
listen to the pronunciation of z-fighting
English - Turkish

Definition of z-fighting in English Turkish dictionary

bull fighting
boğa güreşi

Neden kavga ettiklerini bilmiyorum. - I don't know why they are fighting.

Tom ve Mary hep kavga ediyorlardı. - Tom and Mary were always fighting.

{s} savaşan

Anne dövüşen çocukları ayırdı. - The mother separated the fighting children.

Lütfen dövüşmeyi bırakın. - Please stop fighting.

fighting falcon
(Askeri) savaşan şahin
fire fighting
yangınla mücadele
fire fighting equipment
yangın tesisatı
fire fighting system
(Askeri) yangın söndürme sistemi
flood fighting
sel mücadelesi
cock fighting
horoz dövüşü

George, son zamanlarda üç saatlik mücadeleden sonra yakaladığı 30 paundluk bir levreği tanımlıyordu. - George was describing a 30 pound bass he'd caught recently after fighting it for three hours.

Onlar şimdi şiddetle mücadele ediyorlar fakat çok uzun zaman geçmeden önce savaş baltasını gömeceklerine sizi temin ederim. - They're fighting fiercely now but I assure you they'll bury the hatchet before long.


Savaş bir hafta sürdü. - The fighting lasted one week.

Sokaklarda savaş vardı. - There was fighting in the streets.

fighting cock
dövüş horozu
fighting cock
kavgacı horoz
fighting fit
turp gibi sağlıklı
live like fighting cocks
krallar gibi yaşamak
stop fighting
kavgayı bırak
agreement to stop fighting
anlaşma mücadele durdurmak için
arm fighting
Bilek güreşi
be fighting for your life
hayatta kalma mücadelesi vermek
close fighting
(Askeri) Yakın doğuş
fierce fighting
Şiddetli çatışma
fighting back
geri mücadele
fighting brand
marka mücadele
fighting chance
(deyim) Uğraşarak elde edilen gerçek başarı şansı
fighting for
için mücadele
fighting spirit
ruhu mücadele
one fighting for his life
hayatta kalma mücadelesi veren
stand-up fighting
Göğüs göğüse çarpışma
combat/fighting patrol
(Askeri) (GROUND) MUHAREBE KEŞİF KOLU (KARA): Müstakil olarak muharebeye girmek üzere büyük kısmından çıkarılmış taktik birlik. Büyük kısmın ilerisini, yan ve gerisini, icabında muharebe ederek korumak üzere görevlendirilmiş müfreze. Ayrıca bakınız: "combat air patrol", "patrol" ve "reconnaissance patrol (ground) "
disaster fighting drill
afete müdahale tatbikatı

O hayatının çoğunu düşmanlarıyla savaşarak harcamış cesur bir savaşçıydı. - He was a brave warrior who had spent most of his life fighting his enemies.

{s} mücâdeleye hazır
(Askeri) SAVAŞ: Taktik alanda, yapılan bir savaş içinde bilfiil çarpışmalar
{i} mücâdele

Onlar şimdi şiddetle mücadele ediyorlar fakat çok uzun zaman geçmeden önce savaş baltasını gömeceklerine sizi temin ederim. - They're fighting fiercely now but I assure you they'll bury the hatchet before long.

Japon ve Amerikan güçleri hâlâ acımasızca mücadele ediyorlardı. - Japanese and American forces were still fighting bitterly.

{s} savaşçı

O hayatının çoğunu düşmanlarıyla savaşarak harcamış cesur bir savaşçıydı. - He was a brave warrior who had spent most of his life fighting his enemies.

fighting against smuggling
kaçakçılıkla mücadele
fighting at close quarters
(Askeri) YAKIN MESAFELER DAHİLİNDE SAVAŞ: Düşmanla mutlak temas mesafesi içinde yapılan savaş. Bak. "close quarters"
fighting cock
horoz dövüşü
fighting colour
(Denizbilim) savaş rengi
fighting colour
(Denizbilim) savaş boyası
fighting compartment
(Askeri) savaş bölmesi
fighting compartment
(Askeri) SAVAŞ BÖLGESİ: Bir muharebe aracında, mürettebatın esas silahları idare ve bu silahlarla ateş ettikleri yer. Savaş bölmesi, zırh gövdesinin bir kısmını ve varsa kulenin tamamını teşkil eder
fighting control
(Askeri) idareli bombardıman
fighting control
(Askeri) İDARELİ BOMBARDIMAN: Bir bombardıman düzeninde, otomatik silah ve top ateşinin en tehlikeli hedefler üzerinde toplanması ve ateşin, kritik zamanda azami derecede açılması sağlanacak şekilde, bu zamana saklanması. İdareli bombardıman, özellikle, küçük bombardıman düzenlerinde önemlidir
fighting efficiency
(Askeri) Muharebe etkinliği
fighting emplacements
(Askeri) avcı çukurları
fighting emplacements
(Askeri) Avcı çıukurları
fighting line
(Askeri) muharebe hattı
fighting load
(Askeri) harp yükü
fighting load
(Askeri) SAVAŞ YÜKÜ: Bir muharebe erinin etkinliği ve birliğinin verilen bir görevi anında başarması için gerekli olan ve onun tarafından taşınan mühimmat, silahlar, teçhizat, şahsi giyim eşyalarından oluşan yük. Ayrıca bakınız: "existence load"
fighting patrol
(Askeri) MUHAREBE KARAKOLU: Bak. "combat patrol"
fighting savagely
kıran kırana
fighting talk it out
(deyim) kavgaya neden olan sözler
fighting talk it out
(deyim) kışkırtıcı sözler
fighting trench
(Askeri) irtibat hendeği
fire fighting
yangın söndürme
fire fighting aircraft
yangın söndürme uçağı
fire fighting drill
yangın söndürme tatbikatı
fire fighting plan
(Askeri) yangın ile mücadele planı
fire fighting rescue
(Askeri) yangın söndürme ve kurtarma
fire fighting systems
yangınla mücadele sistemleri
fire fighting water supply
itfaiye su mevcudu
hand to hand fighting
göğüs göğüse kavga
infantry fighting vehicle
(Askeri) piyade saldırı aracı
permanent end to fighting
(Politika, Siyaset) savaşa kalıcı çözüm
street fighting
(Askeri) sokak çatışması
street fighting
(Askeri) sokak muharebesi
English - English
A phenomenon in three-dimensional rendering where two or more primitives have similar values in the z-buffer, causing flickering as one is displayed varyingly behind or in front of the other
Siamese fighting fish
A freshwater fish, scientific name Betta splendens
armored fighting vehicle
Alternative spelling of armoured fighting vehicle
armoured fighting vehicle
An armed and armoured military vehicle which runs on wheels or caterpillar track, used by fighting troops
cage fighting
The practise of participating in hand-to-hand combat inside of a usually steel cage
A fight or battle; an occasion on which people fight
apt to provoke a fight

Those are fighting words, of course, and the people who presently hold the high ground of economic power in society will not be amused.

engaged in war or other conflict
Present participle of fight
fighting fish
A small aggressive freshwater fish originating from Thailand, popular as aquarium fish, Betta splendens
fighting game
A video game genre based around interpersonal combat often in a tournament setting, in which characters fight until their HP is depleted or the round timer expires
fighting games
plural form of fighting game
fighting words
Aggressive words that may lead to confrontation
infantry fighting vehicle
An armoured combat vehicle designed to carry infantry soldiers and provide fire support for them
sword fighting
dueling with swords; fighting an opponent when both are using swords as weapons
fighting chance
chance for success with great effort
{a} fit for or employed in war, brave
be fighting for your life
if an organization or system is fighting for its life, people are trying very hard to prevent it from being defeated or destroyed
be fighting for your life
to be so ill or injured that you might die
fighting brand
A low-priced manufacturer's brand sold with minimal advertising and promotional expenditure; the brand is used to compete with dealers' brands and generics. Also called a Price Brand
Fighting French
French forces under the command of General De Gaulle that opposed the Nazis during World War II
Fighting Irish
name of the athletic teams at Notre Dame University (USA)
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
IFV, lightly-armored vehicle used to transport foot soldiers
Siamese fighting fish
n. A small, often brightly colored, aggressive freshwater fish (Betta splendens) native to Malaysia and Thailand that has large fins and tail and is popular in home aquariums. Freshwater tropical fish (Betta splendens;family Belontiidae or Anabantidae), noted for the males' pugnacity toward one another. A native of Thailand, it was domesticated there for use in contests. Combat consists mainly of fin nipping and is accompanied by a display of extended gill covers, spread fins, and intensified colouring. This slender fish grows to about 2.5 in. (6.5 cm) long. In the wild it is predominantly greenish or brown, with red fins; domesticated, it has been bred with long, flowing fins and in a variety of colours, such as red, green, blue, and lavender
armored fighting vehicle
combat vehicle with protective armor plating, AFV
extreme fighting
a competition, similar to boxing, in which two people are allowed to hit or kick each other and in which there are almost no rules
fierce fighting
intense hostilities or combat, violent conflict, violent battle
Qualified for war; fit for battle
the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"; "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"
{s} militant, combative, warlike
when people or groups fight each other in a war, in the street etc fighting between
disposed to loud disagreements and fighting
engaged in war; "belligerent (or warring) nations"; "a fighting war"
a major penalty which occurs when two or more players drop their sticks and gloves and fight; if a referee deems one player to be the instigator, that player also receives a minor penalty and a misconduct penalty; the minor penalty for a less severe pushing and shoving match is called roughing
Often a result of territorial behaviour which becomes exaggerated when fish are stressed (particularly when overcrowded) Can be more pronounced in some species during breeding times Insufficient water velocity in tanks and ponds can also induce fighting (e g in some tilapia species) Fighting is particularly common in crustaceans when stressed In addition to leaving open wounds which are easy entry sites for pathogens, the loss of appendages can also lead to a reduction in the value of the animal In some larger crustaceans such as lobster, rubber bands can be put round the claws, which in addition to protecting the handler, also reduce damage caused during fights See also nipping
{i} combat, battle
Occupied in war; being the scene of a battle; as, a fighting field
engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces"
An infraction that incurs a major penalty It's called when two or more players drop their sticks and gloves and begin fighting A player judged to be the instigator may get a game misconduct penalty
fighting chair
a fixed chair from which a salt-water angler can fight a hooked fish
fighting chance
possibility of succeeding, hope of success (if a great effort is made)
fighting chance
A chance to win but only with a struggle: had a fighting chance to recover
fighting cock
gamecock, rooster trained to fight in cock fights
fighting echelon
front line soldiers, soldiers participating directly in combat
fighting men
soldiers, warriors
fighting spirit
warring nature, battling soul
fighting word
A word that one uses to provoke a fight or hostility. Often used in the plural: "Fighting words are categorically excluded from the protection of the First Amendment... their content embodies a particularly intolerable and socially unnecessary mode of expressing whatever idea the speaker wishes to convey" (Antonin Scalia)
putting out fires
boxing at close quarters
conflict between members of the same organization (usually concealed from outsiders)
boxing at close quarters conflict between members of the same organization (usually concealed from outsiders)
infantry fighting vehicle
A heavily armed, armored combat vehicle, having tracks or wheels and often having amphibious capability, used to transport infantry into battle and support them there
libyan islamic fighting group
a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
prize fighting
professional boxing
resume fighting
begin fighting again
street fighting
disputes between gangs, fight that takes place on the street
ultimate fighting
a competition, similar to boxing, in which two people hit or kick each other and in which there are almost no rules


    ... her commitment was that she was fighting for health care reform and to advocate for it. ...
    ... the ' at the kitchen table and spent his energy and passion for two years fighting ...