
listen to the pronunciation of frist
İngilizce - Türkçe

frist teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} aralık
{i} uzay

İnsanoğlu uzaya uçmayı başardı. - Human beings succeeded in flying into space.

Uzay gizemlerle doludur. - Space is full of mysteries.

limit down
(Ticaret) alt limit
period of time
zaman periyodu
period of time
zaman dilimi

Uzay yürüyüşleri genellikle işe bağlı olarak, beş ve sekiz saat arasında sürer. - Spacewalks usually last between five and eight hours, depending on the job.

Dr. Valeri 8 ocak 1994 ten Mart 1995 e kadar uzayda kalan bir Rus kozmonottur. Uzayda en uzun süre kalma rekorunu elinde bulunduruyor. - Dr. Valeri Polyakov, a Russian cosmonaut, was in space from January 8, 1994 to March 1995. He holds the record for the longest continuous stay in space.

limit down
Borsada belirlenmiş bulunan en düşük fiyat, alt limit

Yer yokluğu yüzünden bu sorunu atlamak zorunda kaldım. - I had to leave out this problem for lack of space.

(İnşaat) yer,uzay,aralık
(Tıp) Ara, aralık, mesafe, boşluk, spatium
{f} aralık bırakmak
aralık koymak
{f} boşluk bırakmak
Almanca - İngilizce
space of time
limit down
period of time
Frist (Zeitraum)
Frist (Zeitraum)
period (of time)
Frist (Zeitraum)
(fixed/set) term
Frist (Zeitraum)
time period
Frist für die Klageerhebung
period for bringing (an) action
(Es sind) Nur noch zwei Tage bis zum Ablauf der Frist.
(There are) Only two days left until the deadline
(äußerste) Frist
(äußerste) Frist
time limit
Ablauf (einer Frist)
expiration (of a time limit)
Ablauf (einer Frist)
Ablauf der Frist
expiry of the time-limit
Ablauf einer Frist
expiration of a deadline
Die Frist beginnt mit dem Tag zu laufen, an dem …
The time limit begins to run from the date when …
Die Frist läuft morgen ab.
The deadline expires tomorrow
Die Frist läuft.
The period runs
Eine Veräußerung war innerhalb der vorgegebenen Frist nicht zumutbar.
A sale was not reasonably possible within the period set
Laufzeit einer Frist
running of a period (of time)
Nichteinhaltung einer Frist
non-compliance with a period of time
Nichteinhaltung einer Frist
failure to comply with a period of time
Prolongation (einer Frist/befristeten Vereinbarung)
prolongation (of a time limit/fixed-term agreement)
Prolongation (einer Frist/befristeten Vereinbarung)
Wahrung einer Frist
keeping of a term
die Frist erstrecken
to extend the deadline
die Frist für etwas überschreiten (Aufenthaltserlaubnis)
to overstay something (permit)
die Frist für überschreitend
die Frist für überschritten
die Frist verlängern
to extend the deadline
eine Frist einhalten
to comply with a term
eine Frist einhalten
to comply with a time limit
eine Frist einhalten
to observe/comply with a time limit/the time agreed upon
eine Frist einhalten
to keep a term
eine Frist nicht einhalten
to exceed a time limit/the time agreed upon
eine Frist vereinbaren
to arrange a deadline
eine Frist versäumen
to fail to observe the time limit
eine Frist versäumen
to default
eine Frist überschreiten
to exceed a term
eine genau bestimmte Frist
a specified period of time
in(nert) nützlicher Frist
at short notice
in(nert) nützlicher Frist
on short notice
innerhalb angemessener Frist
within an acceptable/a reasonable time (limit/frame/scale/period)
innerhalb der gesetzlich vorgesehenen Frist
within the time allowed under (any) applicable law
innerhalb der vorgesehenen Frist
within the prescribed time limit/deadline
innerhalb kurzer Frist
within a short period of time
innerhalb kürzester Frist
within the shortest possible time
innert nützlicher Frist
within an acceptable/a reasonable time (limit/frame/scale/period)
innert nützlicher Frist (recht bald)
in the foreseeable future (fairly soon)
jdm. eine Frist setzen/einräumen/ansetzen (für etwas / um etwas zu tun)
to give somebody a time limit (for something / to do something)
İngilizce - İngilizce
To sell upon credit, as goods