safe and sound.

{f} sondayla bakmak
{f} muayene etmek
{f} söylemek
(fiil) ses vermek, ses çıkarmak, çalınmak, etki bırakmak, çalmak, belli etmek, söylemek, muayene etmek, iskandil etmek, araştırmak, sondayla bakmak, sonda ile yoklamak, derıne dalmak (balina), ağzını aramak
{f} araştırmak
{f} belli etmek
{i} haliç
deliksiz bir şekilde
Almanca - İngilizce
To pronounce a vowel or a consonant

The e in house isn't sounded.

To convey an impression by one's sound

He sounded good when we last spoke.

To cause to produce a sound

He sounds the instrument.

A sensation perceived by the ear caused by the vibration of air or some other medium

He turned when he heard the sound of footsteps behind him.

{n} a noise, probe, a narrow arm of the sea, air bladder of fish
Free from error; correct; right; honest; true; faithful; orthodox; said of persons; as, a sound lawyer; a sound thinker
To make or convey a certain impression, or to have a certain import, when heard; hence, to seem; to appear; as, this reproof sounds harsh; the story sounds like an invention
{f} make a noise; give an impression; cause to produce a sound; present or summon with a sound; pronounce; examine by causing to emit sound; measure the depth of water with a sounding line
deeply or completely; "slept soundly through the storm"; "is sound asleep"
announce by means of a sound; "sound the alarm"
in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay; "a sound timber"; "the wall is sound"; "a sound foundation"
To explore, as the bladder or urethra, with a sound; to examine with a sound; also, to examine by auscultation or percussion; as, to sound a patient
(1) an argument showing what we should believe but won't; (2) indeterminately produced by falling trees
To be conveyed in sound; to be spread or published; to convey intelligence by sound
1 An oscillation in pressure, stress, particle displacement, particle velocity, etc , in a medium with internal forces (e g , elastic, viscous), or the superposition of such propagated oscillations
(of sleep) deep and complete; "a heavy sleep"; "fell into a profound sleep"; "a sound sleeper"; "deep wakeless sleep"
Mechanical energy vibrations transmitted as waves through a solid, liquid, or a gas that can be detected by the human ear
exercising or showing good judgment; "healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound explanation for his decision"
(phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language