floating charge

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İngilizce - Türkçe

floating charge teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

float charge
kullanım şarjı
İngilizce - İngilizce
that successively attaches to such assets as a person may have from time to time, leaving him more or less free to dispose of or encumber them as if no such charge or lien existed
A type of security interest that charges the debtor's property but does not specify particular assets or pieces of equipment until the security interest or instrument is crystallized
Security taken by lender which floats over all the assets and crystallises over particular assets if the security is required
placing a lien upon a debtor's assets
A general charge on some or all assets of an enterprise which are not attached to specific assets and are given as security against a debt
A security which allows a company the free use of its assets until the security is called up when it attaches to all the assets of the company
a charge held over general assets of a company The assets may change (such as stock) and the company can use the assets without the consent of the secured creditor until the charge "crystallises" (becomes fixed) Crystallisation happens on the appointment of an administrative receiver, on the presentation of a winding-up petition or as otherwise provided for in the document creating the charge
Charge or assignment on a company's total assets as security for a loan on total assets without citing specific assets
A charge, lien, etc
floating charge


    float·ing charge

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    flōtîng çärc


    /ˈflōtəɴɢ ˈʧärʤ/ /ˈfloʊtɪŋ ˈʧɑːrʤ/