
listen to the pronunciation of fluoride
İngilizce - Türkçe

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde içme suyuna florür ilave edilir. - In the United States, fluoride is added to the drinking water.

Çoğu diş macunu florür içerir. - Most toothpastes contain fluoride.

(Diş Hekimliği) florun herhangi başka bir element ile yaptığı bileşik
flüor ile başka bir elemanın bileşmesinden meydana gelen kimyasal karışım
i., kim. flüorür
(Tıp) Fluorine'nin bir elementi veya bir kök ile bileşimi, hidrofulorik asidin bir tuzu
{i} fluorür
fluoride anodizing
(Havacılık) fluorid anotlama temizlemesi
antimony fluoride
antimon florür
calcium fluoride
kalsiyum florür
hydrogen fluoride
hidrojen florür
lithium fluoride
lityum florür
add fluoride
florür eklemek
misspelling of fluoride
florür yazım hatası
dried sodium fluoride
(Kimya) kurutulmuş sodyum fluorür
polyvinyl fluoride
(Kimya) polivinil florür
sodium fluoride
(Diş Hekimliği) NaF; su kaynağına 1 p.p.m. Optimum değerinde karıştırılarak, karıştırılmadığı yerlerde tablet şeklinde alarak ve solüsyon şeklinde yüzeyel uygulama ile diş çürüğünü önlemekte kullanılan, beyaz, toz şeklinde bir florür
stannous fluoride
(Diş Hekimliği) Diş macununda ve çürüğü önleyici yüzeyel uygulamada kullanılan bir florür türü. SnF2
İngilizce - İngilizce
Any salt of hydrofluoric acid; for example, potassium fluoride
A binary compound of fluorine and another element or radical
in drinking water decreases the incidence of tooth decay when the water is consumed during the period of enamel calcification Excessive quantities in drinking water consumed by children during the period of enamel calcification may cause a characteristic discoloration (mottling) of the teeth
Any compound that contains either the F- ion or fluorine with an oxidation state of -1, such as CaF2
Fluoride can be found in water as natural mineral or as an additive to public or municipal supplies Fluoride can cause a discoloration or teeth known as Fluorosis when in excessive levels in water The EPA maximum contaminant level for Fluoride in water is 2 0 ppm
A general reference to compounds containing fluorine Presence of about 1 0 mg/L is beneficial for reduction of dental cavities Concentrations greater than 1 8 mg/L may cause mottling of teeth
A natural element which strengthens teeth and prevents dental decay, when used during orthodontic treatment it helps protect the teeth from decay
Fluoride is a mixture of chemicals that is sometimes added to drinking water and toothpaste because it is considered to be good for people's teeth. a chemical which is believed to help protect teeth against decay (fluorine)
A chemical compound used to prevent dental decay, utilized in fluoridated water systems and/or applied directly to the teeth
A chemical compound used to prevent dental decay, utilized in fluoridated water systems and/or applied directly to the teeth See more about toothpaste, click here
A compound of fluorine (an element) which be put in different forms such as water, gels, rinses to strengthen up teeth
Say: flore-ide The fantastic mineral that keeps your teeth feeling strong and looking super! Brush 'em with toothpaste that contains fluoride to keep that stupendous smile of yours
a salt of hydrofluoric acid
a natural chemical that strengthens enamel -- the hard outer coating on teeth -- helps prevent tooth decay, and helps repair early damage to teeth
A compound that is sometimes added to drinking water in an effort to help prevent tooth decay
An ion sometimes added to drinking water in communities across the United States but which has little or no effect on the outcome of beer brewed with that water
A binary compound of fluorine with another element or radical
What it's good for: Dental health Where you get it: Tea, fish eaten with their bones, processed foods, and treated drinking water DRI: Between 3 1 to 3 8 mg for adults
RDA - 1 5-4 0 mg NEEDED FOR -
{i} ester of hydrofluoric acid that contains fluorine as one of the two elements (used to prevent tooth decay)
acyl fluoride
Any organic compound containing an acyl functional group directly attached to a fluorine atom
chlorine fluoride
Any binary compound of chlorine and fluorine
hydrogen fluoride
a colourless fuming liquid or gas, having a molecular formula of HF; it dissolves in water to form hydrofluoric acid and has many industrial uses including the production of teflon and the refining of uranium; it corrodes skin, flesh and bone, and any skin contact must be avoided
lithium fluoride
a salt that may be prepared by the action of hydrofluoric acid on many lithium compounds, and occurs naturally as griceite; its crystals are used in optical instruments, and in radiation dosimetry (based on its radiothermoluminescence)
methyl fluoride
oxygen fluoride
any binary compound of oxygen and fluorine
polyvinyl fluoride
A thermoplastic fluoropolymer having various uses as a film or resin. Abbreviation: PVF
polyvinylidene fluoride
A thermoplastic fluoropolymer of high purity and resistance to solvents, acids and alkalis, having many uses, including as an insulator and an ingredient of some paints and batteries. Abbreviation: PVDF
sodium fluoride
The salt NaF, used in the fluoridation of water
vinyl fluoride
The fluorinated alkene CH2=CHF that is used to make polyvinyl fluoride
A fluoride
calcium fluoride
A colorless powder, CaF, used in emery wheels, carbon electrodes, and cements
plural of fluoride
hydrogen fluoride
a colorless poisonous corrosive liquid made by the action of sulphuric acid on calcium fluoride; solutions in water are hydrofluoric acid
hydrogen fluoride
A colorless, fuming corrosive liquid or a highly soluble corrosive gas, HF, used in the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid, as a reagent, catalyst, and fluorinating agent, and in the refining of uranium and the preparation of many fluorine compounds
sodium fluoride
a colorless crystalline salt of sodium (NaF) used in fluoridation of water and to prevent tooth decay
sodium fluoride
A colorless crystalline salt, NaF, used in fluoridation of water, in treatment of tooth decay, and as an insecticide and a disinfectant
stannous fluoride
a white powder that is used to fluoridate toothpaste
stannous fluoride
A white powder, SnF, used to fluoridate toothpaste



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    /ˈflôˌrīd/ /ˈflɔːˌraɪd/


    () fluor(ine) + -ide