you should restrict the amount of salt you use

listen to the pronunciation of you should restrict the amount of salt you use
English - German
Du solltest deinen Salzgebrauch einschränken
you should restrict the amount of salt you use


    you should re·strict the a·mount of SALT you use

    Turkish pronunciation

    yu şûd ristrîkt dhi ımaunt ıv sôlt yu yus


    /ˈyo͞o ˈsʜo͝od rēˈstrəkt ᴛʜē əˈmount əv ˈsôlt ˈyo͞o ˈyo͞os/ /ˈjuː ˈʃʊd riːˈstrɪkt ðiː əˈmaʊnt əv ˈsɔːlt ˈjuː ˈjuːs/