while still as on the night before, slouched Ahab stood fixed within his scuttle; his hid, heliotrope glance anticipatingly gone backward on its dial; sat due eastward for the earliest sun.
An instrument, employed in triangulation, that uses a mirror to reflect sunlight toward another, very distant, surveyor
a garden plant with nice-smelling pale purple flowers (heliotropium, from heliotropion, from helios + tropos ; because its flowers turn toward the sun). Any of about 250 species of tropical or temperate, mostly herbaceous, plants that make up the genus Heliotropium, in the borage family, found throughout the world. Included are many weedy species. The best known is garden heliotrope (H. arborescens), a shrubby perennial that bears fragrant, purple to white, flat-clustered, five-lobed flowers in coiled sprays, similar to forget-me-nots
one of several species of plants whose flowers or stem buds face east in the morning, follow the movement of the sun during the day, and face west in the evening
An instrument or machine for showing when the sun arrived at the tropics and equinoctial line