
listen to the pronunciation of freight
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} navlun

Onlar tren kabininden navlun çıkarıyorlar. - They're taking the freight out of the train car.


Bu uçak şirketi sadece nakliye ile ilgilenir. - This aircraft company deals with freight only.

O asansör sadece nakliye içindir. - That elevator is for freight only.

{f} yüklemek
{f} nakletmek
{i} yük

Yük treni yoğun sis nedeniyle yaklaşık yarım saat kadar gecikti. - The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog.

Gemideki yük sırılsıklam oldu. - The freight on the ship got soaked.

{f} göndermek
{i} taşıma

Bu kutuda taşıma ücreti ne kadar? - How much is the freight on this box?

(Ticaret) taşıma gideri
(Ticaret) taşınan eşya
(Ticaret) gönderme
(Ticaret) yük kalan
ücretle taşınan mal
(Ticaret) taşınan mal
taşımacılık ücreti
yük treni ile taşımak
(Ticaret) taşınan yük
freight car yük vagonu
freight train marşandiz
{i} taşıma ücreti

Bu kutuda taşıma ücreti ne kadar? - How much is the freight on this box?

yük katarı
yük treni

Bir yük treni Stokholm'ün tam güneyinde raydan çıktı. - A freight train has derailed just south of Stockholm.

Yük treni yoğun sis nedeniyle yaklaşık yarım saat kadar gecikti. - The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog.

nakliye ücreti
(Ticaret) komisyon ve faiz
yük ile yüklemek
nakliye yapmak

Tom bir kargo uçağı kaptanıydı. - Tom used to be a freighter captain.

freight claim
(Ticaret) navlun alacağı
freight claims
(Ticaret) navlun alacakları
freight contract
(Ticaret) navlun sözleşmesi
freight cost
(Ticaret) navlun masrafı
freight cost
(Ticaret) navlun bedeli
freight cost
(Ticaret) taşıma masrafı
freight fee
(Ticaret) navlun ücreti
freight flight
(Havacılık) yük uçuşu
freight forward
(Ticaret) yerinde ödenecek navlun
freight free
(Ticaret) navlunsuz
freight free
(Ticaret) navlunu ödenmiş
freight market
(Ticaret) navlun piyasası
freight offer
(Ticaret) navlun teklifi
freight on sales
(Ticaret) satışlara ilişkin navlun
freight premium
(Kanun) navlun primi
freight rate
(Ticaret) taşıma ücreti
freight service
yük servisi
freight steamer
yük gemisi
freight tariff
yük tarifesi
freight tariff
(Ticaret) taşıma ücreti tarifesi
freight traffic
yük trafiği
freight bill
freight bill
gönderme belgesi
freight car
eşya vagonu
freight car
yük vagonu
freight elevator
yük asansörü
freight elevator
nakliye asansörü
freight lift
yük asansörü
freight note
navlun pusulası
freight note
navlun faturası
freight rate
taşıma vergini
freight station
yük istasyonu
freight terms
taşıma koşulları
freight train
freight train
yük treni

Yük treni yoğun sis nedeniyle yaklaşık yarım saat kadar gecikti. - The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog.

Bir yük treni Stokholm'ün tam güneyinde raydan çıktı. - A freight train has derailed just south of Stockholm.

freight bill
nakliye faturası
freight charge
freight collect
(İthalat, İhracat) Nakliye bedelinin alıcı tarafından varis yerinde ödeneceğini belirten ifadedir
freight collect
(fiil) Yüklemek; nakletmek. freight car yük vagonu. freight train marşandiz, yük treni
freight cost
Nakliye ücreti
freight forwarders
yük ileticileri
freight payment
navlun ödemesi
freight plane
yük uçağı
freight ship
yük gemisi
freight space
yükün işgal ettiği yer
freight ton
(Denizcilik) Navlun tonu (1016 KG)
freight account
(Ticaret) navlun gideri hesabı
freight account
(Ticaret) nakliye gideri hesabı
freight agent
(Ticaret) nakliye acentası
freight agent
(Ticaret) yükleme acentesi
freight and charges invoice
(Ticaret) navlun ve masrafı faturası
freight broker
(Ticaret) taşımacılık komisyoncusu
freight broker
(Ticaret) nakliye komisyoncusu
freight car
(Askeri) YÜK VAGONU: Yük taşımaya mahsus çeşitli tip vagonlardan herhangi biri. Bak. "standart train"
freight carrier
(Ticaret) yük taşıyıcısı
freight carrier
(Ticaret) eşya nakliyecisi
freight carrier
(Ticaret) yük taşıyan gemi sahibi
freight collect
(Ticaret) navlun varma yerinde ödenecek
freight collect
navlunun peşin ödenmesi
freight company
nakliye şirketi
freight company
(isim)kliye şirketi
freight consolidating activity
(Askeri) YÜK TEVHİT NOKTASI: Bir kamyon veya vagon yükünden az miktarda malzeme sevkiyatını, gönderilecekleri nihai noktaya, bir yük dağıtım veya yük ayırım noktasına sevk için vagon veya kamyon yükü partiler halinde toplamak amacıyla teslim alan bir ulaştırma faaliyet merkezi. Ayrıca bakınız: "freight distributing activity"
freight distributing activity
(Askeri) YÜK DAĞITIM NOKTASI: Bir kamyon veya vagon yükünden az miktarda malzemeyi teslim alıp boşaltan ve münferit sevkiyatı nihai sevk noktasına gönderen bir ulaştırma faaliyet merkezi. Ayrıca bakınız: "freight consolidating activity"
freight forwarder
nakliye komisyoncusu
freight insurance
nakliyat sigortası
freight inward
(Ticaret) giriş navlunu
freight inward
(Ticaret) gelen mallara ödenen navlun
freight note
navlun belgesi
freight outward
(Ticaret) çıkış navlunu
freight outward
(Ticaret) satıcının
freight rate
(isim)kliye ücreti
freight rate
nakliye ücreti
freight rates
(Ticaret) navlun oranları
freight rebate
(Ticaret) navlun indirimi
freight shipment
(Askeri) yük sevkiyatı
freight shipment
(Askeri) YÜK SEVKİYATI: Bak. "shipment"
freight terms
(Ticaret) taşıma koşullan
freight ton
(Askeri) ölçme tonu
freight ton
(Askeri) yük ton
freight ton
(Askeri) MESAHA TONU: Bak. "measurement ton" ve "ton"
frt. ppd. , freight prepaid
Frt. ppd. , Peşin ödenen navlun
frustrated freight
(Askeri) GÖNDERİLEMEYEN YÜK, İPTAL EDİLMİŞ YÜK: İstekte bulunan makama gönderilmek üzere yolda iken, bu makam tarafından teslim alınmadan, herhangi bir sebeple durdurulan ve muhafazası yeniden ikmali yapan makama intikal eden ikmal maddeleri ve malzeme sevkiyatı. Buna (frustrated cargo) da denir
frustrated freight
(Askeri) gönderilmeyen yük
frustrated freight
(Askeri) iptal edilmiş yük
(Spor) Gemi/deniz/okyanus taşımacılığı
advance freight
(Ticaret) peşin avans navlun
air freight
(Ticaret) hava taşıma
air freight
(Ticaret) hava navlunu
cost and freight
(Ticaret) cfr
cost and freight
(Ticaret) mal bedeli veya navlun
dead freight
(Askeri) ölünavlun
dead freight
(Ticaret) ölü navlun
dead freight
safra yükü
air freight
hava yükü
carriage freight
nakliye masrafları
distance freight
mesafe navlunu
distress freight
zaruret navlunu
double freight
çift navlun
extra freight
ek yük
extra freight
ilave yük
time freight
ekspresle gönderilen mal
Ocean freight rate
(Gemicilik) Deniz navlunu; transatlantik navlunu
air freight
Uçak yükü
cost and freight
mal bedeli ve navlun
cost insurance and freight
mal bedeli artı sigorta artı navlun
cost insurance freight
maliyet sigorta navlun
cost, insurance and freight
tic. şif, bir malın bedeli, sigortası ve navlunu ile birlikte maliyeti
dead freight
pişmanlık navlunu, safra yükü
exemption from freight
navlun muafiyeti
export freight
ihracat navlunu
forward freight
varista tahsil edilecek navlun
inbound freight
gelen yük
sea freight
Navlun: deniz taşımacılığında nakliyesi yapılan mal için alınan ücret

Since ours is only a small transport company, I'm afraid it is impossible for us to make discount on the sea freight.

Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet
(Askeri) Savunma Nakliye Demiryolu Aktarma Filosu
air freight
(isim) uçak yükü
air freight
hava yükü,havayolu navlunu
back freight
(Ticaret) geri sevketme navlunu
back freight
(Ticaret) geri sevk etme navlunu
back freight
(Kanun) dönüş navlunu
container freight station
(Askeri) konteyner yükleme istasyonu
cost, insurance and freight
country representative/freight forwarder
domestic freight route order number
(Askeri) YURTİÇİ YÜK GÖNDERME SIRA NUMARASI: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı sevkiyat makamları tarafından yurtiçi vagon yükü veya bazı istisnaları ile, muadili yük trafiğinin tanıtılması ve hareketine izin verilmesi için kullanılan numara. Bu numara; sevkiyatın yapılacağı yolu veya usulü gösterir
excess freight
(Ticaret) fazla navlun ücreti
excess freight
yük fazlası ücreti
field training unit; freight terminal unit
(Askeri) sahra eğitim ünitesi; nakliye terminal ünitesi
forward freight terminal unit
(Askeri) ileri nakliye terminal ünitesi
full freight
(Ticaret) tam navlun
gross freight
(Ticaret) brüt navlun
gross freight
(Ticaret) gayri safi navlun
home freight
(Askeri) gemi sevk navlunu
inland freight
(Ticaret) kara navlunu
maritime freight
(Avrupa Birliği) (Annex III) navlun
net freight
(Ticaret) net navlun
outward freight
(Ticaret) dışarı giden mallar navlunu
preferential freight rate
tercihli navlun oranı
rate of freight
(Ticaret) navlun fiyatı
return freight
(Ticaret) dönüş yükü
through freight
direkt nakliyat
total freight
(Bilgisayar) toplam nakliye ücreti
unclaimed freight
İngilizce - İngilizce
To transport (goods)
Payment for transportation

The freight was more expensive for cars than for coal.

Transport of goods

They shipped it ordinary freight to spare the expense.

Goods or items in transport

The freight shifted and the trailer turned over on the highway.

To load with freight
{n} the lading of a ship, carriage, price of transportation by water
{v} to load a vessel, to load
Cargo (or freight) is goods or produce transported, generally for commercial gain, by ship, aircraft, train, van or truck. In modern times, containers are used in most intermodal long-haul cargo transport
load with goods for transportation
(1) Goods moved for another or, (2) The remuneration earned by a shipowner or manager for the carriage of goods; including the profit derived from carrying his own goods
The price paid a common carrier for the carriage of goods
transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates the charge for transporting something by common carrier; "we pay the freight"; "the freight rate is usually cheaper"
as, a freight of cotton; a full freight
Money payable on delivery of cargo in a mercantile condition
transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates
– the price paid to a ship owner for the transportation of goods or merchandise by sea from one specific port to another The word "freight" is also used to denote goods which are in the process of being transported from one place to another (Glossary of Terms in Statistics 1985, National Economic and Development Authority)
1 Cargo; goods to be shipped 2 Shipment by common carrier as opposed to by an express service, as in "Ship it freight "
The hire of a ship, the carriage of cargo, cargo
The goods or cargo carried on a train
Cargo or goods carried by a vehicle Shipment transported Compensation paid to a railroad for transporting a commodity Total charges for the rail shipment from the waybill origin to the waybill destination This does not include miscellaneous charges such as a stop to partially unload
Generally refers to air cargo, but does include air express, mail or passenger baggage
A fee that a vendor charges to send an item or goods to a destination
The cost to transport supplies, materials, or equipment via a commercial carrier; also may include packing, crating, and handling costs Freight may be paid as a direct charge as shipping/handling for a direct payment to a vendor (ex: a payment against a purchase authorization), or when the freight bill is received after a purchase order has been closed
{i} cargo or goods that are shipped for a fee; shipping cost; transportation, conveyance, shipment
goods to be shipped, the ordinary transportation of goods by a common carrier and distinguished from express
That with which anything is fraught or laden for transportation; lading; cargo, especially of a ship, or a car on a railroad, etc
transporting goods, and the costs associated with it
Freight transportation, or freight line
The remuneration earned by a ship owner or manager for the carriage of goods; including the profit derived from carrying his own goods Freight Forwarder - An independent business that dispatches shipments for exporters for a fee The firm may ship by land, air, or sea, or it may specialize Usually it handles all the services connected with an export shipment, including preparation of documents, booking cargo space, warehousing, pier delivery, and export clearance
(a) The price paid to the carrier for the transportation of goods or merchandise by sea from one place to another (b) Freight is also used to denote goods which are in the process of being transported from one place to another
The amount of money due for the carriage of goods and payable either in advance or upon delivery
to carry or transport goods as a business
goods carried by a vessel or vehicle
goods carried by a large vehicle
Freight is goods that are transported by lorries, trains, ships, or aeroplanes. 90% of managers wanted to see more freight carried by rail
{f} load with goods; load, weigh down; send as cargo
When goods are freighted, they are transported in large quantities over a long distance. From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa. to send goods by air, sea, or train
transport commercially as cargo
Money payable on delivery of cargo in a mercantile condition Refers to goods/ materials loaded for transportation including exhibit properties, products and other materials shipped for an exhibit
In a charter party, the amount due from the charterer to the owner of the ship subject to the charter party
All merchandise, goods, products, or commodities shipped by rail, air, road, or water, other than baggage, express mail, or regular mail
The sum paid by a party hiring a ship or part of a ship for the use of what is thus hired
Employed in the transportation of freight; having to do with freight; as, a freight car
Freight is the movement of goods by lorries, trains, ships, or aeroplanes. France derives 16% of revenue from air freight
To load with goods, as a ship, or vehicle of any kind, for transporting them from one place to another; to furnish with freight; as, to freight a ship; to freight a car
Goods being transported from one place to another
the charge for transporting something by common carrier; "we pay the freight"; "the freight rate is usually cheaper"
load with goods for transportation transport commercially as cargo
freight densities
plural form of freight density
freight density
Weight displacement of freight per cubic foot or other unit of volumeUS FM 55-15 TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE DATA; 9 June 1886
freight train
A train used for the transportation of freight
Describing a railway line that is used only by freight trains
freight agent
an employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods
freight bill
The bill of the carrier for costs incurred by shipping
freight bill
Statement given to the customer of charges for transportation This is information taken from the waybill
freight bill
Carrier's invoice for payment of transportation services rendered
freight bill
The document the carrier uses to set forth the charges applicable to the shipment The freight bill differs from the bill of lading in that the freight bill sets forth the charges applicable to the shipment while the bill of lading sets for the terms of the shipment and is a document of title
freight bill
The carriers invoice for payment of transport services rendered
freight bill
Document indicating the actual cost of the movement of household goods
freight car
a railway car that carries freight
freight car
railroad car for carrying freight, railroad car in which goods are transported
freight car
On a train, a freight car is a large container in which goods are transported. A railroad car designed for carrying freight. part of a train which carries goods
freight charge
The money charged by the carrier for the transporting goods
freight charge
The charge assessed for transporting freight
freight charge
The rate established for transporting freight
freight charge
The charge assessed for transportation of freight
freight elevator
an elevator designed for carrying freight
freight engine
locomotive which pulls a freight train
freight forwarder
An enterprise that provides services to facilitate the transport of shipments Services can include documentation preparation, space and equipment reservation, warehousing, consolidation, delivery, clearance, banking and insurance services, and agency services The forwarder may facilitate transport by land, air, ocean, or may specialize in one mode of transport Also called Forwarder or Foreign Freight Forwarder      
freight forwarder
A firm that makes or assists in the making of shipping arrangements
freight forwarder
This is a company or person that handles the shipment of goods The responsibilities of a freight forwarder include arranging shipment details and completing documentation Because of their brokering role, freight forwarders have a good understanding of market trends, insurance and transport alternatives and are a good source of information with respect to these matters
freight forwarder
Independent business that handles export shipments for compensation
freight forwarder
An individual or company, acting on behalf of a shipper, who arranges all necessary details of shipping and documentation, which includes employing the services of a "carrier of carriers"
freight forwarder
A person that dispatches shipments via common carriers and books or otherwise arranges space for those shipments on behalf of shippers and processes the documentation or performs related activities incident to those shipments
freight forwarder
A company handling all aspects of export shipping, including customs and export documentation Sometimes, they can save you money by combining your shipment with others or using pre-booked carrier space
freight forwarder
A business or person who arranges shipments for customers usually break bulk and issues a HBL (sea) or HAWB (air) The freight forwarder then consolidates a number of shipments under one BL or AWB The freight forwarder does not actually carry the cargo or conduct business for the ship The Muecke Group of Companies are international & domestic freight forwarders in South Australia to and from most places in the World - email: forwarding@muecke com au
freight forwarder
Any agent or facility designated to receive, process, and transship U S material to foreign recipients In the context of this Manual, an agent or facility cleared specifically to perform these functions for the transfer of U S classified material to foreign recipients
freight forwarder
Component of the shipping industry that arranges for shipment of goods for shippers that do not have their own shipping departments Frequently, if a shipper has a less than container load shipment, it will seek the services of a freight forwarder that will consolidate the partial load shipment with other partial load shipments Freight forwarders that handle international shipments may also act as customs brokers for goods coming into the country
freight forwarder
A company that arranges for the truck transportation of cargo belonging to others, utilizing for-hire carriers to provide the actual truck transportation The Forwarder does assume responsibility for the cargo from origin to destination and usually does take possession of the cargo at some point during the transportation Forwarders typically assemble and consolidate less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments into truckload shipments at origin and disassemble and deliver LTL shipments at destination
freight forwarder
Person engaged in assembling, collecting, consolidating shipping and distributing less than trailerload freight; also, a person acting as agent in the trans-shipping of freight to or from foreign countries and clearing freight through Federal Customs
freight forwarder
Freight Forwarders, who are subject to regulations by the Interstate Commerce Commission, are defined by that commission as persons, other than carriers, who in the performance of contracts to transport property for the general public employ the services of rail, water, and other carriers Freight Forwarders act on behalf of the shipper, and when retained for this purpose, attend to all the necessary details of shipping and documenting for the manufacturer or exporter, or vice versa, for the shipper and importer
freight forwarder
Person or organization that assembles small shipments into one large shipment which is then tendered to a regulated over the road carrier Upon reaching destination, the shipment is separated into small shipments and delivered
freight forwarder
Company that, as an agent for the shipper, arranges transportation for goods Many freight forwarders offer additional services such as preparing export documentation, arranging for goods to be packed into shipping containers, arranging for goods to clear customs, etc
freight forwarder
An independent business that handles export shipments for compensation (A freight forwarder is among the best sources of information and assistance on U S export regulations and documentation, shipping methods, and foreign import regulations )
freight forwarder
1 Individual/company that accepts LTL shipments and consolidates them into truckload lots on for-hire basis
freight forwarder
an independent business that handles export shipments
freight forwarder
An agent who arranges transport of export cargo
freight forwarder
An independent business that handles export shipments for compensation
freight forwarder
Firm specializing in arranging transport of merchandise and completing documentation required for the orderly transport of merchandise Occasionally, they will take merchandise for the purpose of packing or consolidating with other cargo for export to the same country
freight forwarder
The business is compensated for handling export shipments Also a good source of information and assistance for exporting
freight forwarder
A firm that handles export shipments for other firms
freight house
place where transported goods are stored
freight insurance
insurance purchased to ensure the safe conveyance of cargo or goods shipped
freight liner
a long-distance express freight train between industrial centers and seaports with facilities for rapid loading and unloading of goods
freight prepaid
Freight and charges to be paid by the consignor
freight prepaid
The freight and charges to be paid by the consignor
freight prepaid
An agreement between the seller and a buyer that the seller will pay for the transportation charges before delivery to the transportation carrier
freight ship
boat designed to carry freight (cargo, goods to be shipped)
freight train
train designed to carry freight (cargo, goods to be shipped)
freight train
a railroad train consisting of freight cars
freight train
A freight train is a train on which goods are transported. A railroad train consisting of an engine and freight cars. a train that carries goods
freight transport
moving of goods from one place to another (by train, truck, ship, etc.)
To ship cargo by the use of aircraft

Because of their urgency the agent will air-freight the parts.

cost and freight
Meaning the seller pays for transportation to the port of loading, cost and freight, and the buyer pays for the insurance and the rest of the transportation
cost, insurance and freight
Meaning the seller pays for the goods, transportation to the port of destination, and marine insurance
hop a freight
To travel as a stowaway aboard a freight train on a railroad
pay the freight
To bear the cost

McColl was the lawyer of choice for those who could pay the freight.

pay the freight
To pay for the cost of transport
air freight
Property other than mail Express, or passenger baggage tendered to an airline for transportation
air freight
{i} system of transporting cargo by aircraft; cargo transported by aircraft; charge for transporting freight by air
air freight
A service providing for the air transport of goods
collect freight
Freight, which is not payable to the carrier unless the merchandise arrives at the port of discharge named on the Bill of Lading
collect freight
Freight payable to the carrier at the port of discharge or ultimate destination The consignee does not pay the freight charge if the cargo does not arrive at the destination
cost and freight
C&F, selling price includes all costs and freight, seller bears the transportation charges to the port of shipment and loading and freight (the buyer bears the cost of the insurance and transportation of goods from the port of destination to factory)
cost insurance and freight
price of goods including transportation and insurance costs, cost of merchandise includes freight and insurance fees, seller bears the insurance and all transportation and various other charges to the point of debarkation for the vessel, CIF
past of freight
present participle of freight
third-person singular of freight
loading and unloading of freight
loading or unloading of goods on a ship and arranging them in warehouses
premium freight
(Ticaret) Additional charges paid to a transportation provider to expedite shipments in order to meet a required date. Often used as a partial measure of on-time shipment performance
unaccompanied freight
cargo that is not accompanied by its owner