
listen to the pronunciation of fission
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) ATOM PARÇALANMASI, FİSYON: Nötron bombardımanı ile atom çekirdeklerinin parçalanması. Bu işlem neticesinde, uranyum ve plütonyum gibi ağır metaller parçalanarak büyük miktarda enerji meydana getirir
(Fizik) yarılım
(Biyokimya) kopma
(Askeri,İnşaat) atom parçalanması
(Fizik) ayrışma
(Fizik) parçalanma
atom çekirdeğinin parçalanması
atom bölünmesi
(Tıp) Ortadan bölünme, ana hücrenin iki yeni hücre meydana getirmek üzere ortadan bölünmesi, bu şekilde kendisini gösteren eşeysiz üreme. (Protozoon'da görüldüğü gibi)
uranyum gibi bir elemanın daha basit ve sabit parçalara ayrılıp dağılması
(Nükleer Bilimler) çekirdek bölünmesı,bölünme(fisyon),çekirdek fisyon,nükleer bölünme, fisyon
(Tıp) Bir elementin atom çekirdeğinin daha ufak zerrelere ayrılması
{i} fizyon

Nükleer enerji santralleri, ısı üretmek için uranyum fizyonuna dayanır. - Nuclear power plants rely upon the fission of uranium to generate heat.

ortasından bölünerek üreme
i., fiz. bölünüm, yarılım
ortadan ikiye ayrılma
fission products
(Askeri) fisyon ürünleri
fission yield
fisyon ürünü
fission bomb
fiziyon bombası
fission chain
fisyon zinciri
fission chamber
fisyon odası, yarilim odacigi
fission neutrons
fisyon nötronları
fission parameter
fisyon parametresi
fission yield
fisyon verimi, bölünüm verimi
fission bomb
atom bombası
fission bomb
(Askeri) fisyon bombası
fission chamber
(Fizik) yarılım odacığı
fission chamber
(Fizik) fisyon odası
fission counter tube
(Nükleer Bilimler) fisyon sayaç tübü
fission cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme kesiti,fisyon tesir kesiti,bölünme tesir kesiti fission energy bölünme enerjisi
fission fraction
(Çevre) fisyon parçalaması
fission fragment
(Nükleer Bilimler) fisyon parçası
fission fragments
(Nükleer Bilimler) fisyon parçaları,bölünme parçaları
fission gas
(Nükleer Bilimler) fisyon gazı
fission neutron
(Fizik) fisyon nötronu
fission neutrons
fizyon nötronları
fission neutrons
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme nötronları,fizyon nötronları
fission probability
(Çevre) fisyon ihtimali
fission process
fizyon işlemi
fission product
(Fizik) bölünüm ürünü
fission products
(Askeri) FİSYON ÜRÜNLERİ: Nükleer parçalanma sonucu oluşan maddelerin tümü için kullanılan genel bir terim
fission products
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme ürünleri,fisyon ürünleri, nükleer bölünme ürünleri
fission spectrum
(Fizik) fisyon tayfı
fission spectrum
(Fizik) fisyon spektrumu
fission spectrum
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme izgesi,bölünme tayfı,fisyon spektrumu
fission spectrum
(Fizik) bölünüm izgesi
fission spectrum
fizyon tayfı
fission to yield ratio
(Askeri) PARÇALANMA KUDRETİ ORANI: Nükleer parçalanmadan meydana gelen kudretin toplam kudrete oranı; çok defa yüzde olarak ifade edilir
fission weapon
(Çevre) fisyon silahı
fission width
(Nükleer Bilimler) fisyon genişliği
fission yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme verimi,fisyon verimi
fast fission
hızlı fisyon
binary fission
ikiye bölünerek üreme
nuclear fission
nükleer fisyon
nuclear fission
çekirdek parçalanması
fast fission factor
hızlı fisyon katsayısı
spontaneous fission
kendiliğinden fisyon, kendiliğinden bölünüm
atomic fission
atomik parçalanma
atomic fission
atom bölünmesi
binary fission
hücrenin ikiye bölünerek üremesi
boosted fission weapon
(Çevre) yükseltilmiş fisyon silahı
chain fission yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) zincirleme fisyon ürünü
cumulative fission yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) birikmiş fisyon verimi
delayed fission neutrons
(Fizik) gecikmiş fizyon nötronları
delayed fission neutrons
(Fizik) yaşlı nötronlar
direct fission yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğrudan fisyon verimi
fast fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) hızlı nötronlarla bölünme,hızlı fisyon
independent fission yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) bağımsız fisyon verimi
iterated fission expectation
(Nükleer Bilimler) tekrarlanmış fisyon beklenen değeri
lumped fission products
(Nükleer Bilimler) birleştirilmiş bölünme ürünleri
neutron yield per fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) fizyon başına nötron verimi
nuclear fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer bölünme,çekirdek bölünmesi,nükleer fisyon
nuclear fission
atom çekirdeğinin parçalanması
nuclear fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme, nükleer
nuclear fission
nükleer parçalanma
nuclear fission
(isim)kleer parçalanma, atom çekirdeğinin parçalanması
nucler fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer fisyon
photo fission
primary fission yield
(Nükleer Bilimler) birincil fisyon verimi
spontaneous fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) kendiliğinden fisyon/bölünme,kendi kendine fisyon
ternary fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) üçlü fisyon
thermal fission
ısıl fisyon
thermal fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) ılık (nötronlarla) bölünme,termik fisyon
İngilizce - İngilizce
To cause to undergo fission
The process by which a bacterium splits to form two daughter cells
The process of splitting the nucleus of an atom into smaller particles; nuclear fission
To undergo fission
The process whereby one item splits to become two
(also Nuclear fission) - A nuclear process in which the nuclei of a heavy atom (e g , uranium is split by a neutron, releasing a large amount of energy and additional neutrons
The splitting of heavier atomic nuclei into lighter ones In the case of heavy atoms (e g , uranium, plutonium), this will release energy Fission is how nuclear power plants produce energy
The splitting of the nucleus into at least two other nuclei and the release of a relatively large amount of energy Two or three neutrons are usually released during this type of transformation Fission reactions occur only with heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium
a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
The process whereby an atomic nucleus of appropriate type, after capturing a NEUTRON, splits into (generally) two nuclei of lighter elements, with the release of substantial amounts of energy and two or more neutrons
spontaneously subdivide, each individual thus forming two or more new ones
The splitting of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two lighter nuclei It is accompanied by the release of neutrons, X-rays, gamma rays, and kinetic energy of the fission products It is usually triggered by collision with a neutron, but in some cases can be induced by protons and other particles or gamma rays
Nuclear reaction in which a larger atomic nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei with the release of large amounts of energy Nuclear fission has been used on Earth to produce power for nearly 50 years
The process of splitting an atom into smaller particles
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into nuclei of intermediate mass
A process by which certain coral polyps, echinoderms, annelids, etc
Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of an atom to produce a large amount of energy or cause a large explosion
The splitting of atoms that results in the release of large amounts of energy Two or three neutrons are usually released during this event Fission occurs either naturally or when an atom's nucleus is bombarded by neutrons
The splitting apart of an atom's nucleus, releasing a large amount of heat energy
A type of nuclear reaction in which a nucleus with a large atomic number breaks into two or more smaller-atomic-number nuclei with the release of energy; reaction used in the atomic bomb and atomic power plants
The division of an atomic nucleus into parts of comparable mass Generally speaking, fission may occur only in heavier nuclei, such as isotopes of uranium and plutonium Atomic bombs derive energy from the fission of uranium or plutonium
reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more radioactive nuclei, accompanied by the emission of gamma rays, neutrons and a significant amount of energy Fission usually is initiated by the heavy nucleus absorbing a neutron, but it can also occur spontaneously
The process where a neutron collides with a heavy element like 235U uranium, causing it to fission into two fission fragments, and release some two to three neutrons and approximately 200 MeV of energy The fission fragments are radioactive, and create the primary concern for waste disposal and accident consequences
{i} splitting, cleaving; reproduction through division; splitting of an atom (Physics)
To cause to fission
a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts
The process whereby an atomic nucleus of suitable material is split into (generally) two nuclei of lighter elements with the release of substantial amounts of energy and two or more neutrons
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two, accompanied by the release of a relatively large amount of energy and usually one or more neutrons It may be spontaneous but usually is due to a nucleus absorbing a neutron and thus becoming unstable
A method of asexual reproduction among the lowest (unicellular) organisms by means of a process of self-division, consisting of gradual division or cleavage of the into two parts, each of which then becomes a separate and independent organisms; as when a cell in an animal or plant, or its germ, undergoes a spontaneous division, and the parts again subdivide
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two daughter nuclei (which are nuclei of lighter elements), accompanied by the release of a relatively large amount of energy in the form of kinetic energy of the two parts and in the form of emission of neutrons and gamma rays
A cleaving, splitting, or breaking up into parts
See Segmentation, and Cell division, under Division
a process, which, along with fusion, releases energy stored in separated nuclei During fission, a fissionable nucleus such as plutonium absorbs a neutron, becomes unstable and splits into two nuclei, releasing energy Nuclear power is a controlled, self-sustaining fission process; nuclear explosions are an uncontained chain reaction version of the fission process In the detonation of thermonuclear (fusion or hydrogen) bombs, the fission process is the trigger for the more powerful fusion event Fission products are the artificial radioactive offspring of nuclear industries and accidents; their inventories and pathways in the environment are the subject of this Website (Also see activation products, and naturally occurring radiation)
the process whereby the nucleus of a particular heavy element splits into (generally) two nuclei of lighter elements, with the release of substantial amounts of energy
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two, accompanied by the release of a relatively large amount of heat and generally one or more neutrons It may be spontaneous but usually is due to a nucleus absorbing a neutron
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two roughly equal parts (which are nuclei of lower-mass elements), accompanied by the release of a relatively large amount of energy in the form of kinetic energy of the two parts and in the form of emission of neutrons and gamma rays
The spontaneous or induced splitting, by particle collision, of a heavy atomic nucleus into a pair of fragments plus some neutrons Controlled induced fission can be used as a source of nuclear power
The splitting of a large nucleus into smaller pieces
A nuclear reaction in which a nuclide splits into two smaller nuclides See fusion
fission bomb
An atomic bomb that uses nuclear fission as a source of energy

I heard the fission bomb test clearly and I was over a hundred miles away.

fission bombs
plural form of fission bomb
fission rocket
a nuclear-pulse rocket that uses fission-based atomic bombs to supply propulsive force
fission rocket
a spacecraft having a fission reactor that powers the rocket
fission rockets
plural form of fission rocket
fission-track dating
Method of determining the age of a mineral that utilizes the damage done by the spontaneous fission of uranium-238, the most abundant isotope of uranium. The fission results in radiation damage, or fission tracks, that can be made visible by preferential leaching (removal of material by solution) of the host substance with a suitable chemical reagent; the leaching process allows the etched fission-track pits to be viewed and counted under a microscope. The amount of uranium present can be determined by irradiation that produces thermal fission of uranium-235, which produces another population of tracks, related to the uranium concentration of the mineral. Thus, the ratio of naturally produced, spontaneous fission tracks to induced fission tracks is a measure of the age of the sample. See also dating
binary fission
The process whereby a cell divides asexually to produce two daughter cells
nuclear fission
a nuclear reaction in which a large nucleus splits into smaller ones with the simultaneous release of energy
binary fission
A method of asexual reproduction that involves the splitting of a parent cell into two approximately equal parts
nuclear fission
splitting of an atom's nucleus into two equal parts
nuclear fission
the splitting of the nucleus (=central part) of an atom which results in a lot of power being produced. Division of a heavy atomic nucleus into two fragments of roughly equal mass, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, the binding energy of the subatomic particles. The energy released in the fission of one uranium nucleus is about 50 million times greater than that released when a carbon atom combines with oxygen atoms in the burning of coal. The energy appears as kinetic energy of the fragments, which converts to thermal energy as the fragments collide in matter and slow down. Fission also releases two or three free neutrons. The free neutrons can bombard other nuclei, leading to a series of fissions called a chain reaction. The energy released from nuclear fission is used to generate electricity, to propel ships and submarines, and is a source of the vast destructive power of nuclear weapons