Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy The data gathered in MRS is presented as a spectrum That is, the strength of the magnetic resonance signal is plotted as a function of frequency Because of the way magnetic resonance works, the environment of a particle being scanned will vary its resonant frequency Hence, from observing spectroscopic data it is possible to tell from the position of peaks where in various molecules the target atoms are
Missus -- The female equivalent of Mr Originally, this title did not indicate marriage but, rather, social rank An unmarried woman of good social status could be called "Mrs "
a feminine equivalent of Mr , it did not denote marital status but social position (women of the aristocracy) An unmarried woman of social status might be referred to as "Mrs "
evli olan bir bayanı belirtmek için kısaltma, bayan
ev·li o·lan bir ba·ya·nı be·lirt·mek i·çin kı·salt·ma, ba·yan