
listen to the pronunciation of geometry
İngilizce - Türkçe

Müzik geometri ruhudur. - Music is the soul of geometry.

Hakkında hiçbir şey bilmediğim Geometri çok sıkıcı bir konu gibi görünüyor. - Geometry, about which I know nothing, seems like a very dull subject.

(Nükleer Bilimler) konum,geometri
(isim) geometri
geometry teacher
geometry is interesting
geometri ilginç
geometry of dam
baraj geometrisi
geometry of spillway
dolusavak geometrisi
geometry type
(Bilgisayar) geometri türü
descriptive geometry
(Matematik) deskriptif geometri
differential geometry
(Matematik) diferensiyel geometri
projective geometry
(Matematik) izdüşümsel geometri
spherical geometry
(Matematik) küresel geometri
affine geometry
afin geometri
analytic geometry
analitik geometri
analytical geometry
analitik geometri
analytical geometry
çözümsel geometri
coordinate geometry
koordinat geometrisi
descriptive geometry
tasarı geometri
differential geometry
diferansiyel geometri
hyperbolic geometry
hiperbolik geometri
metric geometry
metrik geometri
plane geometry
düzlem geometri
projective geometry
izdüşüm geometrisi
solid geometry
uzay geometri
Euclidean geometry
Öklit geometrisi
cartesian geometry
kartezyen geometri
plane geometry
düzlem geometrisi
poor geometry
applied geometry
uygulamalı geometri
bad geometry
(Nükleer Bilimler) kötü geometri
coating geometry
kaplama geometrisi
convex geometry
konveks geometri
elementary geometry
(Matematik) ilkel geometri
elliptic geometry
(Matematik) eliptik geometri
fibre geometry
fiber geometrisi
global differential geometry
küresel diferansiyel geometri
global riemannian geometry
küresel riemannian geometrisi
good geometry
(Nükleer Bilimler) iyi geometri
imaging geometry
imgeleme geometrisi
integral geometry
(Matematik) integral geometri
irradiation geometry
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınlama konumu
modern geometry
modern geometri
safe geometry
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenli geometri
solid geometry
katı geometri
solid geometry
üç boyutlu cisimler geometrisi
solid geometry
uzay geometrisi
spatial geometry
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mekansal geometri
steering geometry
(Otomotiv) direksiyon geometrisi
steering geometry
geometrik düzensizlik
synthetic geometry
(Matematik) sentetik geometri
Türkçe - Türkçe

geometry teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Osmanlı Dönemi) ÜSTÜKUS
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün vefat etmeden 1,5 yıl önce yazdığı kitabın adı
Nokta, çizgi, açı, yüzey ve cisimlerin birbirleriyle ilişkilerini, ölçümlerini, özelliklerini inceleyen matematik dalı, hendese
Bu konu ile ilgili olan kitap veya ders
Nokta, çizgi, açı, yüzey ve cisimlerin birbirleriyle ilişkilerini, ölçümlerini, özelliklerini inceleyen matematik dalı
Matematiğin uzamsal ilişkiler ile ilgilenen alt dalı
İngilizce - İngilizce
The branch of mathematics dealing with spatial relationships
The spatial attributes of an object, etc
A type of geometry with particular properties

spherical geometry.

{n} the science of quantity, extension or magnitude, abstractedly considered
Width, height, and position of application window, measured in pixels or characters, depending on what the application expects
Geometry deals with the measures and properties of points, lines and surfaces In ArcInfo, geometry is used to represent the spatial component of geographic features
is the arrangement of points, lines, areas, and volumes
study of math shown by drawing pictures -- "Geometry can be thought of either way, applying pictures to numbers, or assigning numbers to pictures " (243)
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference; search in this book)
The geometrical part of a B-Rep model is made of points, curves and surfaces In opposition, the topological part is made of solids, shells, faces, vertices, etc
The geometry of an object is its shape or the relationship of its parts to each other. They have tinkered with the geometry of the car's nose. the study in mathematics of the angles and shapes formed by the relationships of lines, surfaces, and solid objects in space (géométrie, from geometria , from ge ( GEO-) + metron ). algebraic geometry analytic geometry differential geometry elliptic geometry Euclidean geometry fractal geometry hyperbolic geometry non Euclidean geometry projective geometry
a very abstract class, encapsulating both the concepts of traditional geometry as well as other classes containing measured data, and organizational methods used to organize these traditional geometry and other 'real' data classes within an environment  
The shape or form of a surface, solid or frame
When referring to disk drives, the physical characteristics of the disk drive's internal organization Note that a disk drive may report a "logical geometry" that is different from its "physical geometry," normally to get around BIOS-related limitations See also Cylinder, Head and Sector
The mathematics of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids A system of geometry: Euclidean geometry A geometry restricted to a class of problems or objects: solid geometry
Description of bond lengths and angles
(n) The mathematical method by which elements in space are described and manipulated Geometry forms the building blocks of engineering and technical graphics The term is also used to mean shape or form
That branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles; the science which treats of the properties and relations of magnitudes; the science of the relations of space
The study of lines, angles, shapes and their properties Geometry is concerned with physical shapes and the dimensions of the objects
"area of math dealing with points, lines, planes and figures"
{i} mathematical study of lines and points and angles
Type of entity that defines physical shapes; including points, curves, surfaces, solids, and relations (collections of similarly structured entities) The lines, arcs, curves, and points, that define an element's position and appearance in the design The setting which determines whether parametric solids are stored in design files as surfaces, lines, line strings, or arcs
Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relationships of lines, angles, curves, and shapes. the very ordered way in which mathematics and geometry describe nature
How many cylinders, sectors per cylinder and heads a disk drive has
(noun)-The mathematics of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
The science of describing and measuring objects in space
the study of the measurements of lengths, angles, area, and volumes; the study of the relationships between points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids Some of these change when a surface is deformed
Geometry comes from two Greek words meaning "earth measurement " Geometry began as a study of how to measure the Earth (as in map-making) or to measure the Earth in relation to the rest of the universe (as in astronomy) Geometry today is more a study of physical spaces in general For example, geometry can be used to figure out the area of a house or a football field Geometry is very important in the design and manufacturing of most products Children's Encyclopedia Britannica, vol 8, p 101-102, 1989
the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces
A treatise on this science
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
The sizes (in bytes) of cylinders, tracks, and sectors for a particular disk device See also disk label
Geometry deals with the measures and properties of points, lines and surfaces In ARC/INFO, geometry is used to represent the spatial component of geographic features
geometry teacher
someone who teaches geometry
Euclidean geometry
The familiar geometry of the real world, based on the postulate that through any two points there is exactly one straight line
Riemannian geometry
the branch of differential geometry that studies Riemannian manifolds
affine geometry
The branch of geometry dealing with affine transformations
algebraic geometry
a branch of mathematics that studies solutions of systems of algebraic equations using both algebra and geometry
analytic geometry
a branch of mathematics that investigates properties of figures through the coordinates of their points
descriptive geometry
A graphical protocol which creates three-dimensional virtual space on a two-dimensional plane
Attributive form of descriptive geometry

descriptive-geometry textbook.

differential geometry
Study of geometry using differential calculus
non-Euclidean geometry
Any system of geometry not based on the set of axioms of Euclidean geometry, which is based on the three-dimensional space of common experience
noneuclidean geometry
A US spelling of non-Euclidean geometry
projective geometry
a branch of mathematics that investigates those properties of figures that are invariant when projected from a point to a line or plane
spherical geometry
The non-Euclidean geometry on the surface of a sphere
taxicab geometry
A non-Euclidean geometry in which the distance between two points is the sum of the absolute differences between their corresponding coordinates
tropical geometry
A recent branch of geometry that can be described as a piecewise linear version of real algebraic geometry
conformal geometry
(Geometri) Conformal geometry is the study of the set of angle-preserving (conformal) transformations on a Riemannian manifold or pseudo-Riemannian manifold. In particular conformal geometry in two (real) dimensions is the geometry of Riemann surfaces
Coordinate Geometry
subsystem of ICES, computer system used to solve civil engineering problems, COGO (Computers)
Euclidean geometry
Study of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids based on Euclid's axioms. Its importance lies less in its results than in the systematic method Euclid used to develop and present them. This axiomatic method has been the model for many systems of rational thought, even outside mathematics, for over 2,000 years. From 10 axioms and postulates, Euclid deduced 465 theorems, or propositions, concerning aspects of plane and solid geometric figures. This work was long held to constitute an accurate description of the physical world and to provide a sufficient basis for understanding it. During the 19th century, rejection of some of Euclid's postulates resulted in two non-Euclidean geometries that proved just as valid and consistent
affine geometry
the geometery of affine transformations
algebraic geometry
Study of geometric objects expressed as equations and represented by graphs in a given coordinate system. In contrast to Euclidean geometry, algebraic geometry represents geometric objects using algebraic equations (e.g., a circle of radius r is defined by x^2 + y^2 = r^2). Objects so defined can then be analyzed for symmetries, intercepts, and other properties without having to refer to a graph
analytic geometry
The idea that graphs and equations are two different ways of expressing the same concepts How lines and curves on a graph can be represented by algebraic equations--and how algebraic equations can be represented by lines and curves on a graph In economics, the use of graphs and diagrams as an alternative to equations and arithmetic for expressing economic relationships In mathematics, the branch of mathematics that relates geometry and algebra Often called 'Cartesian' geometry because much of it was invented by Rene Descartes
analytic geometry
the use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system
analytic geometry
study of geometric properties by means of algebraic operations, coordinate geometry
analytic geometry
The analysis of geometric structures and properties principally by algebraic operations on variables defined in terms of position coordinates. Investigation of geometric objects using coordinate systems. Because René Descartes was the first to apply algebra to geometry, it is also known as Cartesian geometry. It springs from the idea that any point in two-dimensional space can be represented by two numbers and any point in three-dimensional space by three. Because lines, circles, spheres, and other figures can be thought of as collections of points in space that satisfy certain equations, they can be explored via equations and formulas rather than graphs. Most of analytic geometry deals with the conic sections. Because these are defined using the notion of fixed distance, each section can be represented by a general equation derived from the distance formula
analytic geometry
The analysis of geometric structures and properties, principally using algebraic operations and position coordinates The term also refers to a particular geometric method for describing 3-D solid models
analytic geometry
(n) The analysis of geometric structures and properties, principally using algebraic operations and position coordinates The term also refers to a particular geometric method for describing 3-D solid models
differential geometry
Field of mathematics in which methods of calculus are applied to the local geometry of curves and surfaces (i.e., to a small portion of a surface or curve around a point). A simple example is finding the tangent line on a two-dimensional curve at a given point. Similar operations may be extended to calculate the curvature and length of a curve and to analogous properties of surfaces in any number of dimensions
elementary geometry
only one line can be drawn through a point parallel to another line
elementary geometry
geometry based on Euclid's axioms: e
elliptic geometry
Non-Euclidean geometry that rejects Euclid's fifth postulate (the parallel postulate) and modifies his second postulate. It is also known as Riemannian geometry, after Bernhard Riemann. It asserts that no line passing through a point not on a given line is parallel to that line. It also states that while any straight line of finite length can be extended indefinitely, all straight lines are the same length. Though many of elliptic geometry's theorems are identical to those of Euclidean geometry, others differ (e.g., the angles in a triangle add up to more than 180°). It can most easily be pictured as geometry done on the surface of a sphere where all lines are great circles
elliptic geometry
a non-Euclidean geometry that regards space is like a sphere and a line is a great circle
fractal geometry
the geometry of fractals; "Benoit Mandelbrot pioneered fractal geometry
fractal geometry
In mathematics, the study of complex shapes with the property of self-similarity, known as fractals. Rather like holograms that store the entire image in each part of the image, any part of a fractal can be repeatedly magnified, with each magnification resembling all or part of the original fractal. This phenomenon can be seen in objects like snowflakes and tree bark. The term fractal was coined by Benoit B. Mandelbrot in 1975. This new system of geometry has had a significant impact on such diverse fields as physical chemistry, physiology, and fluid mechanics; fractals can describe irregularly shaped objects or spatially nonuniform phenomena that cannot be described by Euclidean geometry. Fractal simulations have been used to plot the distributions of galactic clusters and to generate lifelike images of complicated, irregular natural objects, including rugged terrains and foliage used in films. See also chaos theory
fractal geometry
the geometry of fractals; "Benoit Mandelbrot pioneered fractal geometry"
plural of geometry
hyperbolic geometry
a non-Euclidean geometry in which it is assumed that through any point there are two or more parallel lines that do not intersect a given line in the plane
hyperbolic geometry
Non-Euclidean geometry, useful in modeling interstellar space, that rejects the parallel postulate, proposing instead that at least two lines through any point not on a given line are parallel to that line. Though many of its theorems are identical to those of Euclidean geometry, others differ. For example, two parallel lines converge in one direction and diverge in the other, and the angles of a triangle add up to less than 180°
non-Euclidean geometry
Any theory of the nature of geometric space differing from the traditional view held since Euclid's time. These geometries arose in the 19th century when several mathematicians working independently explored the possibility of rejecting Euclid's parallel postulate. Different assumptions about how many lines through a point not on a given line could be parallel to that line resulted in hyperbolic geometry and elliptic geometry. Mathematicians were forced to abandon the idea of a single correct geometry; it became their task not to discover mathematical systems but to create them by selecting consistent axioms and studying the theorems that could be derived from them. The development of these alternative geometries had a profound impact on the notion of space and paved the way for the theory of relativity. See also Nikolay Lobachevsky, Bernhard Riemann
non-euclidean geometry
geometry based on axioms different from Euclid's
plane geometry
The geometry of planar figures. the study of lines, shapes etc that are two-dimensional (=with measurements in only two directions, not three)
plane geometry
the geometry of 2-dimensional figures
plane geometry
field in geometry that deals with one dimensional figures
projective geometry
The study of geometric properties that are invariant under projection. Branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between geometric figures and the images (mappings) of them that result from projection. Examples of projections include motion pictures, maps of the Earth's surface, and shadows cast by objects. One stimulus for the subject's development was the need to understand perspective in drawing and painting. Every point of the projected object and the corresponding point of its image must lie on the projection ray, a line that passes through the centre of projection. Modern projective geometry emphasizes the mathematical properties (such as straightness of lines and points of intersection) preserved in projections despite the distortion of lengths, angles, and shapes
projective geometry
study of geometric properties that are not changed by projection
projective geometry
the geometry of properties that remain invariant under projection
solid geometry
geometry which deals with three-dimensional objects
solid geometry
the geometry of 3-dimensional space
solid geometry
The branch of mathematics that deals with three-dimensional figures and surfaces
spherical geometry
the geometry of figures on the surface of a sphere
spherical geometry
The geometry of circles, angles, and figures on the surface of a sphere
Türkçe - İngilizce

geometry teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı


Music is the soul of geometry. - Müzik geometri ruhudur.

Geometry is based on points, lines and planes. - Geometri noktalar, çizgiler ve düzlemlere dayalıdır.

geometry teacher
geometry hendese



    Türkçe nasıl söylenir



    /ʤēˈämətrē/ /ʤiːˈɑːmətriː/


    [ jE-'ä-m&-trE ] (noun.) 14th century. From Ancient Greek γεωμετρία (geometría, “geometry, land-survey”), from γεωμετρέω (geometréo, “to practice or to profess geometry, to measure, to survey land”), back-formation from γεωμέτρης (geométrēs, “land measurer”), from γῆ (gē, “earth, land, country”) + μετρέω (metréō, “to measure, to count”) or -μετρία (-metria, “measurement”) from μέτρον (metron, “a measure”).


    ... geometry of large, urban cores. ...