filan falan

listen to the pronunciation of filan falan
Türkçe - İngilizce
and so on
Indicates that a list continues in a similar manner

Put things where you will use them: sponges next to the sink, knives next to the cutting board, and so on.

continuing in the same way
etcetera, and others, and so forth
filan falan/festekiz/feşmekân/fıstık/fistan/fişman
1. given people, these people, given things, these things. 2. and people such as they, and that lot; and what have you, and what not; etc. 3. such and such: Filan falan günlerde filan falan şehrimizi ziyaret edecek. On such and such days such and such people will visit our city
falan filan
such and such
falan filan
and so on
falan filan/festekiz/feşmekân/fıstık/fistan/fişman
1. given people, these people; given things, these things. 2. and people such as they, and that lot; and what have you, and what not; et cetera, etc. 3. such and such: Falan filan tarihlerde falan filan gelecek. On such and such dates such and such people will come
falan filân
Türkçe - Türkçe
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falan filan
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