Capable of being discovered, found out, or perceived; as, many minute animals are discoverable only by the help of the microscope; truths discoverable by human industry
(Make Discoverable) For one device to initially "find" another Bluetooth wireless equipped device one product must be in this state while the other performs a device discovery The methodology for putting your product in a discoverable state varies by device and by manufacturer Most devices allow a user to configure the default state For security reasons it is recommended you do not leave your devices in a discoverable state; however there are usage cases where this does make sense - a Bluetooth wireless capable printer in a shared area would be a good example of a device that should always be in discoverable state
For one device to initially "find" another Bluetooth wireless equipped device one product must be in this state while the other performs a device discovery The methodology for putting your product in a discoverable state varies by device and by manufacturer Most devices allow a user to configure the default state For security reasons it is recommended you do not leave your devices in a discoverable state; however there are usage cases where this does make sense - a Bluetooth wireless capable printer in a shared area would be a good example of a device that should always be in discoverable state
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