
listen to the pronunciation of equation
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} denklem

İki bilinmeyenli bir denklem gibiydi hepsi. - It was all like a single equation with two unknowns.

Bu denklemi kullanarak elektrik alanını hesaplarsan sonuç aşağıdaki gibi çıkar. - If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.

{i} eşitlik
(Tıp) ekuasyon
(İnşaat) denkle

Bu denklemi kullanarak elektrik alanını hesaplarsan sonuç aşağıdaki gibi çıkar. - If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.

Bu diferansiyel denklemler Laplace dönüşümüyle kolayca çözülebilir. - This differential equation can be easily solved by Laplace transform.

quadratic equation ikinci derece denklem
differential equation farklı denklem
cubic equation üçüncü derece denklem
algebraic equation cebirsel denklem
{i} denge
equation of motion
hareket denklemi
equation of motion
(Askeri) hareket  denklemi
equation of state
equation editor
denklem düzenleyici
equation of state
hal denklemi
equation of time
zaman denklemi
equation in three unknowns
üç bilinmeyenli denklem içinde
equation in two unknowns
iki bilinmeyenli denklem içinde
equation of continuity
süreklilik denklemi
equation of elasticity
esneklik denklemi
equation of equilibrium
denge denklemi
equation of exchange
mübadele denklemi
equation of state
durum denklemi
equation of the third degree
üçüncü dereceden denklem
equation, making equal
eşitliği, eşit hale
equation editor embedder
(MathTyp e) Equation Editor Katıştırıcısı
equation in
(Bilgisayar) içindeki denklem
balanced equation
(Biyokimya) dengelenmiş eşitlik
characteristic equation
(Gıda) özgün denklem
continuity equation
(Askeri) süreklilik  denklemi
continuity equation
devamlılık denklemi
cubic equation
(Matematik) üçüncü dereceden denklem
differential equation
(Matematik) diferensiyel denklem
differential equation
(Matematik) türetik denklem
differential equation
(Bilgisayar) türevsel denklem
empirical equation
ampirik denklem
evolution equation
(Askeri) gelişim denklemi
functional equation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlevsel denklem
integral equation
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) tümlevsel denklem
matrix equation
(Matematik) matris denklemi
mild slope equation
(Askeri) yumuşak
ordinary differential equation
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) bayağı türevsel denklem
ordinary differential equation
(Matematik) adi diferensiyel denklem
polar equation
(Matematik) kutupsal denklem
regression equation
(Matematik,Teknik) bağlanım denklemi
shell equation
kabuk denklemi
shell equation
kabuk eşitliği
structural equation
(Matematik) yapısal denklem
adiabatic equation
adiyabatik denklem
adjoint equation
eklenik denklem
algebraic equation
cebirsel denklem
auxiliary equation
yardımcı denklem
bernoulli's equation
bernoulli denklemi
binomial equation
ikiterimli denklem
binomial equation
ikiterimli denklemi
biquadratic equation
dördüncü dereceden denklem
cauchy riemann equation
cauchy riemann denklemi
characteristic equation
karakteristik denklem
chemical equation
kimyasal denklem
compatible equation
bağdaşık denklem
conditional equation
koşullu denklem
continuity equation
süreklilik denklemi
continuous equation
devamlılık eşitliği
cubic equation
kübik denklem
cubic equation
üçüncü derecede denklem
cyclotomic equation
siklotomik denklem
difference equation
fark denklemi
differential equation
diferensiyal denklem
einstein diffusion equation
einstein yayınım eşitliği
hermite's differential equation
hermite diferansiyel denklemi
homogeneous differential equation
homojen diferansiyel denklem
homogeneous equation
türdeş denklem
homogeneous equation
homojen denklem
hyperbolic differential equation
hiperbolik diferansiyel denklem
incompatible equation
bağdaşmaz denklem
inconsistent equation
tutarsız denklem
integral equation
tümlevli denklem
integral equation
integralli denklem
intrinsic equation
özlük denklemi
ionic equation
iyon denklemi
irrational equation
irrasyonel denkem
kernel of an integral equation
entegral denklemi çekirdeği
laplace equation
laplace denklemi
legendre differential equation
legendre diferansiyel denklemi
linear algebraic equation
doğrusal cebirsel denklem
linear differential equation
doğrusal diferansiyel denklem
linear equation
doğrusal denklem
logarithmic equation
logaritmik denklem
parametric equation
parametrik denklem
partial differential equation
kısmi diferansiyel eşitlik
potential equation
potansiyel denklem
Laplace's equation
Laplace denklemi
Partial Differential Equation
Kısmı diferansiyel denklem
Poisson's equation
Poisson denklemi
diophantine equation
diyofant denklemi
exponential equation
uslu denklem, üstel denklem
henderson hasselbalch equation
(Kimya) Bir tampon sisteme hidrojen veya hidroksil eklendiğinde pH değişimlerini tanımlayan eşitlik
implicit equation
örtük denklem

A common way to describe a curve is using an implicit equation.

nernst equation
Nernst denklemi
partial differential equation
kısmı diferansiyel eşitlik
point-slope equation
Eğimi ve bir noktası bilinen doğru denklemi
quadratic equation
İkinci dereceden denklem
thermal equation
termik denklem, ışıl denklem
accounting equation
(Ticaret) muhasebe temel denklemi
accounting equation
(Ticaret) bilanço eşitliği
age equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) yaş denklemi
bernoulli energy equation
bernoulli enerji denklemi
bernoulli's equation
bernulli formülü
boltzmann equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) boltzman denklemi
boundary integral equation
(Askeri) sınır integrali denklemi
bragg equation
bragg eşitliği
cauchy riemann equation
cauchy-riemann denklemi
characteristic equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) ırasal denklem
continuous equation
süreklilik eşitliği
coulomb's equation
kulomb eşitliği
coulomb's equation
kulomb denklemi
critical equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) kritik denklem
difference equation
(Matematik) kalanlar denklemi
diffusion equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) difüzyon denklemi
diffusion equation
(Askeri) yayınım denklemi
domain of an equation
(Matematik) denklemin tanım bölgesi
eigenvalue equation
ozdeger denklemi
exact differential equation
(Matematik) tam diferansiyel denklemi
exact differential equation
(Matematik) tam türetke denklemi
exponential equation
(Matematik) üstlü denklem
exponential equation
(Matematik) üstel denklem
fermi age equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) fermi'nin yaş denklemi
finite difference equation
sonlu kalanlar eşitliği
finite difference equation
(Matematik,Teknik) sonlu kalanlar denklemi
finite difference equation
(Askeri,Matematik) sonlu farklar denklemi
functional equation
islevsel denklem
homogenous equation
(Matematik) türdeş denklem
homogenous equation
(Matematik) homojen denklem
homogenous equation
(Matematik) türdeş eşitlik
inhour equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) inhour denklemi
integral equation
integral denklemi
integral equation
integral eşitliği
irrational equation
(Matematik) oransız denklem
irrational equation
(Matematik) irrasyonel denklem
laplace equation
laplas eşitliği (sıfıra eşit ikinci dereceden kısmi diferansiyel denklem)
linear equation
birinci derece denklem
linear regression equation
dogrusal baglanim denklemi
logic/equation generator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mantık/eşitlik üreteci
mathematical equation
Matematiksel denklem
microsoft equation
(Bilgisayar) microsoft denklem
multi equation model
(Askeri) çok eşitlikli model
numerical equation
sayısal denklem
order of a differential equation
turevsel deklemin derecesi
ordinary differential equation
bayagi turevsel denklem
personal equation
(Meteoroloji) personel hatası
poisson's equation
(Meteoroloji) poızon denklemi
quantity equation
(Ticaret) miktar denkliği
redox equation
redoks eşitliği
regression equation
baglanim denklemi
regressive equation
azaltma eşitliği
satisfying an equation
(Matematik) denklemin sağlanması
schroedinger wave equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) schroedinger dalga denklemi
simple equation
birinci derece denklem
simple equation
basit denklem
simple equation
birinci dereceden denklem
simple equation
basit eşitlik
structural equation model
(Matematik) yapısal denklem modeli
thermal equation
(Fizik) ısıl denklem
thermal equation
(Fizik) termik denklem
thermal equation
ısıl formül
vorticity equation
(Askeri) girdap vektörü eşitliği
wave equation
dalga denklemi
yield equation
verme (pes etme) denklemi
yield equation
yenilme denklemi
İngilizce - İngilizce
A small correction to observed values to remove the effects of systematic errors in an observation
An assertion that two expressions are equal, expressed by writing the two expressions separated by an equal sign; from which one is to determine a particular quantity
{n} a bringing of things to an equality
A statement showing the equality of two expressions usually separated by left and right signs and joined by an equals sign
a mathematical statement that says that two expressions have the same value
Two expressions, separated by an equals sign (=) For example y = x + 3 is an equation
{i} making equal; statement demonstrating the equality of two quantities (Mathematics); equally balanced state
In astronomy, a small correction to observed values to remove the effects of systematic errors in an observation
an algebraic statement that has an equal sign
A symbolic statement that can be used to do a calculation For example, x = 12y, where x is the number of inches in y feet
An equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same, for example 6x4=12x2
the act of regarding as equal a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal
a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with the best"
two algebraic expressions that are set equal to each other
the act of regarding as equal
An equation is a situation in which two or more parts have to be considered together so that the whole situation can be understood or explained. The equation is simple: research breeds new products New plans have taken chance out of the equation. see also equate. Statement of equality between two expressions consisting of variables and/or numbers. In essence, equations are questions, and the development of mathematics has been driven by attempts to find answers to those questions in a systematic way. Equations vary in complexity from simple algebraic equations (involving only addition or multiplication) to differential equations, exponential equations (involving exponential expressions), and integral equations. They are used to express many of the laws of physics. See also system of equations. algebraic equation chemical equation continuity equation difference equation differential equation Drake equation Green Bank equation integral equation Laplace's equation motion equation of ordinary differential equation partial differential equation quadratic equation Schrödinger equation state equation of Maxwell's equations system of equations simultaneous equations
A quantity to be applied in computing the mean place or other element of a celestial body; that is, any one of the several quantities to be added to, or taken from, its position as calculated on the hypothesis of a mean uniform motion, in order to find its true position as resulting from its actual and unequal motion
A statement that two mathematical expressions are equal, such as: 3x + y = 7
An equation is a math sentence that says that 2 things are equal An equation always has an equal (=) sign The thing or things that are on the left side of the equal sign are equal to the things on the right side of the equal sign Here are a few equations: X = Y + 5 A = B - 4 Z = 3 A C = D (circumference of a circle) A = W H (area of a rectangle with width W and height H) E = M C2 (Einstein's famous equation) In the first equation, if Y is 2, then X must be 2 + 5 or 7 to make the equation true In the second equation, if B is 10, then A must be 6 to make the equation true In the third equation, the number next to the letter means multiply the value of the variable represented by "A" by 3 So if A is 4, then Z must be 12 to make the third equation true Now here's a problem for you: In the first equation, if Y were 10, what would X be?
a mathematical expression containing an equals sign The expression on the left hand side of the equals sign must have the same value as the expression on the right hand side Equations often contain algebra
a statement that shows two expressions having the same value
An equation is a statement of equality between two algebraic expressions with one or more unknowns (See also system of equations ) Linear equation in one unknown: 3x -1 = 5 To solve 3x - 1 = 5 3x = 6 x = 2 (root/solution) Quadratic equation in one unknown: x2 - x - 2 = 0 To find the solution of x2 - x - 2 = 0 (x - 2)(x + 1) = 0 x - 2 = 0 x + 1 = 0 x = 2 x = -1 (solutions) Linear equation in two unknowns: 2x + y = 3
An algebraic expression asserting the equality of two quantities Example: x + 4 = y -10
a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal
a quantity added or subtracted in equating (comparing) a computation
Letters and numbers connected by the = sign c=2 x pi is the equation for the circumference of a circle with a radius of 2 See also formula, expression, function, terms, like terms, substitute and symbol
A mathematical statement using an equals sign, can be very simple e g 5+5 = 10, or more complex 5t + 7q = 23y
This is a mathematical sentence stating that two expressions are equal
A making equal; equal division; equality; equilibrium
An expression of the condition of equality between two algebraic quantities or sets of quantities, the sign = being placed between them; as, a binomial equation; a quadratic equation; an algebraic equation; a transcendental equation; an exponential equation; a logarithmic equation; a differential equation, etc
A mathematical sentence stating that two expressions are equal
a math statement using "=" as the verb -- "Typically there is a part of the equation that is unknown " (98)
equation division
the second of the two divisions of meiosis, a type of cell division
equation in one unknown
mathematical formula in which there is a need to determine an unknown (i.e. X+1=2)
equation in three unknowns
mathematical formula containing 3 unknown values
equation in two unknowns
mathematical formula containing two unknown values
equation of motion
equation that shows the change of velocity of a material over time
equation of motion
Mathematical formula that describes the motion of a body relative to a given frame of reference, in terms of the position, velocity, or acceleration of the body. In classical mechanics, the basic equation of motion is Newton's second law (see Newton's laws of motion), which relates the force on a body to its mass and acceleration. When the force is described in terms of the time interval over which it is applied, the velocity and position of the body can be derived. Other equations of motion include the position-time equation, the velocity-time equation, and the acceleration-time equation of a moving body
equation of state
Any of a class of equations that relate the pressure P, volume V, and temperature T of a given substance in thermodynamic equilibrium. For example, the equation PV = nRT, where n is the number of moles of gas and R is the universal gas constant, relates the pressure, volume, and temperature of a perfect gas. Real gases, solids, and liquids have more complicated equations of state. See also thermodynamics
Arrhenius equation
An equation which approximates the dependence of the rate of any chemical reaction on the temperature
Diophantine equation
A polynomial equation whose variables are only permitted to assume integer values
Dirac equation
A relativistic wave equation that describes an electron (and similar particles); it predicted the existence of antiparticles
Drake equation
A formula for calculating the probability of civilizations existing elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy and of their ability to communicate with Earth
Einstein field equation
A symmetric 4 x 4 tensor equation in general relativity in which the gravitational force is described as a curvature of spacetime caused by matter and energy
Kepler's equation
the mathematical relationship between the mean anomaly (M) and the eccentric anomaly (E) of a planet in an elliptical orbit with eccentricity ( \textstyle \epsilon ). M = E - \epsilon \cdot \sin(E)
Navier-Stokes equation
a partial differential equation which describes the conservation of linear momentum for a Newtonian incompressible fluid
Pell's equation
The diophantine equation x^2 - my^2 = 1 for a given integer m., to be solved in integers x and y
Schrödinger's wave equation
A three-dimensional partial differential equation which determines the evolution of a quantum mechanical wave function
algebraic equation
A mathematical equation in which one or both sides is an algebraic expression, such as 2x + 7y = 3
chemical equation
a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction; reactants are represented on the left, and products on the right

2Na + 2H2O => 2NaOH + H2.

cubic equation
A polynomial equation whose greatest exponent is 3
delay differential equation
a type of differential equation in which the derivative of the unknown function at a certain time is given in terms of the values of the function at previous times
difference equation
An equation involving an ordered sequence or real numbers (\left\{a_n\right\}_{n=1}^\infty) and some number if it's differences, where the first difference is defined as \Delta(a_n) = a_{n+1} - a_n\, and the kth difference is defined recursively as \Delta^k(a_n) = \Delta^{k-1}(a_{n+1}) - \Delta^{k-1}(a_n)\
difference equation
more broadly, any recurrence relation
differential equation
an equation involving the derivatives of a function
exponential equation
A type of equation which includes a variable located in the exponent; for example, e^x = 1\
Either of two equations that describe each half of a redox reaction
integral equation
An equation involving a function f(x) and integrals of that function to be solved for f(x)
linear equation
A polynomial equation of the first degree (such as x = 2y - 7)
ordinary differential equation
An equation involving the derivatives of a function of only one independent variable
parametric equation
a set of equations that defines the coordinates of the dependent variables (x, y and z) of a curve or surface in terms of one or more independent variables or parameters
partial differential equation
a differential equation that involves the partial derivatives of a function of several variables
polar equation
An equation defining a curve in terms of radius and angle
polynomial equation
Any algebraic equation in which one or both sides are in the form of a polynomial
quadratic equation
a polynomial equation of the second degree
stochastic differential equation
a type of differential equation in which one or more of the terms is a stochastic process resulting in a solution which is itself a stochastic process
henderson hasselbalch equation
(Kimya) In chemistry, the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation describes the derivation of pH as a measure of acidity (using pKa, the acid dissociation constant) in biological and chemical systems. The equation is also useful for estimating the pH of a buffer solution and finding the equilibrium pH in acid-base reactions (it is widely used to calculate the isoelectric point of proteins)
point-slope equation
y – y1 = m(x – x1), where m is the slope and (x1, y1) is a point on the line. Point-slope is the form used most often when finding the equation of a line
Diophantine equation
An algebraic equation with two or more variables whose coefficients are integers, studied to determine all integral solutions
Drake equation
or Green Bank equation Equation claimed to yield the number of technically advanced civilizations capable of interstellar communication in the Milky Way Galaxy as a function of several factors conducive to evolution of intelligent life with technological capabilities. It was largely developed by Frank D. Drake (b. 1930) in 1961 at a SETI conference in Green Bank, W.Va. Of all the stars that form in the Galaxy, only some will give rise to life-supporting planets, and of those planets, only some will generate life capable of high technology and yet able to avoid technological destruction. Because the numbers for each factor are poorly known, the results generated vary from zero to millions
Laplace's equation
In mathematics, a partial differential equation whose solutions (harmonic functions) are useful in investigating physical problems in three dimensions involving gravitational, electrical, and magnetic fields, and certain types of fluid motion. Named for Pierre-Simon Laplace, the equation states that the sum of the second partial derivatives (the Laplace operator, or Laplacian) of an unknown function is zero. It can apply to functions of two or three variables, and can be written in terms of a differential operator as F = 0, where is the Laplace operator
Schrödinger equation
Fundamental equation developed in 1926 by Erwin Schrödinger that established the mathematics of quantum mechanics. The equation determines the behaviour of the wave function that describes the wavelike properties of a subatomic system. It relates kinetic energy and potential energy to the total energy, and it is solved to find the different energy levels of the system. Schrödinger applied the equation to the hydrogen atom and predicted many of its properties with remarkable accuracy. The equation is used extensively in atomic, nuclear, and solid-state physics. See also wave-particle duality
algebraic equation
Mathematical statement of equality between algebraic expressions. An expression is algebraic if it involves a finite combination of numbers and variables and algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power, and extracting a root). Two important types of such equations are linear equations, in the form y = ax + b, and quadratic equations, in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c. A solution is a numerical value that makes the equation a true statement when substituted for a variable. In some cases it may be found using a formula; in others the equation may be rewritten in simpler form. Algebraic equations are particularly useful for modeling real-life phenomena
biquadratic equation
an equation of the fourth degree
chemical equation
Method of writing the essential features of a chemical reaction using chemical symbols (or other agreed-upon abbreviations). By convention, reactants (present at the start) are on the left, products (present at the end) on the right. A single arrow between them denotes an irreversible reaction, a double arrow a reversible reaction. The law of conservation of matter (see conservation law) requires that every atom on the left appear on the right (the equation must balance); only their arrangements and combinations change. For example, one oxygen molecule combining with two hydrogen molecules to form two water molecules is written 2H2 + O2 2H2O. The dissociation of salt into sodium and chloride ions is written NaCl Na^+ + Cl^-. See also stoichiometry
difference equation
Equation involving differences between successive values of a function of a discrete variable (i.e., one defined for a sequence of values that differ by the same amount, usually 1). A function of such a variable is a rule for assigning values in sequence to it. For example, f(x + 1) = xf(x) is a difference equation. Methods developed for solving such equations have much in common with methods for solving linear differential equations, which difference equations are often used to approximate
differential equation
an equation containing differentials of a function
differential equation
equation that expresses the connection between a variable and its derivative and whose solution is a function (Mathematics)
differential equation
An equation that expresses a relationship between functions and their derivatives. Mathematical statement that contains one or more derivatives. It states a relationship involving the rates of change of continuously changing quantities modeled by functions. Differential equations are very common in physics, engineering, and all fields involving quantitative study of change. They are used whenever a rate of change is known but the process giving rise to it is not. The solution of a differential equation is generally a function whose derivatives satisfy the equation. Differential equations are classified into several broad categories. The most important are ordinary differential equations (ODEs), in which change depends on a single variable, and partial differential equations (PDEs), in which change depends on several variables. See also differentiation
Students will be expected to write balanced (their highlighting, not mine) equations and should be encouraged to show state symbols Ionic equations should be used where appropriate (like redox reactions and electrolysis, to name two) The use of [H] and [O] to show reducing and oxidising agents in equations in organic (ie not inorganic or physical) chemistry is acceptable (note that acceptable is not the same as good or excellent or 'the best chemistry I've seen since Bobby Boyle started messing around with gases')
plural of equation
a statement that two expressions are equal
exponential equation
an equation involving exponential functions of a variable
integral equation
In mathematics, an equation with an unknown function within an integral. An example is
linear equation
Linear equation in one variable can be written in the form ax = b, a 0 A linear equation in two variables can be written in the form ax + by = c
linear equation
An equation whereby letters represent real numbers and whose graph is a line
linear equation
This is an equation, such as y = x + 2, which produces a graph which is a straight line
linear equation
An equation with two variables (x and y) that takes the general form y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept
linear equation
a polynomial equation of the first degree
linear equation
An algebraic equation, such as y = 2x + 7 or 3x + 2y - z = 4, in which the highest degree term in the variable or variables is of the first degree. The graph of such an equation is a straight line if there are two variables
linear equation
An equation of the form ax + b = 0 is a linear equation with x being the unknown variable For example, the equation 2x - 9 = 3 is a linear equation which can be re-written as 2x - 12 = 0
linear equation
in one variable can be written in the form Ax + B = C where A, B, and C are real numbers and A 0
linear equation
An equation containing linear expressions
nernst equation
Corrects standard electrode potentials for nonstandard conditions
nernst equation
used to calculate emf values at other than standard conditions
nernst equation
Describes the relationship between the potential of an electrochemical cell at any moment in time and the standard-state cell potential Used to under-stand what happens to the potential of a voltaic cell as it comes to equilibrium
nernst equation
A mathematical description of electrode behavior: E is the total potential, in millivolts, developed between the sensing and reference electrodes; Ex varies with the choice of electrodes, temperature, and pressure: 2 3RT/nF is the Nernst factor (R and F are constants, n is the charge on the ion, including sign, T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin), and ai is the activity of the ion to which the electrode is responding
nernst equation
The equation used to calculate the equilibrium potential for a permeant ion
ordinary differential equation
Equation containing derivatives of a function of a single variable. Its order is the order of the highest derivative it contains (e.g., a first-order differential equation involves only the first derivative of the function). Because the derivative is a rate of change, such an equation states how a function changes but does not specify the function itself. Given sufficient initial conditions, however, such as a specific function value, the function can be found by various methods, most based on integration
partial differential equation
A differential equation containing at least one partial derivative. In mathematics, an equation that contains partial derivatives, expressing a process of change that depends on more than one independent variable. It can be read as a statement about how a process evolves without specifying the formula defining the process. Given the initial state of the process (such as its size at time zero) and a description of how it is changing (i.e., the partial differential equation), its defining formula can be found by various methods, most based on integration. Important partial differential equations include the heat equation, the wave equation, and Laplace's equation, which are central to mathematical physics
partial differential equation
a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable
personal equation
variability attributable to individual differences
quadratic equation
An equation in which one or more of the terms is squared but raised to no higher power, having the general form ax + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are constants. an equation such ax²+by+c = z, which includes numbers or quantities multiplied by themselves (quadratic from quadrate (14-21 centuries), from quadratus, past participle of quadrare ). Algebraic equation of particular importance in optimization. A more descriptive name is second-degree polynomial equation. Its standard form is ax^2 + bx + c = 0, and its solution is given by the quadratic formula
quadratic equation
equation in which one of the unknown quantities is squared (Mathematics)
quadratic equation
an equation in which the highest power of an unknown quantity is a square
regression equation
the equation representing the relation between selected values of one variable (x) and observed values of the other (y); it permits the prediction of the most probable values of y
schrodinger equation
the fundamental equation of wave mechanics
simple equation
mathematical comparison that is not complicated
simultaneous equation
set of two or more equations with variables and whose variables can be used to satisfy all equations in the set
trigonometric equation
equation that deals with the relation between sides and triangles
wave equation
a differential equation that describes the passage of harmonic waves through a medium



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    /əˈkwāᴢʜən/ /ɪˈkweɪʒən/


    () From Latin aequātiō (“an equalizing”).


    ... On the other side of the equation, ...
    ... you understand the basic principal behind relativity, bingo!  The equation just falls ...