gar nicht

listen to the pronunciation of gar nicht
Almanca - Türkçe

gar nicht teriminin Almanca Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

Mir ist gar nicht lächerlich zumute
gülecek halde değilim
ganz und gar nicht
asla, hiçbir şekilde, hiç de
İngilizce - Türkçe

gar nicht teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Sınıf arkadaşlarımdan hiçbiri buraya yakın yaşamazlar. - None of my classmates live near here.

Onlardan hiçbirinin kaza geçirmediğini umuyorum. - I hope that none of them got into an accident.


Bilgisayarların hiçbiri yanmış bir kartla çalışmaya devam edemez. - None of the computers can continue to run with a burnt card.

Herhangi bir ev, hiç olmamasından daha iyidir. - Any house is better than none.


Onun sizinle bir ilgisi yok. - It's none of your business.

Sizinle bir ilgisi yok. - That's none of your business.

hiç kimse

Hiç kimse onu Tom'un yapabildiği kadar iyi yapamaz. - None can do it as good as Tom can.

Herkes için bir arkadaş hiç kimse için bir arkadaştır. - A friend to all is a friend to none.


Onlardan hiçbirinin kaza geçirmediğini umuyorum. - I hope that none of them got into an accident.

Onların hiçbirinin karısı yok. - None of them have wives.

hiçbir zaman
hiçbir biçimde
not at all
hiç değil

Sizce burada sigara içmemin sakıncası var mı? Hayır, hiç değil. - Do you mind my smoking here? No, not at all.

Bana seni aramamı istemediğini mi söylüyorsun? Hayır, hiç değil. Lütfen beni herhangi bir zaman arayın. - Are you saying you don't want me to call? No, not at all. Please call me anytime.

not at all

Heyecanlanmak kızmakla hiçte aynı değildir. - Getting excited is not at all the same as getting angry.

O politikacının söylediği hiç gerçek değil. - What that politician said is not at all true.

not at all
Bir şey değil!/Rica ederim! (Thank you! sözüne karşılık)
not at all
hiç, asla: "This house iş not at all suitable. - Bu ev hiç uygun değil."
not at all
Birşey değil! ; Rica ederim!
not at all
kesinlikle değil
{z} hiçbiri, hiç kimse. z. hiç, asla, hiçbir biçimde
hiç biri

Herhangi biri mi yoksa hiç biri mi? - Any of them or none of them?

Hiç biriniz kovulmayacaksınız. - None of you are going to be fired.

hiç bir suretle
Almanca - İngilizce
not at all
Gar nicht so übel!
Not so dusty!
gar nicht
not at all
gar nicht begeistert
not amused
gar nicht begeistert
gar nicht gut
under par
gar nicht gut
gar nicht gut
below par
gar nicht gut
gar nicht so einfach
not as simple as all that
gar nicht so schlecht
not all that bad
gar nicht so schlecht
not bad at all
gar nicht so schlimm
not as bad as all that
gar nicht so übel sein
to be not half bad
gar nicht zu reden von
not to speak of
gar nicht zu reden von
never mind
gar nicht zu reden von
let/leave alone
gar nicht zu reden von
much less
gar nicht zu reden von
to say nothing of
gar nicht zu reden von
not to mention
gar nicht zu reden von
and certainly not
Das Buch ist streckenweise gar nicht schlecht, kann aber insgesamt nicht überzeu
The book is quite good in parts, but not entirely convincing
Das Essen war eigentlich gar nicht so teuer.
The food was not actually all that expensive
Das hätten wir ihm gar nicht zugetraut.
We never knew he had it in him
Das ist gar nicht so schlimm.
It's not so bad
Das ist gar nicht übel.
That isn't half bad
Das liegt also noch (gar) nicht (so) lange zurück.
So, this was very recently
Das liegt also noch (gar) nicht (so) lange zurück.
So, only a short time has passed since then
Das reicht nicht für einen Artikel und schon gar nicht für ein Buch.
This is not sufficient for an article, and certainly not for a book
Das sieht ihm gar nicht ähnlich.
That's very unlike him
Das steht noch gar nicht fest.
It's still not definite
Das steht noch gar nicht fest.
It's still not a done deal
Das will mir gar nicht zusagen.
I don't like it one little bit
Die Bedeutung dieser neuen politischen Wendung kann gar nicht hoch genug eingesc
The significance of this latest twist in politics can hardly be exaggerated
Die Erkenntnisse der Klimaforscher sind so gar nicht nach dem Geschmack der Poli
The findings of climate researchers are not at all congenial to politicians, who will have to make awkward decisions
Die Firmen bringen neue Videospiele heraus, so schnell kann man gar nicht schaue
The companies are putting out new video games at a rate of knots
Die Party war eigentlich gar nicht so übel!
Actually, the party was not half bad!
Die viele Arbeit, ich darf gar nicht daran denken!
All that work, it doesn't bear thinking about!
Du findest das wohl witzig. Also ich finde das gar nicht komisch.
I suppose you think that's funny. Well, I certainly don't
Eigentlich dürfte ich jetzt gar nicht hier sitzen.
By rights, I shouldn't be sitting here
Eigentlich wollte ich ja gar/überhaupt nicht hingehen.
Actually, I didn't want to go at all
Er ist gar nicht so dumm.
He knows a thing or two
Er mag es gar nicht, kritisiert zu werden.
He does not take kindly to criticism
Er schickte mir ein Rezensionsexemplar, das ich überhaupt nicht / gar nicht ange
He sent me a review copy which I had not requested in the first place
Es kann gar nicht genug betont werden, dass rasche erste Hilfe Leben retten kann
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that prompt first aid can save life
Ganz und gar nicht!
Nothing of the sort!
Hast du nicht mitbekommen, dass ihm die Wohnung gar nicht gehört, in der er wohn
Did you miss the plot about him not owning the flat he is staying in?
Hättest du aufgepasst, ware das überhaupt nicht passiert! / gar nicht erst passi
If you had paid attention, this wouldn't have happened in the first place!
Ich darf gar nicht daran denken, was das alles kostet.
I daren't think of the cost
Ich finde das gar nicht lustig.
I don't see the fun of it
Ich kann gar nicht hinsehen.
I can't bear to look
Ich mag es gar nicht, wenn ich zu etwas genötigt werde, was ich nicht will.
I hate being steamrollered into doing something I don't want to
Kinder mögen es gar nicht, Spritzen zu bekommen.
Children hate having injections
Kommt (gar) nicht in Frage!
No way!
Kommt (gar) nicht in Frage!
I/We won't have it!
Man kann sie gar nicht verwechseln.
There is no mistaking her
Schämen Sie sich gar nicht?
Have you no self-respect?
Sein Vorschlag passt mir gar nicht.
I don't like his suggestion at all
Seine Frau macht sich große Sorgen um ihn, von seinen Eltern gar nicht zu reden.
His wife is very worried about him, not to speak of his parents
Vorschriften, die man gar nicht kennen kann
unknowable rules
Wenn schon, dann richtig (oder gar nicht).
If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well (or not at all)
Wir hätten's erst gar nicht so weit kommen lassen dürfen.
We shouldn't have let it get to that point in the first place
fast gar nicht
hardly ever
fast gar nicht
almost never
ganz und gar nicht
not at all
ganz und gar nicht
by no means
ganz und gar nicht
not at all /NAA/
jdn./etw. (gar) nicht mögen
not to take kindly to somebody/sth
nicht gar
nicht gar
so schnell kann/konnte man gar nicht schauen
at a rate of knots
und schon gar nicht
much less
und schon gar nicht
to say nothing of
und schon gar nicht
let/leave alone
und schon gar nicht
and certainly not
und schon gar nicht
never mind
und schon gar nicht
not to mention
und schon gar nicht
not to speak of
not at all