fixe kosten

listen to the pronunciation of fixe kosten
İngilizce - Türkçe

fixe kosten teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

fixed costs
(Ticaret) sabit giderler
fixed costs
sabit masraflar
fixed costs
sabit maliyetler
Almanca - İngilizce
fixed costs
Business costs that do not vary with sales volume
An expenditure that does not vary with production volume, such as rent, property tax, administrative salaries, etc [APIC]
costs that do not vary with the level of output
Those costs that do not vary with changes in the number of units produced or sold p 594
Costs that do not vary with the level of production, at least in the short run
Fixed amounts that do not vary with changes in the volume of sales or production, i e rent, depreciation, interest payments
Operation costs that will remain relatively constant for all levels of output
- production costs that are not related to the level of production; also referred to as overhead costs
Costs which do not vary with the volume of production over the short term
Costs that remain the same regardless of how many pieces are printed Copyrighting, photography and design are fixed costs
Costs, such as rent, which do not fluctuate in proportion to the level of sales or production
costs that do not vary by the number of miles run
costs which do not vary with output (Folland et al , 1997) (S4,II) chinese | russian
Expenses incurred in running the business that don’t vary as output or sales vary Also known as Common Costs General and administrative expense, such as rent, is an example
1) In accounting, operating expenses that do not vary with volume of activity or output, at least in the short run 2) At BPA, operating expenses that stay basically constant, regardless of power output and even when no electric service is provided to customers Includes interest expense on the Federal investment in the Pacific Northwest power system, contractual obligations, net costs of the residential exchange, and depreciation expense for long-lived assets
Expenses that do not vary with the level of production, such as depreciation and personal property taxes For example, personal property taxes are the same on a tractor regardless of whether that tractor is used on one acre or 300 acres
Costs that do not change as production changes; costs that occur even without any production
Costs which do not fluctuate with business volume in the short run
a periodic charge that does not vary with business volume (as insurance or rent or mortgage payments etc )
costs that tend to remain unchanged even if output changes significantly Here Y= a
durchschnittliche fixe Kosten
average fixed cost