{i} chronic skin disorder characterized by red blemishes on the nose and forehead (Medicine)
A skin condition characterized by inflammed, red, oily, acne-prone areas Rose Hips: Extract of various species of wild roses, rich in vitamin C Rosemary: A general effect attributed to this herb is the promotion of wound healing Has stimulating, rejuvenating and antiseptic properties Royal Gelly: Stimulates the renewal of healthier skin A substance that is secreted from the digestie system of worker bees that is fed to male bees and workers for a few days after they are born Because the queen bee eats royal jelly throughout her life, royal jelly became associated with health and long life In humans, however, studies have shown that royal jelly does not prevent aging, and is considered to be useless in humans
Chronic vascular and follicular dilation involving the nose and contiguous portions of the cheeks with erythema, hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, deep-seated papules and pustules, and telangiectasia
a skin disease of adults (more often women) in which blood vessels of the face enlarge resulting in a flushed appearance
a common skin condition characterized by redness, pimples, and broken blood vessels telangiectasias on the cheeks and nose predominantly K-derm can help reduce some of the redness seen with broken capillaries
a common skin condition characterized by redness, pimples, and broken blood vessels
yanaklarda ve burunda görülen akneye benzer bir deri hastalığı, acne rosacea
ya·nak·lar·da ve bu·run·da gö·rü·len ak·ne·ye ben·zer bir de·ri has·ta·lı·ğı, ac·ne ro·sa·ce·a