
listen to the pronunciation of zugeben
English - Turkish

Definition of zugeben in English Turkish dictionary

{i} toplama

Toplama doğru ama çıkarmanda bir hata var. - The addition is correct, but there is an error in your subtraction.

Toplamayı severim ama çıkarmayı değil. - I like addition but not subtraction.


Çok çabuk bir şekilde ilave yapmamız mümkündür. - It is possible for us to do addition very quickly.

Araştırmalar, temel barınma ve gıda ihtiyaçları karşılanır karşılanmaz, ilave zenginliğin mutluluğa çok az şey kattığını gösteriyor. - Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met, additional wealth adds very little to happiness.


Komite eklemeyi onayladı. - The committee approved the addition.

Ekleme ve çıkarmalar hemen gösterilmiyor. - Additions and deletions are not shown immediately.

toplam alma
{i} ek, ilave
{i} zam

Matematik, fizik ve astronomiye ilaveten Newton'un aynı zamanda simya, mistisizm ve teolojiye bir ilgisi vardı. - In addition to mathematics, physics and astronomy, Newton also had an interest in alchemy, mysticism and theology.

toplama in addition to ilâveten
ilave edilmiş şey
ilâve edilen
{i} katma
fazla olarak

Ayrıca, bir profesörle görüşmeliyim. - In addition, I have to interview a professor.

Ayrıca yaşlıların birbiriyle kaynaşabilmeleri ve Amerikan yaşamında aktif katılımcılar olarak kalabilmeleri için çok sayıda gruplar kurulmuştur. - In addition many groups have been formed so that the elderly can socialize with one another and remain active participants in American life.

(re: math. function) Toplama
{i} katılan şey
{i} katılma
{i} eklenti
German - English
to confess to something
to admix something
to concede

I have to admit that you're right. - Ich muss zugeben, dass du recht hast.

To do him justice, we must admit that his intentions were good. - Gerechterweise muss man zugeben, dass seine Absichten gut waren.

zugeben, dass
to recognize that
zugeben, dass
to recognise that
zugeben, dass man falsch gelegen hat /ist
to eat your words
zugeben, etwas getan zu haben
to acknowledge having done something
zugeben, etwas getan zu haben
to admit doing something
Dann Mehl und Backpulver dazugeben/zugeben. (Kochrezept)
Then add flour and baking powder. (recipe)
Das Buch ist größtenteils fade. Ich muss allerdings zugeben, dass das Ende zieml
Much of the book is very dull. That said, I have to admit that the ending is pretty clever
Ich muss allerdings zugeben, dass …
I have to admit though that …
Ich muss zugeben, dass …, aber …
I must/have to admit that …, but …
Ich muss zugeben, von Computern verstehe ich nichts.
I must confess I know nothing about computers
Ich muss zugeben, von Computern verstehe ich nichts.
I must confess to knowing nothing about computers
Man muss ehrlicherweise zugeben, dass …
It would be dishonest not to admit that …
Salz nach Belieben zugeben. (Kochrezept)
Add salt at your pleasure. (recipe)
Schuld zugeben
to admit guilt
Wir wissen alle, dass du es warst, du kannst es also ruhig zugeben.
We all know it was you so you may as well own up (to it)
die Täterschaft leugnen / zugeben
to deny/admit your guilt
einen Irrtum zugeben
to admit to having made an error
einen Irrtum zugeben
to admit a mistake
etw. gerne zugeben
to willingly concede something
etw. zugeben
to acknowledge something
etw. zugeben
to own (up) to (having done) something (old-fashioned)
etw. zugeben
to admit something
wobei ich zugeben muss, dass das nicht leicht ist
although this is not easy to do, I admit