you can take a bath a week after the surgery

listen to the pronunciation of you can take a bath a week after the surgery
English - German
Sie können eine Woche nach der Operation baden
you can take a bath a week after the surgery


    you Can take a Bath a week af·ter the sur·ge·ry

    Turkish pronunciation

    yu kın teyk ı bäth ı wik äftır dhi sırcıri


    /ˈyo͞o kən ˈtāk ə ˈbaᴛʜ ə ˈwēk ˈaftər ᴛʜē ˈsərʤərē/ /ˈjuː kən ˈteɪk ə ˈbæθ ə ˈwiːk ˈæftɜr ðiː ˈsɜrʤɜriː/