(Kanun) "Equitable relief," karşılığı "parasal olmayan" ve karşı tarafı bir şeyi yapmaya veya yapmamaya zorlayan tedbirler için kullanılan şemsiye bir terimdir
To deal fairly and equally with all concerned This term implies not only a fair or just determination on legal grounds, but also a judgment as could be guided by common sense notions of fairness and justice
Possessing or exhibiting equity; according to natural right or natural justice; marked by a due consideration for what is fair, unbiased, or impartial; just; as an equitable decision; an equitable distribution of an estate; equitable men
That can be sustained or made available or effective in a court of equity, or upon principles of equity jurisprudence; as, an equitable estate; equitable assets, assignment, mortgage, etc
Something that is equitable is fair and reasonable in a way that gives equal treatment to everyone. He has urged them to come to an equitable compromise that gives Hughes his proper due + equitably equi·tably a real attempt to allocate scarce resources more equitably. treating all people in a fair and equal way inequitable
implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
To deal fairly and equally with all concerned This term implies not only a fair or just determination on legal grounds, but also a judgment as would be guided by common sense notions of fairness and justice
"1 : having or exhibiting equity : dealing fairly and equally with all concerned"