file name

listen to the pronunciation of file name
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name assigned to a computer file
The name that an operating system gives to a file when it is stored to a disk
The name of a file Some operating systems (e g , MS-DOS) restrict the file up to eight characters in length and can be followed by an extension With Windows 95 a file name can have even more than eight characters
A name assigned or declared for a file
The final part of the URL indicates the file that you want to access If you do not include the file name, the Web server will automatically look for a file named 'index html' To allow for shorter and more easily memorable addresses, it is common practice to name the homepage of the site 'index html' and omit the FILE section from the URL
Web pages are saved with a file name and a file title The file name is what the computer uses to find a page on the Internet Examples of file names: index html, favorites html, best_pics htm
A name of a standard UNIX file File names must be valid UNIX file names and since CL4 uses two or three character extensions, file names should be limited to 11 characters It is suggested that database file names be upper case to protect them from accidental erasure and so that they appear at the beginning of directory listings
The file name indicates the file currently displayed on the server (here: Server yahoo, Country de (Germany), Directory/schlagzeilen/sport/, Filefussball html)
(computer science) the name given to a computer file in order to distinguish it from other files; may contain an extension that indicates the type of file
The name assigned to a file when it is saved and stored on a disk Different operating systems impose different restrictions on filenames
the name of the document requested, e g y html in http: //www acme com/y html If no name is specified then the file index html or index htm is the default
Label or name given to set of data or information when it is saved
Word assumes that you want to use the first line of your document as its file name, and places this text in the File name text box in the Save As dialog box
The entire name of a file including its path, or just its filename
the name by which a computer file is identified File names in standard UNIX may consist of from 1 to 14 characters
The name given to a file on disc
the eight character DOS name and three character extension of the document
The name of the file as it is stored in a folder (directory) or on a storage device A file name consists of a base name and any suffixes A fully qualified file name also includes the path
A file name is a name that refers to a file File names may be relative or absolute; the meaning of a relative file name depends on the current directory, but an absolute file name refers to the same file regardless of which directory is current On GNU and Unix systems, an absolute file name starts with a slash (the root directory) or with `~/' or `~user/' (a home directory) Some people use the term "pathname" for file names, but we do not; we use the word "path" only in the term "search path" (q v )
A name assigned to a file when the file is first written on a disk Every file on a disk must have a unique name
A designation used in a computer system to identify a file Sometimes, a file name is called a "data set name " For external designations of a computer file, see Title proper
The name assigned to a collection of records (i.e. lines) within a filesystem
bad command or file name
MS-DOS error message displayed by the computer indicating that it cannot execute a particular command or find a specific file or program (Computers)
A text string that identifies a file on a system It often including an extension string which indicates what type of file it is The format of the filename may be restricted by the operating system For example, DOS restricts filenames to eight characters, with an additional three-character extension string
The name of a file with no accompanying path information as in file html
A name assigned to a file when the file is first written on a disk Every file on a disk within the same folder must have a unique name Since Windows 95, you may use up to 32 characters for filenames, and filenames can contain any character (including spaces), except the following: \ / : * ? " |
The name of pages, graphics, sound and other files making up your Web Page or Site
is the name of a processed time zone definition file If this is a null pointer, the library uses the standard time zone definition file
Name assigned to a file A filename can include a primary filename of one to eight characters; a filetype of zero to three characters A period separates the primary filename from the filetype
The name component of a file specification A filename is assigned by either the user or the system when the file itself is created See also extension and file type
Specifies the complete file name from which the message definitions are to be imported into the Log Central database The contents of this file must follow a specified format If no file name is given, text is accepted from the standard input of the terminal
When you name a file you need to follow the convention used by your system's Operating System DOS uses a convention referred to as the 8 3 file naming convention This means you can name the file with a maximum of 8 characters, with no spaces and a period followed by a 3 character extension code The 3 character extension code lets the operating system know what program created the file An example of a 3 character extension code would be * doc The " doc" referres to a wordprocessing program
The name of a file Windows uses DOS filenaming conventions 8 plus 3
the first part of a file's name, which comes before the dot filename extension Under Windows95/98 this first part can be very long and can contain spaces
This is a key developed by using a combination of the decedent's name and the year in which the inventory was taken, ordered, or recorded, in that order The eight character field is used to invisibly link the Main Inventory Table with the Detail Inventory Table
A name, specified by either the user, programmer, or software, comprised of alphanumeric characters, to identify a file and its contents Different programs and operating systems have their own naming rules A basic MS-DOS filename contains up to eight letters or numbers, followed by the file’s three- or four-letter file extension, in this format: "filename ext" Windows95 and 98 allow users to specify a filename of up to 255 characters
{i} name of a file, name of a collection of computer data (Computers)
(computer science) the name given to a computer file in order to distinguish it from other files; may contain an extension that indicates the type of file
The canonical eight character name of the file The file name is generated from the lemma field according to an algorithm described in Appendix 2
FileName pl contains a function to correctly parse a file name regardless of the underlying operating system
A string of characters used to identify a file
File name only
The first part of a file's name, which comes before the dot filename extension Under Windows95/98/XP this first part can be very long and can contain spaces
The name that identifies the file within its directory It comprises everything from the character following the last backslash to the character preceding the final period (if there is one)
A unique letter/number identifier assigned to each advertisement by Duke staff and student assistants
This is the name of the file originally sent by the user to the ATO It appears on status messages relating to the file
n a handle, not necessarily ever directly represented as an object, that can be used to refer to a file in a file system Pathnames and namestrings are two kinds of objects that substitute for filenames in Common Lisp
The identifier of a file on a disk What the file is called (i e In the file main bmp, the filename is main)
the name you give to a particular computer file
A type of configuration variable that specifies a file for a particular use or purpose
file name