
listen to the pronunciation of estimate
İngilizce - Türkçe
{f} tahmin etmek
{f} kestirmek

Geçen yıl çelik üretiminin 100 milyon tona ulaştığı tahmin edilmektedir. - Steel production is estimated to have reached 100 million tons last year.

Çelik üretimi geçen yıl tahmini olarak 100 milyon tona ulaştı. - Steel production reached an estimated 100 million tons last year.

{i} değerlendirme
{f} (kıymetini) takdir etmek, değerlendirmek
(Askeri) TAHMİN, TAKDİR: 1. Bir yabancı durumu, geliştirmeyi veya bunların ana unsurlarını tanımlamaya ve önemini yorumlamaya yönelen ve gelecekteki ihtimaller ve gösterilebilecek faaliyetlerin muhtemel sonuçlarını değerlendiren inceleme. 2. Bir yabancı ülkenin veya ülkeler grubunun özel bir ulusal plan politika, karar veya tasarlanmış faaliyet şeklinin sonucu olarak imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin hassas noktalarının muhtemel faaliyet tarzlarının bir değerlendirmesi. 3. Elde bulunan veya ihtiyaç duyulan miktarlar ve muhtemel engeller, tam olarak yerine getirme ve sonuçlar gibi unsurları değerlendirmek ve tanımlamak amacıyla yapılan veya yapılacak olan durumla ilgili gizli harekatın fiili veya tasarlanan bir analizi. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence estimate". 4. Hava önleme görevlerinde, "irtifa/derinlik/ menzil/belirtilen temas büyüklüğünün çabuk bir tahminini yap" veya "irtifa/derinlik/ menzil/belirtilen temas büyüklüğü tahminim dur"
{i} hesap

İsaac Newton, Güneş'in kütlesini ilk hesaplayan kişiydi. - Isaac Newton was the first person to estimate the mass of the Sun.

{i} takdir
değer biçme
paha biçmek
kestirilen değer

İsaac Newton, Güneş'in kütlesini ilk hesaplayan kişiydi. - Isaac Newton was the first person to estimate the mass of the Sun.

işi kabul etme
değer biçmek
{i} hüküm
(Tıp) Ölçmek, tayin etmek, hesaplamak
{f} biçmek
{i} ölçüm
{i} (es'tımît)
{f} takdir etmek
{f} hüküm vermek
{f} (es'tımeyt)
tahmini hesap
tahmin etmek hesaplamak
(İnşaat) öngörmek
(Tıp) estimate

Metamfetaminin kilosu sokaklarda tahmini bir milyon dolardan gidebiliyor. - The drug ice can fetch an estimated $1 million per kilogram on the streets.

Çelik üretimi geçen yıl tahmini olarak 100 milyon tona ulaştı. - Steel production reached an estimated 100 million tons last year.

estimate a price
paha biçmek
estimate by eye
estimate of the situation
(Askeri) durum değerlendirmesi
estimate of income
gelir tahmini
estimate of risk
hasar tespiti
estimate the value of
paha biçmek
estimate products
tahmin edilen ürünler
estimate distance
(Askeri) Mesafe tahmin etmek
estimate of brightness
(Astronomi) parlaklık tahmini
estimate of terrain
(Askeri) ARAZİNİN KIYMETLENDİRİLMESİ: Askeri bir harekatın planlanması için, bir saha üzerindeki arazi detaylarının etüt edilmesi
estimate of terrain
(Askeri) Arazinin kıymetlendirilmesiESTIMATE OF THE COMMANDER       : Komutan durum muhakemesi
estimate of terrain
(Askeri) arazinin kıymetlendirilmesi
estimate of the commander
(Askeri) komutan durum muhakemesi
estimate of the situation
(Askeri) DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Bir komutanın; askeri durumu etkileyen bütün olayları dikkate alarak vazifesini ifa için girişeceği hareket tarzları üzerinde bir karara varmasını temin eden mantıklı bir muhakeme işlemi. Ayrıca bakınız: "commander's estimate of the situation", "intelligence estimate of the situation", "logistic estimate of the situation". Aynı zamanda "appreciation of the situation"
estimate of the situation
(Askeri) Durum Muhakemesi
estimate price
estimate the damage
hasar tespiti yapmak
estimate the price
paha biçmek
tahmin edilen

1997 yılından beri küresel ısınma, daha önce tahmin edilenden iki kat daha hızlı daha meydana geldi. - Global warming since 1997 has occurred more than twice as fast as previously estimated.

Yeni hastane binasının maliyeti İlk tahmin edilenden çok daha yüksektir. - The cost of building the new hospital was considerably higher than first estimated.

settlement estimate
oturma tahmini
unbiased estimate
(İstatistik) yansız kestirim
under estimate a work
bir işi hafife almak, işin önemini azımsamak
at a rough estimate
tahmini bir hesapla
consistent estimate
tutarlı tahmin
{f} hesapla
tahmin etme

Onun raporunda sunulan istatistiki veriler hareketin sıklığını tahmin etmede bizim için çok faydalı. - The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.

{f} hesapla
rough estimate
kabaca tahmin
accurate estimate
doğru tahmin
ball park estimate
keşif tutarı
tahmin edilmiş
fazla değer vermek
unbiased estimate
yansız tahmin, yansız kestirim
administrative estimate
(Askeri) İDARİ DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Bir komutan veya erkanı tarafından ikmal, ulaştırma, tahliye ve diğer idari konuların gerekli şekilde düzenlenmesi için yapılan inceleme. İdari durum muhakemesinden, idari plan için bir esas olarak faydalanılır
administrative estimate
(Askeri) İdari durum muhakemesi
bounding estimate
(Çevre) üst limit tahmini
budget estimate submission
(Askeri) bütçe tahmini arzı
byte estimate
(Bilgisayar) tahmini bayt
classification estimate
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRMA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ: Bir er evsaf kartındaki bilgilere bakarak, erin çeşitli görevlere elverişlilik derecesi hakkında karar verme
command budget estimate
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK BÜTÇE TAHMİNİ: Program ve Bütçe Direktifinin komutanlık faaliyetleri üzerindeki etkisini kıymetlendiren ve komutanlığa tertibi teklif edilen kaynakların kullanılmasına ait planları özetleyen bir rapor
composite estimate
(Ticaret) karma tahmin
consistent estimate
(İstatistik) tutarlı kestirim
contractor's estimate
(İnşaat) müteahhit keşfi
contractor's estimate
(İnşaat) yüklenici keşfi
definitive estimate
kesin tahmin
detailed estimate
(İnşaat) ayrıntılı keşif
detailed estimate
(İnşaat,Teknik) detaylı fiyat teklifi
oranlamaya dayanan
final estimate
ikinci keşif
final estimate
son keşif
flash estimate
(Askeri) İLK BÜTÇE TASARISI: A. B. D. Cumhurbaşkanı'nın kongreye verdiği yıllık bütçe mesajında topyekün bir şekilde özet olarak bahsedilmek üzere Kara Kuvvetleri asli kısımları tarafından hazırlanan bütçe tasarıları. Bu tasarı, genel olarak belirli mali yıl için hazırlanan bütçe tasarılarının ilk grubudur
form an estimate of
form an estimate of
hüküm vermek
intelligence budget estimate submission
(Askeri) istihbarat bütçe tahmin arzı
intelligence estimate
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: İlerideki muhtemel, olayların ihtimal derecesini, gelişmeleri ve/veya harekat tarzları ve bunların doğurduğu sonuçları ve neticelerini tahmin eden durum muhakemesi. Bak. "intelligence estimate of the situation"
intelligence estimate of the situation
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Bir düşman veya muhtemel düşman için imkan dahilinde bulunan hareket tarzlarının ve bu hareket tarzlarına vereceği muhtemel öncelik sırasının tayin ve tespiti bakımından, özel bir durum veya şartla ilgili istihbarat unsurları üzerinde yapılan bir değerlendirme. Bak. "estimate of the situation"
joint intelligence estimate for planning
(Askeri) planlama için müşterek istihbarat tahmini
logistic estimate of the situation
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK DURUM TAHMİNİ/MUHAKEMESİ: Tasarlanmış faaliyetleri etkileyen lojistik faktörlerin düzgün bir şekilde incelenmesiyle elde edilen ve bu etkinin derece ve şekliyle ilgili tahmin. Bak. "estimate of the situation"
medical estimate
tıbbi tahmin
mid range estimate
(Askeri) ORTA VADELİ TAHMİN: Müşterek stratejik hedefler planının hazırlanmasına katılan Kara ordusu plancıları tarafından faydalanılacak koordineli bir kara ordusu durumu temin maksadıyla, müşterek stratejik hedefler planının geliştirilmesinden önce hazırlanmış durum muhakemesi
national intelligence estimate
(Askeri) milli istihbarat tahmini
national intelligence estimate
(Askeri) MİLLİ İSTİHBARAT TAHMİNİ: İstihbarat toplumunun görüşlerinin bir birleşimi olarak milli düzeyde hazırlanan dış ülkelerin imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin, hassasiyetlerinin ve muhtemel hareket tarzının bir stratejik tahmini
over estimate
fazla değer vermek
over estimate
gözünde büyütmek
pessimistic time estimate
kötümser süre tahmini
preliminary estimate
preliminary estimate
avam keşif
probable loss estimate
(Sigorta) muhtemel hasar tahmini
provisional estimate
geçici keşif
provisional estimate of costs
kesin olmayan tahmini maliyet
rough estimate
kabaca hesap
safe estimate
(Ticaret) doğru tahmin
strategic estimate of the situation
(Askeri) STRATEJİK DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Durumun stratejik bakımdan muhakemesi. Stratejik durum muhakemesi, tamamen, normal durum muhakemesi şeklinde hazırlanmakla beraber, aşağıdaki konulara daha çok önem verilmesini gerektirir: a. Düşmanın milli gayeleri, b. Kendi milli gayelerimiz, c. Takip edilen yol ve yöntemler, hareket tarzları (policies), d. Doğal kaynaklar dahil, ekonomi, e. İnsan gücü ve psikoloji dahil, sosyoloji, f. Teknoloji
unbiased estimate of variance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yansız varyans tahmini
İngilizce - İngilizce
A rough calculation or guess
A document (or verbal notification) specifying how much a job will probably cost
to calculate roughly, often from imperfect data
If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500 He estimated the speed of the winds from the degree of damage Some analysts estimate its current popularity at around ten per cent + estimated es·ti·mat·ed There are an estimated 90,000 gangsters in the country
{n} a calculation, valuation, account
{v} to rate, compute, set a value upon
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
An estimate is a judgment about a person or situation which you make based on the available evidence. I hadn't been far wrong in my estimate of his grandson's capabilities
an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take"
A numerical value obtained from a statistical sample and assigned to the population parameter
The form used by the printer to calculate the project for the print buyer This form contains the basic parameters of the project including size, quantity, colors, bleeds, photos etc
Often also called a point estimate, it is the guess of the true value of a population parameter
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds
a statement indicating the likely cost of some job; "he got an estimate from the car repair shop"
A cost amount given to the customer as a "ball park" figure to complete the work described The goal is for the estimate to be within 25% of the quote or FINAL COST of the project
- The proposed or expected budget for an advertising effort Prior to the inception of any promotional project or ad campaign, Motto Advertising provides its clients with a detailed cost estimate
This implies a reasoned order of magnitude statement of calculation or the quantity concerned, making such simplifying assumptions as may be necessary about points of principle and about the values of quantities not otherwise included in the question
To judge and form an opinion of the value of, from imperfect data, either the extrinsic (money), or intrinsic (moral), value; to fix the worth of roughly or in a general way; as, to estimate the value of goods or land; to estimate the worth or talents of a person
(1) To calculate approximately the amount, extent or value of something (2) To form an opinion of estimated costs
from imperfect data, comparison, or experience; to make an estimate of; to calculate roughly; to rate; as, to estimate the cost of a trip, the number of feet in a piece of land
{i} judgment of an object's worth, appraisal; opinion, judgement
An estimate is an approximate calculation of a quantity or value. the official estimate of the election result This figure is five times the original estimate
A preliminary cost analysis provided by a printer on how much a printing job will cost, listed in terms of price per piece and total cost per thousand Different from a quote, which is a legally binding, signed agreement between a printer and a publisher in which the cost is guaranteed not to fluctuate for a specified period of time
An estimate of your future benefit entitlement As these estimates cannot account for future changes in your employment status, changes in legislation and other factors, the estimates are not guaranteed No money is paid out on the basis of these estimates
Price that states what a job will probably cost Also called bid, quotation and tender
a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)
A numerical value obtained from a statistical sample and assigned to a population parameter The particular value yielded by an estimator in a given set of circumstances or the rule by which such particular values are calculated
A statistical estimate is the value of a parameter (such as the number of drug-related ED episodes) for the universe that is derived by applying sampling weights to data from a sample DAWN produces representative statistical estimates for 21 metropolitan areas based on data from a sample of EDs in each of the 21 areas An estimate for the coterminous U S is produced by summing estimates for the 21 metropolitan areas and an estimate for the National Panel
A valuing or rating by the mind, without actually measuring, weighing, or the like; rough or approximate calculation; as, an estimate of the cost of a building, or of the quantity of water in a pond
a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody; "many factors are involved in any estimate of human life"; "in my estimation the boy is innocent"
{f} judge an object's value, appraise; have an opinion, make a judgement
A general calculation of the transportation charges, as well as cost for additional services requested by the customer Includes an estimate of shipment weight Van Line: The national moving company through which affiliated agents are granted the necessary authority to transport interstate shipments The van line handles dispatching, shipment routing and monitoring, paperwork processing, and claims settlement for all interstate shipments handled by its agents
An estimate is a projection of a future benefit calculated under the law and rules in effect at the time of the projection or those in effect at the time of termination, if deferred Contact TRA for an estimate or use our online Web site calculators
judge to be probable
A statement of what a job will cost, made by a person or company willing and able to perform the work A proper estimate should be made in writing and may outline some or all of the terms and conditions that apply An estimate is less detailed and therefore less reliable than a quote or bid
To from an opinion of, as to amount,, number, etc
An estimate from someone who you employ to do a job for you, such as a builder or a plumber, is a written statement of how much the job is likely to cost. W3S3 to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc of something, without calculating it exactly be estimated to be/have/cost etc
An estimate is an indication of the value of an unknown quantity based on observed data
An assessment of the likely quantitative result Usually applied to project costs and durations and should always include some indication of accuracy (e g , ± x percent) Usually used with a modifier (e g , preliminary, conceptual, feasibility) Some application areas have specific modifiers that imply particular accuracy ranges (e g , order­of­magnitude estimate, budget estimate, and definitive estimate in engineering and construction projects)
An professional assessment as to the van space requirements, weight of your household goods and cost of the move determined by the physical visual inspection of a shipment by a representative of the carrier
the respect with which a person is held; "they had a high estimation of his ability"
Estimate implies a reasoned order of magnitude statement or calculation of the quantity concerned Candidates should make such simplifying assumptions as may be necessary about points of principle and about the values of quantities not otherwise included in the question
A professional assessment as to the van space requirements, weight of your household goods and cost of the move determined by the physical visual inspection of a shipment by a representative of the carrier
(Estimation) - means a written opinion of the value of an interest in real property as of a specified date that evaluates the property rights involved and is obtained from, and signed by, a person experienced in real estate who is established in a real estate-related business such as real estate appraisal, banking, real estate brokerage, real estate sales, real property management or timber rights surveying, or is employed in the federal Public Service The meaning of 'estimate' includes opinions consequent to market rental surveys or analyses such as are sometimes carried out in support of leasing and licensing transactions Estimates may be provided in the form of short notes or letters of opinion
An approximate calculation of the value of something
an approximation of a true score, parameter, or value A rating of a teacher's portfolio is an estimate of the quality of that portfolio and, indirectly, the performance of that teacher Because no instrument or statistical procedure can provide an exact (or true) score or value, essentially all data are estimates The smaller the error of measurement, the more precise the estimate of the true score or value See Error of Measurement, Measure (verb), Obtained Score, Score, True Score
estimate of the situation
opinion of what is going on
ballpark estimate
A ballpark figure, a very rough approximation
calculated approximately; "an estimated mass of 25 g"
accurate estimate
precise assessment, exact appraisal, exact evaluation
budgetary estimate
estimate of income and expenses within a given period of time
conservative estimate
moderate approximation, cautious guess
economic estimate
financial estimate, economic assessment (estimation of worth, price, etc.)
past of estimate
calculated approximately; "an estimated mass of 25 g
Proposed expenses for each government department
Tally of a municipality's revenues and expenditures to determine the total amount of money required by the municipality for its operations for the year
the sums of money which the government proposes it will need to provide works and services during a financial year
plural of estimate
A statement of the amounts to be spent by departments in a financial year
A process of calculating the amount of material, labor and equipment required for a given project necessary to complete the work as specified
present participle of estimate
A system of providing a price to a customer based on the specifications outlined on the estimate form It is normally sent prior to the entry of an order and prices may vary if the order specifications are not the same as the estimate specifications
The process of calculating the cost of a project This can be a formal and exact process or a quick and imprecise process
The task of estimating the likely cost of construction works either on behalf of clients or on behalf of contractors bidding for work
made a wrong estimate
guessed incorrectly, approximated wrong, made an error in assessment
maximum likelihood estimate
statistical estimate made by examining what seems most probable
over estimate ability
{i} overvalue ability
rough estimate
approximate assessment, approximation
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Tıp) estimate