
listen to the pronunciation of government
İngilizce - Türkçe

Hükümet temel değişiklikler yapmalı. - The government must make fundamental changes.

İşçi sendikaları hükümeti genel grevle tehdit etmekteydi. - The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

idare etme
hükümet erkanı
{i} idare

Belediye idaresinin pek çok bürosu belediye binasındadır. - Many offices of the municipal government are in the town hall.

government house hükümet konağı

Onun konuşması Hükümetin politikalarıyla ilgili etkili bir özürdü. - His speech was an effective apology for the Government's policies.

Hükümet temel değişiklikler yapmalı. - The government must make fundamental changes.

hükümet sürme
Government Issue devletin sağladığı levazım
{i} siyasal bilgiler
{i} rejim
(Dilbilim) yöneltme

Her şahıs, doğrudan doğruya veya serbestçe seçilmiş temsilciler vasıtasıyla, memleketin kamu işleri yönetimine katılmak hakkını haizdir. - Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

{i} devlet

Posta hizmetleri devlet tekelindedir. - Postal services are a government monopoly.

Şirketin Başkanı Devlet Bakanına rüşvet verdi. - The president of the company bribed the government minister.

devlet yönetimi
{i} yönetim

Çok sayıda yönetim biçimleri var. - There are several forms of government.

Şehir yönetimindeki yozlaşmayı ortaya çıkardı. - He exposed corruption in the city government.

{i} siyaset bilimi
{i} yönetim biçimi
{i} yönetme [dilb.]
(Politika, Siyaset) yönetim şekli
government purchase
Devlet alımı
government agencies
resmi daireler
government agencies
devlet kurumları
government agency
devlet müessesesi
government and press
devlet ve basın
government attorney
(Kanun) savcı
government auditing
devlet denetimi
government bank
(Ticaret) resmi banka
government bank
(Ticaret) devlet bankası
government bodies
devlet organları
government bodies
(Politika, Siyaset) hükümet organları
government bonds
(Ticaret) devlet tahvilleri
government budget
devlet bütçesi
government budget
(Ticaret) genel bütçe
government consumer
(Ticaret) hükümet tüketimi
government credit
(Ticaret) devlet kredisi
government debt
(Ticaret) hükümet borcu
government debt
(Ticaret) iç borç
government decision
hükümet kararı
government deficit
(Ticaret) kamu açığı
government deficit
(Ticaret) bütçe açığı
government deposit
(Ticaret) resmi mevduat
government entity
(Ticaret) devlet kuruluşu
government etiquette
kamu görgü kuralları
government force
(Politika, Siyaset) devlet kuvveti
government funds
(Ticaret) devlet istikrazı
government grants
(Ticaret) devlet bağışları
government house
government house
(Politika, Siyaset) başbakanlık
government job
government liability
devletin sorumluluğu
government license
(Ticaret) hükümet lisansı
government license
(Ticaret) resmi izin belgesi
government loan
(Ticaret) kamu kredisi
government missions
devlet misyonları
government officer
devlet görevlisi
government official
devlet görevlisi
government official
hükümet yetkilisi
government order
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) kararname
government paperwork
devlet tutanakları
government partners
hükümet ortakları
government party
(Politika, Siyaset) iktidar partisi
government payee
(Ticaret) alacaklı devlet kurumu
government policy
devlet politikası
government pressure
devlet baskısı
government promotion
devlet teşviki
government property
(Askeri) devlet malı
government property
(Politika, Siyaset) kamu malı
government publicity
halkın yönetime etkisi
government relations
devlet ilişkileri
government saving
(Ticaret) kamu tasarrufları
government seals
(Politika, Siyaset) devlete ait mühürler
government service
devlet hizmeti
government spending
(Ticaret) hükümet harcamaları
government tenders
(Ticaret) devlet ihaleleri
government vehicles
(Ticaret) kamu taşıtları
government vessels
(Askeri) resmi gemiler
government bond
devlet tahvili
government department
yönetim departmanı
government enterprise
devlet işletmesi
government house
vali konağı
government house
hükümet konağı
government income
hükumet geliri
government loan
hükümet borçlanması
government man
devlet adamı
government minister
devlet bakanı
government office
devlet makamı
government office
devlet dairesi
government office
resmi daire
government official
hükümet görevlisi
government owned
devlet malı
government papers
devlet tahvilatı
government papers
hükümet arşivleri
government representatives
hükümet temsilcileri
government securities
devlet tahvilleri
government security
devlet sırrı
government stocks
devlet menkul kıymetleri
government (or gvt)
devlet (veya GVT)
government accountability office
hükümetin hesap ofis
government assistance
devlet yardımı

We can help you determine which types of government assistance you might qualify for and how and where to apply - Hangi tür devlet yardımlarının sizin için uygun olabileceğini ve nasıl ve nereye başvurulacağını belirlemenize yardımcı olabiliriz.

government assistance
devlet desteği

The basis of government grants and government assistance are transferring sources to more beneficial areas and eliminating imbalance of welfare - Devlet teşvikleri ve devlet desteğinin temeli, kaynakları daha yararlı alanlara aktarmak ve refah dengesizliğini ortadan kaldırmaktır.

government bonds
devlet bonoları
government broker
borsadaki hükümet temsilcisi
government by a woman
bir kadın tarafından hükümet
government by children
Çocukların hükümet
government by compromise
uzlaşma hükümet
government by god; divine sovereignty; theocracy
tanrı; ilahi egemenlik hükümet; teokrasi
government by the military
askeri hükümet
government department
hükümet departmanı
government funding
Hükümet finansman
government license
government official
devlet memuru
government officials
hükümet yetkilileri
government policies
hükümet politikaları
government positions
yönetim kadrolarını
government reports
hükümet raporları
government spokesperson
(Politika Siyaset) Hükümet sözcüsü
Hükümetçe onaylanmış
government agency
(Askeri) DEVLET MÜESSESESİ: Federal hükümetin icra kısmındaki icrai daire, kurul, büro, komisyon veya başka bir icra müessesesi, veya doğrudan doğruya ya da birden çok korporasyon ortaklığı ile, tamamen ABD'nin malı olan herhangi bir korporasyon
government bill of lading
(Askeri) hükümet konşimentosu
government bill of lading
government body
devlet organı
government building
hükümet binası
government de jure
(Politika, Siyaset) meşru hükümet
government de jure
(Politika, Siyaset) yasal hükümet
government employee
government grant
devlet desteği
government grant
government house
hükümet binası
government in exile
(Politika, Siyaset) sürgünde hükümet
government in exile
sürgündeki hükümet
government issue
askerlik hizmeti
government issue
amerikan ordusuna uygun
government issue
amerikan askeri
government life insurance
(Askeri) DEVLET HAYAT SİGORTASI: Birinci Dünya Harbine iştirak eden askerlere 10.000 doları geçmemek üzere, devletçe sağlanan sigorta. Ölüm veya devamlı tam maluliyet halinde bu sigorta ödenir. Bunu; İkinci Dünya Harbinin buna benzer bir sigortası olan (National Service Life Insurance) ile karıştırmamalıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "United States Government Life Insurance"
government monopoly
devlet tekeli
government official

Siyasetçi devlet memurlarının yolsuzluğunu kınayarak reformu ısrarla istedi. - The politician pushed for reform by denouncing the corruption of the government officials.

Bu devlet memurları rüşvetçidir. - These government officials are corrupt.

government printing office
(Askeri) DEVLET MATBAASI: Devlet basımevi
government property lost or damaged
government purchase card
(Askeri) devletçe satın aınan kart
government reshuffle
hükümet değişikliği
government run
devlet yönetimindeki
government run
devletin işlettiği
government securities
devlet borcu [amer.]
government spokesman
hükümet sözcüsü
{f} kontrol etmek

Onların anarşiyi kontrol etmek için yeni bir hükümete ihtiyaçları vardı. - They needed a new government to control the anarchy.

(Politika, Siyaset) resmi
{s} idari, hükümete ait
hükümet etmek
idare etmek
government office
devlet kapısı
the government
devlet baba

Bir ülkeyi yönetmek kolay bir iş değildir. - To govern a country is not an easy job.

İnsanlara kendilerini yönetmek için izin verilmesi gerektiğini düşünüyorum. - I think people should be allowed to govern themselves.


Hindistan uzun yıllardır Birleşik Krallık tarafından yönetildi. - India was governed by Great Britain for many years.

O ada bir zamanlar Fransa tarafından yönetildi. - That island was governed by France at one time.

devletle ilgili
devlete ait
{f} iktidarda bulunmak
{f} mürebbiyelik yapmak
{f} almak [dilb.]
ile kullanılmak
{f} zaptetmek
{f} frenlemek
(fiil) yönetmek, idare etmek, hükmetmek, hüküm sürmek, kontrol etmek, frenlemek, zaptetmek, mürebbiyelik yapmak, almak [dilb.]
elinde tutmak
governable idare olunabilir
gram almak
(Avrupa Birliği) hakim olmak, idare etmek
{f} hüküm sürmek
government office
hükümet konağı
{s} devlet
{s} hükümet

Bu bir hükümet sorunu değil. - It's not a governmental question.

İngilizce - İngilizce
The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people, or organization
The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power
The management or control of a system
A group of people who hold a monopoly on the legitimate use of force in a given territory
The tenure of a chief of state
{n} general system of polity for regulating a society, a state or body politic, administration or executive power, direction or control
A government is an organization that has the power to make and enforce laws for a certain territory. There are several definitions on what exactly constitutes a government. In its broadest sense, "govern" means the power to administrate, whether over an area of land, a set group of people, or an association
- an institution that determines and enforces a society's laws   The size and nature of a government varies according to the society it governs
The person or persons authorized to administer the laws; the ruling power; the administration
The right or power of governing; authority
a two member team that is in favour of the resolution (wants the change)
The government of Mingovia is any Citizen or Citizens performing any function of government as specifically authorized in this Constitution These functions consist entirely of actions to protect the rights of Mingovians from internal and external threats, and limited administrative activities associated with existence as a country in a world of other countries, such as ambassadorships
The political party or coalition of parties which is led by the Chief Minister
the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher authorities"
The managers of the country - individuals chosen from the winning political party's Members of Parliament
In the parliamentary sense, the cabinet (Executive Council), headed by the Premier To remain in office, the government must have the support of a majority of Members in the Assembly
When used in statistical tables to indicate class of ownership, it includes municipally owned electric systems and federal and state public power projects Cooperatives and investor-owned utilities are not included in this grouping
institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled
Special form of bill of lading used in making shipments for the account of the United States Government
Genus: Organization Differentia: Within a specific geographic location that is dominant in physical force Link: Article
An institution specializing in the spread of poverty, which regularly meets with its counterparts to celebrate the results of its actions The most recent Regional Conference on Poverty, which brought together the governments of Latin America, revealed that they had already succeeded in condemning to poverty 62 per cent of that region's population
the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable experience of government"
el gobierno
and Taxes - Government provides various kinds of goods and services in our economy Government pays for the goods and services it provides through taxing and borrowing
The body politic governed by one authority; a state; as, the governments of Europe
The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case
the study of government of states and other political units
people with more guns than you
A reference to the government is a reference -
A system by which a political unit is governed
The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government
(government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed; "tyrannical government"
The mode of governing; the system of polity in a state; the established form of law
the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable experience of government" (government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed; "tyrannical government" the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher authorities
the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher authorities
The government of a country is the group of people who are responsible for governing it. The Government has insisted that confidence is needed before the economy can improve. democratic governments in countries like Britain and the US. fighting between government forces and left-wing rebels
Management of the limbs or body
The Government is formed by the Political Party with the most Members of Parliament They run the country and are the winners of the General Election
Forms of Government include: Republic - A nation whose head of state and representative is elected by the people Monarchy - A head of state whose right to rule is hereditary and permanent Democracy - A system characterized by freedom of its citizens The term "capitalism" is usually associated with democracy Under a capitalist society, people are allowed to accumulate and retain their wealth The government promotes the development of businesses and profit Socialist -A system dedicated to the sharing of the wealth among its people Facist - A philosophy of government that glorifies the nation-state at the expense of the individual Anarchism - Political philosophy that seeks the abolition of government because artificial institutions corrupt people Theocracy - A system in which God is the direct ruler
A temporary set of individuals who have been voted into office and who oversee the state
{i} ruling of a country or area; political control; group of people that rule a country or area; rule, authority
This category includes the entries dealing with the system for the adoption and administration of public policy
In most parliamentary and semi-presidential systems, this term refers to the entire executive branch of the state, or to the members of governments (usually termed "ministers" but occasionally called "secretaries") selected by the legislature or appointed by the head of government to run the executive branch In the United States, the term "government" is used in a variety of ways It can refer to the entire executive branch of the federal government, to the federal government generally, and sometimes to federal, state, and local governments combined
the body with the power to make and/or enforce laws for a country, land area, people, or organization
The party or parties with a majority in the House that governs the country; also used more narrowly to mean the Executive
Government consists of the activities, methods, and principles involved in governing a country or other political unit. The first four years of government were completely disastrous. our system of government. Political system by which a body of people is administered and regulated. Different levels of government typically have different responsibilities. The level closest to those governed is local government. Regional governments comprise a grouping of individual communities. National governments nominally control all the territory within internationally recognized borders and have responsibilities not shared by their subnational counterparts. Most governments exercise executive, legislative (see legislature), and judicial (see judiciary) powers and split or combine them in various ways. Some also control the religious affairs of their people; others avoid any involvement with religion. Political forms at the national level determine the powers exercised at the subnational levels; these have included autocracy, democracy, fascism, monarchy, oligarchy, plutocracy (government by the wealthy), theocracy, and totalitarianism. tent government cloistered government city government government budget military government Friends of Constitutional Government
A security issued by the U S federal government and its agencies (all are U S treasury obligations)
city, county, housing, legal, state, taxation, tribe
government cheese
Processed cheese provided to welfare and food stamp recipients in the United States during the 1980s and early 1990s
government issue
Any articles issued in conformity with US military regulations or procedures
government issue
A group of securities with the same maturity, interest rate, and terms and conditions issued by a government
government issues
plural form of government issue
government man
In the days when Australia was a penal colony: a convict

1888: Whatever it was that had happened to him in the old times when he was a Government man he didn’t talk about. — Rolf Boldrewood, Robbery Under Arms.

government man
A supporter of the government
government man
A representative of the government
government men
Plural form of government man
government stroke
The deliberately slow pace of work supposed to be typical of government workers.Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National Lingua Franca program, 24 August 2002

Why not just leave things as they are and say, We are going to run this government organisation efficiently; we are going to make sure that the government stroke has disappeared, that the managers are on the ball and that the customers get good service.

government stroke
In the days when Australia was a penal colony, the amount work that a convict was required to complete each day.Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore (1996), ISBN 1-86046-150-6
government take
A government's revenue through taxes, royalties and government participation
government takes
plural form of government take
government wharf
A government-built wharf
censored by the government
government accountability office
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of the United States Congress, and thus an agency in the Legislative Branch of the United States Government
Government Printer
department of the Treasury Ministry which provides printing services for all government offices
Government Printing Office
{i} GPO, federal agency that provides and distributes printed copies of documents produced by and for all federal agencies (U.S. Government)
government accounting office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
government agency
an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
government agent
a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government
government bond
bond issued by a national government
government bond
A bond sold by the U S government
government bond
Debt obligation of the US Government that are regarded as the highest grade of securities issues
government bond
A bond sold by the Cyprus government
government bond
Debt security issued by the U S Government
government bond
A bond issued by the US government
government bond
a bond that is an IOU on the United States Treasury; considered the safest security in the investment world
government bond
See: Government securities
government bonds
Obligations of the U S government, regarded as among the highest-grade issues in existence in terms of safety of principal
government bonds
Obligations of the U S Government, regarded as the highest-grade securities issues
government bonds
unsecured bonds issued by federal, state, or provincial governments; regarded as the highest grade issues available
government bonds
~ A security issued by the federal government of the United States U S government bonds are among the safest investments available because they carry no credit risk Your principal and interest are backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government
government bonds
Obligations of the U S Government, regarded as the highest grade securities issues
government bonds
Interest bearing debt issued by the government to raise funds The government guarantees to repay the face value at maturity
government bonds
A type of bond issued by the U S government and backed by its full faith and credit The types of U S Government bonds are as follows
government bonds
Obligations of the U S Government, regarded as the least risky, highest grade securities issues The major types of debt instruments issued by the U S government are: Treasury bills Saving bonds Treasury notes Treasury bonds
government bonds
Definition Coming Soon!
government bonds
certificate issued by a government promising to pay back with interest the money borrowed from the buyer of the certificate
government budget
Forecast of governmental expenditures and revenues for the ensuing fiscal year. In modern industrial economies, the budget is the key instrument for the execution of government economic policies. Because government budgets may promote or retard economic growth in certain areas of the economy and because views about priorities in government spending differ widely, government budgets are the focus of competing political interests. In the U.S. the federal budget is prepared by the president's Office of Management and Budget. The U.S. Congress has considerable input, influencing the budget's preparation through negotiations with the president and considering it in detail on its official submission to Congress
government building
a building that houses a branch of government
government company
concern or company owned or run by the government
government coordinator in the territories
government official who coordinates various activities in the Israeli-occupied territories
government corporation
corporation owned or run by the government
government employee
person who works for the ruling political administration
government franchise
special government offer to make a profit from public property
government fund
fund set up by the government to finance various causes
government funding
money provided by the government
government handouts
welfare, financial assistance provided by the government
government health warning
a notice that must be put on products such as cigarettes, to warn people that they are dangerous to their health
government house
building used by the government
government in exile
government that has been overthrown or deposed but continues to exist
government income
income available to the government
government issue
issue: supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government
government loan
financial loan given by the community to the government
government of the Right
conservative government
government official
employee of the government
government officials
people elected or appointed to administer a government
government policy
politics of the ruling political administration
government policy proves bankrupt
the government's stance has lost its power, the government cannot support its policy any longer
government position
government job; stance taken by the government
government property
land or property owned by the government
government secretary
official who is appointed by the president to head a branch of the government
government securities
Securities issued by the U S government, such as treasury bills, bonds, notes, and savings bonds Government Securities are the most creditworthy of all debt instruments since they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U S government
government securities
– bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of the Government of the Philippines (e g , Treasury Bills, Treasury Notes, Government Bonds) (Social Security System)
government securities
Negotiable U S Treasury securities
government security
a security issued by United States government agencies or the Farm Credit System
government source
government informant, person that supplies information about a government
government treasury
government funds
government's reversal
overthrow of a government
a temporary government moved to or formed in a foreign land by exiles who hope to rule when their country is liberated
To make and administer the public policy and affairs of; to exercise sovereign authority in
To exercise political authority; to run a government
To control the actions or behavior of; to keep under control; to restrain

a student who could not govern his impulses.

To require that a certain preposition, grammatical case, etc. be used with a word; sometimes used synonymously with collocate
To have or exercise a determining influence
To control the speed, flow etc. of; to regulate

a valve that governs fuel intake.

To exercise a deciding or determining influence on

Chance usually governs the outcome of the game.

In a governmental way; by or through a government
{v} to rule, regulate, restrain
The government
direct or strongly influence the behavior of; "His belief in God governs his conduct" exercise authority over; as of nations; "Who is governing the country now?" require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; "most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German
require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; "most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German"
direct or strongly influence the behavior of; "His belief in God governs his conduct"
To exercise authority; to administer the laws; to have the control
To regulate; to influence; to direct; to restrain; to manage; as, to govern the life; to govern a horse
exercise authority over; as of nations; "Who is governing the country now?"
To require to be in a particular case; as, a transitive verb governs a noun in the objective case; or to require (a particular case); as, a transitive verb governs the objective case
To direct and control, as the actions or conduct of men, either by established laws or by arbitrary will; to regulate by authority
bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; "We cannot regulate the way people dress"; "This town likes to regulate"
To govern a place such as a country, or its people, means to be officially in charge of the place, and to have responsibility for making laws, managing the economy, and controlling public services. They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country Their citizens are very thankful they are not governed by a dictator. = rule
require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; "most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German
{f} rule; control; manage, administrate; supervise; regulate
If a situation or activity is governed by a particular factor, rule, or force, it is controlled by that factor, rule, or force. Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of rules and regulations The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit
government bond
A bond issued by a federal sovereignty that is backed by the full faith and credit of the sovereignty
government bond
Issued by the US Treasury and federal governmental agencies For this reason they tend to be the safest - and lowest yielding - bonds you can buy Their interest is exempt from state and local taxes, so you keep more of the income for yourself
government bond
A debt obligation issued by the U S government
government office
an office where government employees work
{s} pertaining to government; concerning rule and administration
dealing with the affairs or structure of government or politics or the state; "governmental policy"
of or relating to the governing authorities; "the core of a governmental system"; "public confidence and governmental morale
Pertaining to government; made by government; as, governmental duties
Governmental means relating to a particular government, or to the practice of governing a country. a governmental agency for providing financial aid to developing countries. of a government, or relating to government
of or relating to the governing authorities; "the core of a governmental system"; "public confidence and governmental morale"
relating to a government
dealing with the affairs or structure of government or politics or the state; "governmental policy" of or relating to the governing authorities; "the core of a governmental system"; "public confidence and governmental morale
in the manner of a government, in the manner of a governing body
by government; "governmentally determined policy
U S government issued securities, such as Treasury bills, bonds, notes, and savings bonds Governments are considered among the safest investments available as they are backed by the U S government Also used to refer to debt issues of federal agencies, which are not directly backed by the U S government
U S government-issued securities, such as Treasury bills, bonds, and notes, and savings bonds Governments are considered among the safest investments available as they are backed by the U S government Also used to refer to debt issues of federal agencies, which are not directly backed by the U S government
Securities such as Treasury bills and bonds issued by the U S government The most creditworthy of all debt instruments
Plural of government
Securities issued and backed by the full faith and credit of the US government Examples of such obligations are Treasury bonds, bills, and savings bonds Because governments are backed by the US government, they are considered the most credit-worthy of all debt instruments
Türkçe - İngilizce

government teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

government legal
(Bilgisayar) goverment legal