geleni anında harcayarak

listen to the pronunciation of geleni anında harcayarak
Türkçe - İngilizce
having barely enough to survive, being close to poverty

She has been a widow these six or eight years, and has lived, I imagine, in rather a hand-to-mouth fashion.

(deyim) Having or providing only the bare essentials

A hand-to-mouth existence.

providing only bare essentials; "a hand-to-mouth existence"
{s} having barely enough for daily needs, having nothing to spare, providing only the necessities; precarious
A hand-to-mouth existence is a way of life in which you have hardly enough food or money to live on. The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits. Hand-to-mouth is also an adverb. penniless students living hand-to-mouth. if you have a hand-to-mouth existence, you have only just enough money and food to live
geleni anında harcayarak