Definition of yaygınlaştırma in Turkish English dictionary
- dissemination
- {i} dispersion, spreading, distribution, diffusion
- the act of dispersing or diffusing something; "the dispersion of the troops"; "the diffusion of knowledge"
- spreading or scattering broadly It comes from the Latin word disseminatus, which means "to scatter seed " When we talk about the dissemination of Dianetics and Scientology, we mean spreading information on Dianetics and Scientology broadly, using books, tapes and other works by L Ron Hubbard
- The act of disseminating, or the state of being disseminated; diffusion for propagation and permanence; a scattering or spreading abroad, as of ideas, beliefs, etc
- the property of being diffused or dispersed the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate
- the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate
- spreading or scattering broadly It comes from the Latin word disseminatus, which means to scatter seed When we talk about the dissemination of Dianetics and Scientology, we mean spreading information on Dianetics and Scientology broadly, using books, tapes and other works by L Ron Hubbard
- distributing digital content from a site to clients and stakeholders; see also acquisition Diffusion
- the act or process of scattering or state of being scattered; usually referring to distribution of information
- distribution Dissemination of project information might mean telling a wider audience about a project and its results This may be by means of seminars, newsletters, press releases and similar methods This can enable organisations to learn from others' experience and good practice
- the targeted scattering of data or information
- the government initiated distribution of information to the public, excluding distribution limited to government employees or agency contractors or grantees, intra-agency or inter-agency use or sharing of government information, and responses to requests for agency records under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U S C 552) or Privacy Act Here, "disseminating information" is not distinguished from "providing access to information" (following OMB Circular A-130)
- provides information objects to the Consumer
- The transport of inoculum or pest from a diseased to a healthy plant
- The transfer from the stored form of a digital object in a repository to a client
- The process of communicating either the procedures or the lessons learned from an evaluation in a timely, unbiased, and consistent manner
- telling a wider audience about a project and its results This may be by means of seminars, newsletters, press releases and similar methods This can enable organisations to learn from others' experience and good practice
- Distribution of information, e g in a lecture or videocast
- (OMB Circular A-130) Government-initiated distribution of information to the public
- yaygın
- prevalent
Colds are prevalent this winter.
- Soğuk algınlığı, bu kış yaygındır.
It is a prevalent belief, according to a nationwide poll in the United States, that Muslims are linked with terrorism.
- ABD'de ülke çapındaki bir ankete göre Müslümanların terörle bağlantılı olduğu yaygın bir inançtır.
- yaygın
- {s} widespread
There was widespread panic after the earthquake.
- Depremden sonra yaygın bir panik vardı.
This type of discrimination isn't very widespread in our country.
- Ülkemizde bu tür bir ayrımcılık çok yaygın değildir.
- yaygın
- {s} extensive
- yaygın
- common
The launching of artificial earth satellites is commonly looked upon as an exploration of space.
- Yapay dünya uydularının fırlatılmasına yaygın olarak uzayın bir keşfi gözüyle bakılmaktadır.
In the U.S., it is common for people to write a check instead of paying cash.
- ABD'de, insanların nakit ödeme yerine bir çek yazmaları yaygındır.
- yaygın
- pervasive
Cares and worries were pervasive in her mind.
- Endişeler ve üzüntüler onun aklında yaygındılar.
Cares and worries were pervasive in her mind.
- Endişeler ve üzüntüler onun aklında yaygındı.
- yaygın
- {s} wide
This magazine circulates widely.
- Bu dergi yaygın olarak dolaşır.
There was widespread panic after the earthquake.
- Depremden sonra yaygın bir panik vardı.
- yaygın
- epidemic
- yaygın
- rampant
Starvation and disease were rampant among the lowest classes.
- Açlık ve hastalık en alt sınıflar arasında yaygındır.
- yaygın
- endemic
- yaygınlaştırmak
- {f} generalize
- yaygın
- general
- yaygın
- worldwide
- yaygın
- spread
- yaygın
- pandemic
- yaygın
- patulous
- yaygın
- popular
Shark fin soup is very popular in China.
- Köpek balığı süzgeci çorbası Çin'de çok yaygındır.
Contrary to popular belief, Tom isn't that naive.
- Yaygın görüşün aksine, Tom o kadar da saf değildir.
- yaygın
- universal
- yaygın
- catholic
- yaygın
- widely distributed
- yaygın
- current
The old belief is still widely current.
- Eski inanç hala yaygın olarak geçerlidir.
- yaygın
- diffusive
- yaygın
- far-flung
- yaygın
- frequent
The third most frequent letter in Esperanto is e.
- Esperantodaki en yaygın üçüncü harf e dir.
Although in common usage, this word is frequently mispronounced.
- Yaygın kullanımına rağmen, bu sözcük sık sık yanlış telaffuz edilir.
- yaygın
- familiar
- yaygın
- prevailing
- Yaygın
- a dime in a dozen
Earthquakes are like a dime in a dozen in Japan.
- yaygın
- regnant
- yaygın
- rife
- yaygın
- commonest
- yaygınlaştırmak
- to become prevalent
- yaygın
- expansive
- yaygın
- diffuse
- yaygın
- epidemical
- yaygın
- widespread, prevalent; common
- yaygın
- broad
- yaygın
- vernacular
- yaygın
- subtile
- yaygın
- disseminated
- yaygın
- (Anatomi) diffus
- yaygın
- far flung
- yaygın
- farflung
- yaygınlaştırmak
- universalize