you could at least listen to what she has to say

listen to the pronunciation of you could at least listen to what she has to say
English - German
Du könntest dir wenigstens anhören, was sie zu sagen hat
you could at least listen to what she has to say


    you could at least lis·ten to what she has to Say

    Turkish pronunciation

    yu kûd ät list lîsın tı hwʌt şi hız tı sey


    /ˈyo͞o ˈko͝od ˈat ˈlēst ˈləsən tə ˈhwət ˈsʜē həz tə ˈsā/ /ˈjuː ˈkʊd ˈæt ˈliːst ˈlɪsən tə ˈhwʌt ˈʃiː həz tə ˈseɪ/