filika dümencisi

listen to the pronunciation of filika dümencisi
Türkçe - İngilizce
In a ship's boat, the helmsman given charge of the boat's crew
In a rowing crew, the member who steers the shell and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers
A rank or position.Canadian Navy Coxswain (or Capitaine d'Armes) is the senior non-commissioned officer aboard a shipBritish Royal Navy Cadets Cadet Coxswain is the highest normal rank which may be achieved
The second or third mate of a vessel, in charge of the master's barge
one who steers a rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an officer
In a ships boat, the helmsman given charge of the boats crew
Naval A rank or position
the person who directs the boat, either sitting in the stern or reclining in the bow Coxswains are typically small and light but must meet a minimum weight They act as the on-the-water coach and steer person (has no oar)
The helmsman of a racing shell
The coxswain of a lifeboat or other small boat is the person who steers the boat. a cox (cock (14-18 centuries) (from coque) + swain (13-17 centuries) ( SWAIN))
{f} steer a small boat
The second or third mate of a vessel, in charge of the masters barge
Member of the crew who coordinates effort, issues commands, and is primarily responsible for steering the shell Usually seated in the stern-most portion of the shell
The helmsman, who has two important jobs: To keep the boat moving straight by making minor corrections to the rudder, and to keep the oarsmen rowing at the desired stroke rate
the helmsman of a ship's boat or a racing crew
{i} cox, person who steers a small boat
dört kürekli filika dümencisi
coxed four
filika dümencisi