yedieminlik, mutemetlik, vekillik, mütevellilik

listen to the pronunciation of yedieminlik, mutemetlik, vekillik, mütevellilik
Turkish - English
The position or office of being a trustee
any receivership, trusteeship, or other method of supervision or control whereby a labor organization suspends the autonomy otherwise available to a subordinate under its constitution or bylaws
The office or duty of a trustee
a dependent country; administered by another country under the supervision of the United Nations
{i} office of trustee, function of a person granted custodianship over property not belonging to him, duty of one who is appointed to administer an institution; supervision over trust territories by appointed countries or by the United Nations (Law)
If a parent organization-national or international union-is unhappy with the leadership of one of its locals, it will install a trustee to take over the local union's affairs, including its treasury
the administration by a nation of a trust territory, approved by the UN, usually with the idea that the trust territory will be developed toward self-government or independence
yedieminlik, mutemetlik, vekillik, mütevellilik