(Askeri) CIVA FULMİNATI: Sürtünme, çarpma hararet tesiriyle ateşlenen ve çok süratle yanan hassas bir infilak maddesi. Cıva fülminatı; mermi, mayın veya bombalardaki diğer infilak maddelerini infilak ettirmek için kullanılır. Buna "fulminate of mercury" de denir
the present owners couldn't afford the electric bills anymore, several amateur gaffers, sad to say, having already been fulminated trying to bootleg power in off the municipal lines.
a salt or ester of fulminic acid cause to explode violently and with loud noise come on suddenly and intensely; "the disease fulminated" criticize severely; "He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare"; "She railed against the bad social policies
If you fulminate against someone or something, you criticize them angrily. They all fulminated against the new curriculum. to criticize someone or something angrily fulminate at/against/about (fulminare , from fulmen )
To utter or send out with denunciations or censures; said especially of menaces or censures uttered by ecclesiastical authority
To thunder; hence, to make a loud, sudden noise; to detonate; to explode with a violent report