(Askeri) YALAYARAK GEÇMEK: Zemine yakın geçiş. Ayakta duran bir insana çarpacak kadar alçaktan geçen ve zemine hemen hemen paralel bir yol takip eden bir atım. 2. SATIHTA: Havada infilak veya sekme ateşinde paralanma noktası satıhta veya satıh altında vukua gelen infilakleri belirtmek için kullanılan kıymetlendirme veya gözetleme terimi. Ayrıca bakınız: "air", "graze burst"
(Askeri) KARIŞIK-VURUŞ: Hem havada hem satıhta, ancak çoğunluğu satıhta paralanan atımın, bir belirleyici ya da gözlemci tarafından yapılan belirlemesi ya da gözlemi
If you graze a part of your body, you injure your skin by scraping against something. I had grazed my knees a little. + grazed grazed grazed arms and legs
To rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing; as, the bullet grazed the wall
If something grazes another thing, it touches that thing lightly as it passes by. A bullet had grazed his arm. a wound caused by rubbing that slightly breaks the surface of your skin
When animals graze or are grazed, they eat the grass or other plants that are growing in a particular place. You can also say that a field is grazed by animals. Five cows graze serenely around a massive oak The hills have been grazed by sheep because they were too steep to be ploughed Several horses grazed the meadowland. a large herd of grazing animals
A consumer which attacks large numbers of large prey during its lifetime, but removes only a part of each prey individual, so that the effect, although often harmful, is rarely lethal in the short term, and never predictably lethal
reindeer, sheep, goats and livestock: Products from these participants in the forage-livestock pathway - reindeer (meat), sheep (mutton), goats (cheese and milk), and cattle (milk and meat) - often exhibit rapid bioaccumulation of radioactive contamination
eat only parts of (many) individuals, harm varies, not always lethal (large herbivores, blood-sucking insects BHT include leeches (Hirudinae) in this category, not as parasites)
A style of television viewing where the viewer switches channels often, either looking for alternative programming or watching multiple programs simultaneously Also referred to as Channel Surfing
The act of constantly flipping through TV channels, watching several shows at once, brought on by the ease of remote-control units and the wider viewing selection that cable TV offers