european foundation for quality management teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) a non-profit membership foundation , is the primary source for organizations in Europe looking to excel in their market and in their business. Founded in 1989 by the CEOs of prominent European businesses, EFQM is now the hub of excellent, globally minded organizations of all sizes and sectors, and both private and public. Specifically designed to help organizations achieve excellence in their business initiatives, the EFQM organization works to capture the best practices of globally-minded organizations and to turn this knowledge into practical resources for the business community. EFQM is a vibrant network of organizations that share the same ambitions to drive excellence through the organization and aspire to reach excellence results
european foundation for quality management
Eu·ro·pe·an founda·tion for qua·li·ty man·age·ment