(Askeri) SUÇLULARIN İADESİ: Bir memlekette suç işleyip başka bir memlekete sığınanların, muhakeme edilmek üzere, suçu işledikleri memlekete geri verilmesi
extradition teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
a formal process by which a criminal suspect held by one government is handed over to another government for trial or, if the suspect has already been tried and found guilty, to serve his or her sentence
the surrender by a government of a person accused of crime to the justice of another government
a legal process by which someone accused of a crime is sent back to the country where the crime happened in order that the accused person can be judged in a court of law there
The surrender by one state to another of an individual accused or convicted of an offense outside its own territory, and within the territorial jurisdiction of the other extraordinary writ A writ, often issued by an appellate court, making available remedies not regularly within the powers of lower courts They include writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition and quo warranto
the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)
Extradition is the surrendering by one state or country to another state or country a person who is charged with a crime, for example, nonsupport
the surrender of a prisoner or fugitive by one state, nation, or legal authority to another
the formal process of delivering a person found in one state to the authorities of another state where that person has been accused or convicted of a crime
The arrest and delivery of a fugitive wanted for a crime committed in another country, usually under the terms of a extradition treaty
The surrender by one state or country to another of an individual accused or convicted of an offense outside its own territory and within the territorial jurisdiction of the other, which being competent to try and punish him, demands the surrender
The surrender or delivery of an alleged criminal by one State or sovereignty to another having jurisdiction to try charge
The process whereby one state, on request, returns to another state a person who sought for prosecution or, after conviction, for execution of sentence
The formal process of delivering a person apprehended in one state to the authorities of the state in which that person has been accused or convicted of a crime
The surrender by one state to another of a person charged with a crime This surrender is made in response to the demand of the latter state that the accused be returned to face the charge
{i} handing over to another nation or judicial authority (i.e. a fugitive, criminal, etc.)
The process by which one state or country surrenders to another state, a person accused or convicted of a crime in the other state
(From Latin ex: "from" and traditio: "to hand over ") The surrender, according to the provisions of a treaty, agreement, or statute, by one state of an alleged criminal to another state, the latter state having charged and being competent to try and punish the alleged criminal
Bringing a person that is in custody in 1 state to the authorities of another state where that person has been accused or convicted of a crime
When a state delivers a person to another state to be tried for a crime they are accused of having committed which can be tried there
1 The surrender by one state to another of an accused or convicted person A state's chief executive has the right to demand from the asylum state the return of a person who was accused of a crime based upon sanctuary in another state It enables the state in which the offense occurred to swiftly bring the offender to trial
The process where a person is sent by a magistrate in one state or territory to another to be dealt with for a criminal offence •Duty Lawyer
The surrender by one state to another (or one country to another) of an individual accused or convicted of an offense outside its own territory, and within the territorial jurisdiction of the first (state or country)
The surrender of an accused criminal by one state to the jurisdiction of another
Process by which one state, at the request of another, returns a person for trial for a crime punishable by the laws of the requesting state and committed outside the state of refuge. Extradition is regulated within countries by extradition acts and between countries by treaties. Some principles of extradition are common to many countries. Most decline to surrender their own nationals. Countries also generally recognize the right of political asylum. In view of the solidarity of nations in the repression of crime, however, countries are usually willing to cooperate in bringing criminals to justice
(Kanun) Bilateral, and usually reciprocal, treaty between sovereign states which (upon request) provides for the surrender of person(s) accused of a crime under the laws of the requesting state. Extradition may be barred for offenses other than those punishable in the surrendering state, and (commonly) its courts must be convinced that a prima facie criminal case exists