The spirit, soul, and state of mind of an organization It is the overall consciousness of the organization that a person identifies with and feels a part of
estimation of signal parameters using rotational invariance techniques (chapter 6) (also, European R&D program, appendix C)
European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology
Patented American X Vinifera cultivar developed in Wisconsin as suitable for wine or table use in short season, cold regions such as southwestern Wisconsin A seedling derived from Villard Blanc it is claimed to possess some resemblance as a white wine to that produced from the Chardonnay variety Ripens early to mid-season
Esprit de corps is a feeling of loyalty and pride that is shared by the members of a group who consider themselves to be different from other people in some special way. feelings of loyalty towards people who are all involved in the same activity as you = team spirit
(French) Literally, "spirit of the body " Special spirit of a group or organized body implying exceptional loyalty, devotion or enthusiasm of the members for the cause for which the group was formed