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Türkçe - İngilizce
(Politika Siyaset) securitization
(Ekonomi) Securitization is a structured finance process in which assets, receivables or financial instruments are acquired, classified into pools, and offered as collateral for third-party investment. It involves the selling of financial instruments which are backed by the cash flow or value of the underlying assets
The bundling and resale of debt instruments to investors; permitted only for parties licensed and regulated by the SEC
1 The development of markets for a variety of debt instruments that permit the ultimate borrower to bypass the banks and other deposit-taking institutions and to borrow directly from lenders 2 In a narrow sense it also refers to the process of converting loans of various sorts into marketable securities by packaging the loans into pools and then selling shares of ownership in the pool itself
One method to handle stranded costs through the issuance of government-sponsored securities to pay utilities for such costs at an interest rate below that available to utilities, thereby possibly decreasing the overall cost to consumers Payoff for such securities would come from transition charges attached to all electric bills stretched out over a longer period than if utilities were charging off stranded costs, thus potentially reducing the impact seen on individual electric bills
company issued securities used for financing and backed by selected financial assets
The process of pooling loans into mortgage-backed for sale into the secondary mortgage market
The packaging of lessee receivables into an investment grade security as an alternative funding source
The combination of similar individual loans into a standard instrument, sold and traded in the secondary market, to investors with different parameters that would not have invested in individual loans It provides funds for the original lender to make additional loans
the process of selling packages of bank debts to third party investors as bonds
The process whereby loans are pooled
The act of pledging assets to a creditor through a note, lien or bond
The transformation of a non-tradable asset/liability into one which can be bought and sold between third parties
Creating an investment security backed by assets which otherwise are not publicly traded For example, home mortgages are often securitized and remarketed in bundles as MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES
The pooling of real estate mortgages and trust deeds to act as collateral for the sale of securities to public and private investors (See secondary mortgage market)
A method to reduce utility transition or stranded costs by issuing approved transition bonds A government entity authorizes the collection of a guaranteed, non-bypassable charge to pay for the principal and interest on the bonds Since the collection is guaranteed, the bonds typically can be sold at a lower interest rate than a utility could otherwise obtain
The process of pooling loans into mortgage-backed securities for sale into the secondary mortgage market
The process of converting mortgages into mortgage-backed securities
a method of refinancing debt through a trust created by legislation for the purpose of issuing bonds backed by anticipated revenue of a utility
Securitization is the process of financing a pool of similar but unrelated financial assets (usually loans or other debt instruments) by issuing to investors security interests representing claims against the cash flow and other economic benefits generated by the pool of assets
The process of creating a pass-through, such as the mortgage pass-through security, by which the pooled assets become standard securities backed by those assets Also, refers to the replacement of nonmarketable loans and/or cash flows provided by financial intermediaries with negotiable securities issued in the public capital markets