
listen to the pronunciation of equipment
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bizim donanımımız var. - We have the equipment.

Eğer bu modern donanımı kullanırsanız bir sürü iş gücü tasarruf edecektir. - If you use this modern equipment, it will save a lot of manpower.

araç gereç

Bayanlar ve baylar, lütfen insanları küresel ısınmaya katkıda bulunmayı bırakmaları ve doğa dostu ekipmanlar kullanmaları için uyarın. - Ladies and gentlemen, please notify the people to stop contributing to global warming and use nature-friendly equipment.

Takım üyelerine ekipman ve üniforma sağlanmaktadır. - Team members are provided with equipment and uniforms.

(Ticaret) araç
(Otomotiv) aletler

Ahır, çiftlik ekipmanları ve aletleri ile dolu. - The barn is full of farm equipment and tools.

Bu dükkân ev aletleri satar. - This store carries household equipment.


Elektrikli teçhizatlardan uzak durun. - Keep away from the electrical equipment.

(Mühendislik) aygıt, aparat, ekipman
(Nükleer Bilimler) ekipman,donanım,donatım,aygıt
(Mukavele) donanım, teçhizat, ekipman, malzeme
(Tekstil) apparat ( cihaz ), donatım, gereçler
(Askeri) TEÇHİZAT (A. B. D. SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir kişi veya birliği teçhiz etmek için lüzumlu bütün maddeler. Bu terim; elbise, alet, mutfak eşyası, araç, silah ve benzeri maddeleri ifade eder. Teçhizat; tıp ve tahsis durumlarına göre, "özel teçhizat" istihkak cetvellerinde gösterilen teçhizat" ve "teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında gösterilen teçhizat" olarak birkaç çeşide ayrılır. Teçhizat şu şekilde sınıflara ayrılır: "şahsi teçhizat", "birlik teçhizatı", "özel teçhizat". Ayrıca bakınız: "individual equipment; material; organization equipment; special (or project) equipment"
{i} doğuştan olan özellikler
{i} gereçler
(Mekanik) aparat
{f} donatmak

O, oğlunu iyi bir eğitim ile donatmak istiyor. - He wants to equip his son with a good education.

equipment analyses
(Askeri) teçhizat analizleri
equipment assembly
(Askeri) teçhizat montajı
equipment design
araç-gereç tasarımı
equipment ground
donatım topraklaması
equipment list
(Askeri) malzeme aksam listesi
equipment make
(Bilgisayar) ekipman modeli
equipment number
tesisat numarası
equipment pool
makine parkı
equipment pool
teçhizat parkı
equipment rack
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) donatım rafı
equipment room
ekipman odası
equipment shelf
(Bilgisayar) donanım rafı
equipment compatibility
ekipman uyarligi, donatı bagdasirligi
equipment trust certificate
donatım kredi vesikası
equipment; qualification
ekipman; yeterlik
equipment and floor drainage system
(Nükleer Bilimler) donanım ve zemin drenaj sistemi
equipment augmentation
(Askeri) (DATA AUTOMATION) TEÇHİZAT TAKVİYESİ (HV.): Kurulmuş bir bilgi işlem sisteminde artan iş hacmini karşılamak üzere, ek otomatik bilgi işlem teçhizat gücünün tedariki
equipment bundle
(Askeri) HAVADAN İKMAL AMBALAJI: Bak. "aerial delivery container"
equipment bundle
(Askeri) havadan ikmal ambalajı
equipment component list
equipment deadlined for parts
(Askeri) PARÇA BEKLEYEN ARIZALI MALZEME: Arızalıya ayrılmış bir malzemeyi asgari bir çalışma durumuna iade için gerekli bir parça isteği. Parça bekleyen arızalı malzeme terimi; parça bekleyen arızalı araç (vehicle deadlined for parts) terimlerinin yerini almıştır
equipment deployment and storage system
(Askeri) teçhizat dağıtım ve depolama sistemleri
equipment drain tank
(Nükleer Bilimler) donanım drenaj tankı
equipment failure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) donatı hatası
equipment leasing
(Ticaret) makine kiralama
equipment log book
(Askeri) malzeme sicil defteri
equipment log book
(Askeri) MALZEME SİCİL DEFTERİ: Malzemenin kullanma süresi içinde vukua gelmiş olayların mecburi olarak kaydına mahsus bir kontrol dokümanı
equipment modification list
(Askeri) MALZEME DEĞİŞİKLİK LİSTESİ, MALZEME TADİLAT LİSTESİ: Diğer teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında gösterilmeyen hakiki işletme durumlarının tespiti için, bir veya birkaç birliğin malzemesinde ilave veya azaltmalar yapmak suretiyle, TMK'da değişiklik yapan liste
equipment operationally ready
(Askeri) HAREKATA HAZIR TEÇHİZAT: Tasarlandığı görevi tam olarak yerine getirmeye muktedir ve etkin, güvenilir ve emin bir performans göstereceğini temin eden bir sistem düzenlemesine sahip, çalışan bir birliğin elinde bulunan bir teçhizat kaleminin durumu
equipment rack
donatim rafi
equipment readiness date
(Askeri) MALZEME HAZIR BULUNDURMA TARİHİ: Bak, "readiness date "
equipment reserve
(Askeri) MALZEME YEDEĞİ: Beklenilen dağıtım talebini önceden karşılamak veya beklenmedik işletme ihtiyaçlarını gidermek üzere, tedariki ve depolanması gereken ikmal maddeleri
equipment reserve
(Askeri) teçhizat yedeği
equipment status board
(Askeri) MALZEME DURUM TAHTASI: Teçhizatın mevcudu, durumu ve temini ile ilgili bilgi veren tahta
equipment table nomenclature
{f} hazırlamak
accessory equipment
(Ticaret) donatım
ancillary equipment
(Bilgisayar) yardımcı donanım
authorized equipment
(Askeri) yetki verilmiş malzeme
auxiliary equipment
(Bilgisayar) yardımcı donatım
basic equipment
temel donanım
crop protection equipment
bitki koruma ekipmanı
domestic equipment
yardımcı ekipman
drilling equipment
sondaj donanımı
drilling equipment
(Askeri) sondaj aletleri
electric equipment
elektrik donanımı
electrical equipment
elektrik ekipmanı
fire equipment
yangın tesisatı
fire fighting equipment
yangın tesisatı
ground equipment
(Havacılık) yer teçhizatı
heavy equipment
(İnşaat) iş makineleri
lifting equipment
kaldırma ekipmanı
machinery and equipment
makine ve cihazlar
medical equipment
sağlık gereçleri
mine equipment
(Madencilik) maden ocağı donanımı
navigation equipment
(Askeri) seyrüsefer cihazları
office equipment
büro ekipmanı
office equipment
büro gereçleri
original equipment
orijinal ekipman
peripheral equipment
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevresel ekipman
peripheral equipment
(Askeri,Bilgisayar) çevre donatımı
proper equipment
uygun ekipman
protective equipment
(Çevre) koruyucu teçhizat
protective equipment
koruyucu ekipman
protective equipment
koruyucu donanım
secure voice equipment
(Askeri) emniyetli telefon cihazı
special equipment
(Askeri) özel teçhizat
tools and equipment
(Askeri) alet ve avadanlık
airborne equipment
uçakla taşınan techizat
aircraft equipment
uçak teçhizatı
aircraft equipment
uçak donatısı
aircraft equipment
uçak techizatı
ancillary equipment
yardımcı ekipman
auxiliary equipment
yardımcı ekipman
badminton equipment
badminton ekipmanı
blind landing equipment
kör iniş techizatı
boring equipment
sondaj techizatı
bowling equipment
bovling ekipmanı
boxing equipment
boks ekipmanı
braking equipment
fren ekipmanı
character recognition equipment
karakter tanıma donatısı
conventional equipment
klasik ekipman
conversion equipment
dönüştürme ekipmanı
data communications equipment
veri iletişim donatımı
data handling equipment
veri işleme ekipmanı
data transmission equipment
veri iletim donatısı
distance measuring equipment
mesafa ölçme teçhizatı
drying equipment
kurutma donanımı
electronic equipment
elektronik teçhizat
emergency equipment
yedek donanım

Tekne radar ile donatılmıştı. - The boat was equipped with radar.

Ofisimizi bilgisayarlarla donattık. - We have equipped our office with computers.

teçhiz etmek
game equipment
oyun ekipmanı
high performance equipment
yüksek performanslı ekipman
homing equipment
homing teçhizatı
induction heating equipment
endüksiyonlu ısıtma cihazı
input equipment
girdi ekipmanı
lighting equipment
aydınlatma donanımı
lubricating equipment
yağlama makinesi
milking equipment
süt sağım ekipmanı
peripheral equipment
çevre donatısı
radiotherapy equipment
radyoterapi aleti
rescue equipment
kurtarma cihazları
robotics equipment
robotik cihazları
sports equipment
spor malzemesi
standard equipment
standart teçhizat
television equipment
televizyon donanımı
test equipment
deney malzemesi
video equipment
video teçhizatı
{f} giydirmek
Cardiovascular equipment
Kardiyovasküler ekipman
audio equipment
ses donanımı
boring equipment
sondaj teçhizatı
electrical equipment
elektrik malzemesi
{f} kuşatmak
labor and equipment estimates
işgücü ve ekipman tahminleri
process equipment
İşleme ekipmanı

IQF is a process equipment.

scuba equipment
scuba ekipmanı
unit record equipment
birim kayıt ekipmanı
welding equipment
kaynak ekipmanı
Slub equipment
(Tekstil) (Flammgarn) Fantazi iplik donanımı
TEMPEST compliant equipment
TEMPEST uyumlu donatim
acknowledgement of equipment
(Bilgisayar) donanım bilgileri
administrative equipment
(Askeri) İDARİ TEÇHİZAT: İdari işlerde kullanılan teçhizat
aerospace ground equipment
(Askeri) hava-uzay yer teçhizatı
aerospace ground equipment
(Askeri) HAVA-UZAY SAHASI YER TEÇHİZATI: Bir silah sistemi, destek sistemi, ileri hedef, alt sistem veya teçhizat nihai maddesini kararlaştırılmış kendi ortamı içinde faal kılmak için yerde bulunması gerekli bütün teçhizat. Bu teçhizat; sistemi, alt sistemi, nihai maddeyi veya ana parçayı monte etmek, fırlatmak, durdurmak, güdümlemek, kontrol etmek, idare etmek, muayene etmek, teste tabi tutmak, tanzim etmek, kalibre etmek, kıymetlendirmek, ölçmek, takmak, sökmek, yüklemek ve boşaltmak, nakletmek, korumak, depolamak, faaliyete geçirmek, hizmete hazırlamak, onarmak, revizyondan geçirmek, bakımı yapmak veya işletmek için gerekli bütün teçhizatı içine alır. Terim; geliştirme, fonlama ve tedarik usullerine bakılmaksızın, bütün teçhizata uygulanır (Hava-uzay sahası yer teçhizatı; gördükleri iş bakımından, sadece işletme yer teçhizatı ve bakım ver teçhizatı bölümlerine ayrılır. İşletme yer teçhizatı; bir sistemin, bu sistem içinde vazife gören ve bunun bir esas işletme unsuru olarak, hava-uzay aracı veya nihai madde ile birlikte faaliyet gösteren bir kısmıdır. Bakım yer teçhizatı ise; bir sistem veya nihai maddeyi işler duruma getirmek için gerekli hava-uzay yer teçhizatıdır)
agreed equipment
kabul edilen teçhizat
air delivery equipment
(Askeri) HAVADAN SEVK TEÇHİZATI: Personel ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatın havadan sevkinde ve indirmesinde kullanılan paraşüt, hava sevk ambalajları, platformlar, bağlar gibi özel teçhizat parçaları
air equipment
(Tekstil) hava tertibatı
airborne equipment
(Askeri) havada taşınan teçhizat
aircraft mission equipment
(Askeri) UÇAK GÖREV TEÇHİZATI: Belirli bir görevi başarabilmesi için uçağa yerleştirilmesi gereken teçhizat
aircraft role equipment
(Askeri) bkz: "aircraft mission equipment"
aircraft survivability equipment; automated stabilization equipment
(Askeri) uçak beka teçhizatı; otomatik stabilizasyon teçhizatı
airport surface detection equipment
(Askeri) HAVAALANI YÜZEY GÖZETLEME CİHAZI: Hava alanı yüzeyini gösteren kısa menzilli bir radar. Pistler, taksi yolları ve park sahaları üzerindeki sabit ve hareketli uçak ve araç trafiği büyük bir netlikle gözlenebilir. Uçuş kulesinin Ground Control-yer kontrolü kısmında bulunur
alarm equipment
(Askeri) uyarı teçhizatı
alarm equipment
(Askeri) uyarı cihazı
alignment equipment
(Otomotiv) balans ekipmanı
analog measuring equipment
analog olcme aleti
analytical x ray equipment
(Tıp) analitik x ışını cihazı
application equipment
(Bilgisayar) uygulama donanımı
armament weapons support equipment
(Askeri) silah destek teçhizatı
authorized allowances of equipment
(Askeri) YETKİ VERİLMİŞ MALZEME İSTİHKAKI: Yürürlükteki bir istihkak çizelgesi; teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu veya yetki verilmiş malzeme değişiklik listeleri {authorized equipment modification lists vesaire, hareket ve intikal emriyle tadil edilmiş şekliyle belirtilen malzeme
authorized equipment
(Askeri) KADRO MALZEMESİ, YETKİ VERİLMİŞ MALZEME: İstihkak çizelgelerine, teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarına göre veya yetkili makamca, elde bulundurulmasına ve sarfına yetki verilmiş malzeme
automatic data processing auxiliary equipment
(Askeri) OTOMATİK BİLGİ İŞLEM YARDIMCI TEÇHİZATI: Yaptığı iş bakımından çevresel teçhizat (peripheral equipment) dışında, otomatik bilgi işlem teçhizatıyla ilgili bulunan fakat, münhasıran ve direkt olarak bu sistem ile birlikte kullanılmayan; bu şekilde kullanıldığı zamanda, sistemi, kart delici, kağıt band hazırlama teçhizatı gibi, ayrı işlemlerde (off-line operations) destekleyen teçhizat
automatic test equipment
(Askeri) OTOMATİK TEST TEÇHİZATI: Bir teknisyenin müdahalesi olmaksızın, iki veya daha çok işareti sırayla kontroldan geçiren bir cihaz. İlk tolerans dışı işaret alınır alınmaz, genellikle test durdurulur
auxiliary equipment
(Nükleer Bilimler) yardımcı donanım
auxiliary equipment
(Askeri) YARDIMCI TEÇHİZAT: Bak. "automatic data processing equipment" ve "off - line equipment"
basket equipment
sepet ekipmanı
beekeeping equipment
(Arılık) arıcılık ekipmanı
blasting equipment
(Askeri) püskürtme teçhizatı
block equipment
palanga teçhizatı
brake equipment
fren ekipmanı
brake equipment
(Otomotiv) fren teçhizatı
brake equipment
fren donanımı
buildings and equipment
(Sigorta) bina ve teçhizat
built in test equipment
(Havacılık) geliştirilen test ekipmanı
built in test equipment
(Askeri) dahili test cihazı
cab equipment
kabin ekipmanı
camera equipment
kamera ekipmanı
captured enemy equipment
(Askeri) ele geçirilmiş düşman malzemesi
catering equipment
(Askeri) mutfak teçhizatı
channel equipment
(Bilgisayar) kanal çoğullama donatısı
channel equipment
kanal (cogullama) donatisi
channel equipment
çoğullama donatısı
cipher equipment
(Askeri) şifre teçhizatı
civil engineering file; common equipment facility
(Askeri) inşaat mühendisiği dosyası; ortak teçhizat tesisi
civil engineering support equipment; communications equipment support element
(Askeri) inşaat mühendisliği destek teçhizatı; muhabere teçhizatı destek unsuru
clothing and equipment record
(Askeri) ER GİYECEK VE TEÇHİZAT KAYDI: Bak. "individual clothing and equipment record
common equipment group
(Askeri) ortak teçhizat grubu
controlled equipment
(Askeri) kontrollü teçhizat
conversion equipment
(Elektrik, Elektronik) değiştirme donanımı
conversion equipment
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dönüştürme donatısı
core yarn equipment
(Tekstil) core iplik donanımı
cost of equipment
(Ticaret) malzemenin maliyeti
customer premise equipment
(Askeri) müşteri ana teçhizatı
data communucations equipment
(DCE) Veri İletişim Donatımı
data conversion equipment
(Askeri) BİLGİ DEĞİŞTİRME TEÇHİZATI: Bir bilgi grubunu, bir bilgi işlem vasıtasından, elverişli "giren bilgi" haline getirip, bir başka bilgi işlem vasıtasına aktarabilen veya tertipleyebilen cihaz
data link equipment
(Askeri) BİLGİ KIYMETLENDİRME CİHAZI: Bilgi toplama, bilgi çevirme ve bilgi analizlerini koordine eden elektronik cihaz
data processing equipment
(Askeri) BİLGİ İŞLEM TEÇHİZATI: Bknz. "automatic data processing equipment"
data terminal equipment; developmental test and evaluation
(Askeri) veri terminal cihazı; gelişme testi ve değerlendirilmesi
data transcription equipment
(Askeri) BİLGİ AKTARMA TEÇHİZATI: Bilgileri orijinal hallerinden bir bilgi işlem vasıtasına gönderen cihaz ve teçhizat. Bu teçhizatın faaliyeti, genel olarak, aşağıdaki usullerden birinin uygulanmasıyla kendini gösterir: (a) Bilgiyi elle tuşa vermek suretiyle bilgi işlem vasıtasına aktarma. (b) Bilgiyi, elle tuşa vermek suretiyle bilgi işlem vasıtasına aktarırken, aynı zamanda dokümanların ortaya çıkarılması. (c) Dokümanlardan karakter okuma ve bunu, optik ve manyetik tarama usulleriyle, bilgi işlem vasıtasına kod halinde işleme
deadlined equipment
(Askeri) ARIZALIYA AYRILMIŞ TEÇHİZAT: Bir birliğe veya makama verilip, mekanik aksamında, elektrik veya emniyet düzenindeki fiili veya muhtemel bozukluk sebebiyle faaliyet veya acil harekat hazırlık durumundan çıkarılmış kadro komple nihai maddesi. Günlük koruyucu bakım veya muayenesi programlanmış teçhizat, bunların arasında değildir
distance measuring equipment
(Askeri) mesafe ölçüm cihazı
early warning equipment
(Askeri) erken uyarı teçhizatı
electronic data processing equipment
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK BİLGİ İŞLEM TEÇHİZATI: Bak. "automatic data processing equipment"
enr equipment
enr ekipmanı
kişisel bilgi veya kabiliyet
gerekli alet veya silâhları sağlamak
equipment teçhizat
erecting equipment
montaj ekipmanı
fancy yarn equipment
(Tekstil) (Allgemein) fantazi iplik donanımı
farm equipment
çiftçilik teçhizatı
fertilizer equipment
(Tarım) gübreleme donanımı
İngilizce - İngilizce
Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc.; for carrying on business); horse equipment; infantry equipment; naval equipment; laboratory equipment

Armed and dight, In the equipment of a knight.

The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition

The equipment of the fleet was hastened by De Witt.

{n} the act of equipping or fitting out
tangible, non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of more than $5000 per unit on federal grants
Most credit card transactions are conducted electronically by using Electronic Draft Capture (see EDC) Typically this is performed by terminal (like the Verifone Tranz 330), Software or via the Internet
Defined as the analytical measurement hardware including the firmware, for example, a gas chromatograph In a computerized system the equipment is controlled by the computer system The computer system collects measurement data from the equipment
Those moveable items used for school operation that are of a non-expendable and mechanical nature, i e perform an operation Typewriters, projectors, vacuum cleaners, accounting machines, computers, lathes, clocks, machinery, and vehicles, etc are classified as equipment (Heating and air conditioning systems, lighting fixtures and similar items permanently fixed to or within a building are considered as part of the building )
Generally, an article of nonexpendable tangible personal property having a useful life of one year or more and an acquisition cost of $2,000 or more per unit Equipment is not a replacement part or component returning a piece of equipment to its original condition If a component increases the capability of the original equipment and has an acquisition cost of $2,000 or more, it is considered a capital item
The term equipment is normally defined as any piece of defence materiel It includes components, equipment, sub-systems, complete weapons platforms or capital equipment
Expenditures for durable goods such as computers, desks, chairs, or cars
{i} supplies, necessary items, tools or other objects for completing a task
An article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds $5000 If a single device is assembled from parts with a total cost of $5000 or more, it becomes "equipment"
Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment locomotives, cars, etc
Material resources necessary to facilitate the transport and handling of cargo Transport equipment does under the given circumstances not have the ability to move by its own propulsion (e g sea container, trailer, unit load device, pallet)
For grantees subject to 45 CFR Part 74, an article of tangible personal property that has a useful life of more than 2 years and an acquisition cost of $500 of more For grantees subject to 45 CFR Part 92, an article of tangible, nonexpendable, personal property having a useful life of more than 1 year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit
- a batsman's equipment is his bat, as defined above, together with any external protective equipment that he is wearing A fielder's equipment is any external protective equipment that he is wearing
Tangible, non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than 1 year and an acquisition cost of $500 (Oklahoma) or more per unit Equipment may be a single item, a constructed item (i e , fabricated) or several components that produce one unit Threshold of $500 includes shipping
Items used to facilitate treatment, rehabilitation, or diagnosis Generally, can withstand repeated use Medical equipment is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose and is usually not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury
The tangible nonexpendable personal property (including exempt property) charged directly to an award having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $500 or more per unit ( on 7/1/97 this may change)
an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
As distinguished from Device Telecommunications equipment (computers, phones, faxes, etc ) plug into the telecommunications outlet or device See also Device
An item of tangible personal property that meets all of the following criteria: (1) it retains its original shape, appearance and character with use; (2) it does not lost its identify through fabrication or incorporation into a different or more complex unit or substance; (3) it is non-expendable; that is, if the item is damaged or some of its parts are lost or worn out, it is more feasible to repair the item than to replace it; (4) under normal conditions of use, including reasonable care and maintenance, it can be expected to serve its principle purpose for at least one year; and (5) the unit cost of the item is more than $2,000
Equipment consists of the things which are used for a particular purpose, for example a hobby or job. computers, electronic equipment and machine tools. outdoor playing equipment
for carrying on business; horse equipments; infantry equipments; naval equipments; laboratory equipments
Tangible assets over $5,000 acquired through donation, gift, purchase, capital lease, or self construction with a life expectancy of more than one year
Tangible assets with a life expectancy of more than one year
Material for use on one machine, one vehicle, one unit For example, a car comes "equipped" with five tires Tires other than those on the car are not "equipment" of the car They are instead the dealer's "stock of tires " Equipment also includes contractor's equipment, e g , backhoe, bulldozer
Tangible property of a more or less permanent nature (other than land, buildings, or improvements other than buildings) which is useful in carrying on operations Examples are machinery, tools, trucks, cars, furniture, and furnishings See Capital Outlay for the definition of equipment related to capital outlay projects in California State Government EXPENDITURES An outlay of cash or cash equivalent for goods or services or in settlement of an obligation In governmental accounting, expenditures measure the using up of appropriated resources See Expenses
"Equipment" is anything used, worn or carried by or for the player except any ball he has played at the hole being played and any small object, such as a coin or a tee, when used to mark the position of a ball or the extent of an area in which a ball is to be dropped Equipment includes a golf cart, whether or not motorized If such a cart is shared by more than one player, its status under the Rules is the same as that of a caddie employed by more than one player See "Caddie "
This classification includes all University owned tangible personal property that is capitalized other than library books and art objects, which are classified separately Examples include data processing equipment, furnishings, machinery, vehicles, musical instruments and scientific equipment
charges for tangible, non-expendable, personal property having an anticipated useful life of one year or more with a unit acquisition cost of $1,000 or greater
Tangible property of a more or less permanent nature, other than land or buildings and improvements thereon Examples are machinery, tools, trucks, cars, furniture, and furnishings ERAF: Education Relief Augmentation Fund   During the early 1990s, in response to significant state budget deficits, the state permanently shifted over $3 billion of local property taxes from cities, counties, and special districts to schools About 2/3 of the shift comes from counties; the amount changes each year in proportion to growth in assessed valuation of taxable property   The purpose of this tax shift - commonly referred to as "ERAF," after the fund into which the property taxes are deposited (the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund) - was to offset, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, required state spending for schools
equipment base
place where equipment is stored
equipment room
In a premises distribution system, an equipment room is a special purpose room(s), with access to the backbone wiring, for housing elecommunications, data processing, security, and alarm equipment
equipment room
A centralized space for telecommunications equipment that serves the occupants of the building
equipment room
A contaminated area which is part or the worker decontamination system with provisions for storage of contaminated clothing and equipment
equipment room
A centralized space for telecommunications equipment that serves the occupants of the building or multiple buildings in a campus environment An equipment room is considered distinct from a telecommunications closet because it is considered to be a building or campus serving (as opposed to floor serving) facility and because of the nature or complexity of the equipment that it contains
equipment room
A room that serves the space needs for larger telecommunications equipment Note: These are often special purpose rooms Equipment rooms are connected to the backbone facility
equipment room
  In a building, a centralized space for telecommunications equipment that serves the occupants of the building   Note:   An equipment room is considered distinct from a telecommunications closet because of the nature or complexity of the equipment housed by the equipment room [After ANSI/TIA/EIA-568A]
equipment room
A centralized space for telecommunications equipment that serves the occupants of the building Equipment housed herein is considered distinct from a telecommunications closet (wiring closet) because of its nature or the complexity of the equipment
equipment room
A central location for computer or telephone equipment and, most importantly, centralized cabling All cables will usually run to the equipment room from the rest of the installation
equipment room
An enclosed area housing telecommunications and network equipment, distinguished from the telecommunications or wiring closet by its increased complexity and presence of active equipment
accessory equipment
any nonexpendable item of equipment which has been fixed in place or attached to a craft, vehicle or other equipment, but which may be severed or removed without impairing the item removed or affecting the basic function of the object to which it is fastened
capital equipment
Any equipment used by an organization to produce other commodities
capital equipment
Any single asset which has an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year, whether purchased outright, acquired through a capital lease or through donation. It also includes certain constructed or fabricated items and certain component parts (See UW Shared Financial System Accounts and Definitions.) It does not include real property (land), software or library holdings
To dress up; to array; accouter

The country are led astray in following the town, and equipped in a ridiculous habit, when they fancy themselves in the height of the mode. Addison.

To prepare (someone) with a skill
To furnish for service, or against a need or exigency; to fit out; to supply with whatever is necessary to efficient action in any way; to provide with arms or an armament, stores, munitions, rigging, etc.; -- said especially of ships and of troops. Dryden

Gave orders for equipping a considerable fleet. Ludlow.

{v} to dress or fit out, provide, furnish
Airport Surface Detection Equipment
(Havacılık) Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X, or ASDE-X, is a runway-safety tool that enables air traffic controllers to detect potential runway conflicts by providing detailed coverage of movement on runways and taxiways. By collecting data from a variety of sources, ASDE-X is able to track vehicles and aircraft on airport surfaces and obtain identification information from aircraft transponders
Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer
(Havacılık) The digital computer ensures warning and monitoring fuctions for the air conditioning compartment ventilation, equipment ground cooling or avionics equipment ventilation
Data Terminal Equipment
device (such as a computer, printer, telephone, etc.) that is used as a transmission source or destination for data transfer and is connected to a modem (DCE) by the RS-232C interface
Digital Equipment Corporation
major worldwide manufacturer of computer equipment, DEC
Yushin Precision Equipment Co., Ltd.
{i} Japanese company that develops and manufactures and markets robots and automation equipment
automated test equipment
(Ticaret) (ATE) Test systems integrated into the production process that operate and report without human intervention
auxiliary equipment
Equipment not under direct control of the central processing unit Synonym: ancillary equipment
auxiliary equipment
Effects devices separate from but working with the recording console
badminton equipment
equipment for playing the game of badminton
basketball equipment
sports equipment used in playing basketball
boxing equipment
equipment use in boxing
construction equipment
equipment used in building
dedicated equipment
(Ticaret) Production facilities reserved for a specific operation, product or family due to process constraints or volume/cost considerations
electronic equipment
equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor)
provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities
To furnish for service, or against a need or exigency; to fit out; to supply with whatever is necessary to efficient action in any way; to provide with arms or an armament, stores, munitions, rigging, etc
{f} provide with the required equipment, supply with necessary materials
If you equip a person or thing with something, you give them the tools or equipment that are needed. They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly. + equipped equipped well-equipped research buildings The greenhouses come equipped with a ventilating system and aluminium screen door
provide with abilities or understanding; "She was never equipped to be a dancer"
provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities"
of ships and of troops
If something equips you for a particular task or experience, it gives you the skills and attitudes you need for it, especially by educating you in a particular way. Relative poverty, however, did not prevent Martin from equipping himself with an excellent education A basic two-hour first aid course would equip you to deal with any of these incidents. + equipped equipped Some students have emotional problems that teachers feel ill equipped to handle When they leave school, they will be equipped for obtaining office jobs
said esp
provide with abilities or understanding; "She was never equipped to be a dancer" provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities
game equipment
equipment or apparatus used in playing a game
heavy-duty equipment
sturdy equipment, equipment designed to withstand unusual strain
integral equipment
(Otomotiv) Any device or system that's designed for and installed in a car by the manufacturer, rather than being added to a finished vehicle at a later date
mechanical engineering equipment
tools and accessories needed in the profession of mechanical engineering
off-line equipment
electronic equipment not in direct communication (or under the control of) the central processing unit
office equipment
equipment needed to efficiently run an office
optional equipment
(Otomotiv) Any equipment or feature of a new vehicle that isn't included in the basic price and is provided only if the purchaser requests it
original equipment manufacturer
A manufacturer of products for integration in other products or systems
original equipment manufacturer
(Ticaret) (OEM) An organization that markets a product composed of components and subsystems manufactured by other companies under its own name and brand
original equipment manufacturer
A company that sells equipment that is included in another company's products The integrating company may only put their name on the product and add marketing value
original equipment manufacturer
The maker of a piece of equipment In making computers and computer-related equipment, manufacturers of original equipment typically purchase components from other manufacturers of original equipment and then integrate them into their own products
original equipment manufacturer
(1 ) Producer of a product made for assembly into a final system or larger subassembly by another
original equipment manufacturer
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) embed or bundle Sun technology in specialized turnkey systems that include the OEM's own hardware IP, resulting in substantially different functional characteristics OEM partners maintain their own sales, marketing, service and logistics functions, and their solutions are distributed under the OEM label and branding
original equipment manufacturer
The company behind the "brand name" of a product
original equipment manufacturer
An organization that markets a product composed of components and subsystems manufactured by other companies under its own name and brand
original equipment manufacturer
A company that builds its own products from components bought from other manufacturers
original equipment manufacturer
A firm, which manufactures an end-use, item which is then sold to a final consumer As opposed to a firm which only manufactures and sells a component or part A firm might manufacture turbochargers, which it sells to the heavy equipment manufacturer (the OEM) who sells the tractor (end-use item) to the final consumer
original equipment manufacturer
The process that is facilitated through licensing or other financial arrangements where the initial producer of a product or service enters into an agreement to allow another entity to include, remanufacture, or label products or services under their own name and sell through their distribution channels It typically results in a "higher volume, lower margin" relationship for the original producer, and offers access to a broader range of products and services the buyer can offer their consumers at more attractive costs
peripheral equipment
equipment that is connected to a computer (printer, keyboard, etc.)
radiotherapy equipment
equipment used to treat diseases with x-rays or radioactivity
rescue equipment
equipment used to rescue passengers in case of emergency
robotics equipment
equipment used in robotics
safety equipment
collection of equipment used to maintain safety and in rescue missions
scuba equipment
{i} diving equipment used by divers to breath during underwater diving
signal-equipment vehicle
military transport vehicle that is used for communications and control
sports equipment
equipment needed to participate in a particular sport
workout equipment
tools which are used while exercising in a gym
Türkçe - İngilizce

equipment teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

denge araçları equipment
for balancing exercises