yaşam şartlarının olabildiğince kötü olduğu, berbat sanal yer. ütopyanın zıddı

listen to the pronunciation of yaşam şartlarının olabildiğince kötü olduğu, berbat sanal yer. ütopyanın zıddı
Turkish - English
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) dystopia
Anatomical tissue that is not found in its usual place

The patient suffers from adrenal dystopia.

State in which the condition of life is extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror
A society in which the conditions or horrid and people miserable. Also the opposite of utopia
Literally "bad place " A community or world (often set in the future) wherein conditions at first glance might appear to be wonderful or ideal, utopian in fact However, further investigation reveals that it is often repressive in that it severely restricts freedom of thought, speech, or movement Lois Lowry's novel, The Giver, or the movie, The Stepford Wives, are two examples of dystopias
a work of fiction describing an imaginary place where life is extremely bad because of deprivation or oppression or terror state in which the condition of life is extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror
an imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and a lot of unfair or immoral things happen   utopia (dys- (from ) + utopia)
a work of fiction describing an imaginary place where life is extremely bad because of deprivation or oppression or terror
The opposite of a utopia Any tale, usually set in the future, in which scciety has become, in its denial of human freedom, nightmarish and oppressive, and a denial of human freedom Classic examples include Le Guin's "The New Atlantis" (in NBSF), Orwell's1984, Huxley's Brave New World, Atwood's A Handmaid's Tale, and Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451
{i} place where everything is as bad as possible; imaginary place in which everything is bad; state in which life condition is very bad (as from deprivation or terror); work that describes such a place or state (the movie "A Clockwork Orange" is a good example of a dystopian work)
A vision of a future that is a corrupted (usually beyond recognition) utopian society
an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives; an imaginary place or state where everything is as bad as it possibly can be: or a description of such a place
yaşam şartlarının olabildiğince kötü olduğu, berbat sanal yer. ütopyanın zıddı


    ya·şam şart·la·rı·nın o·la·bil·di·ğin·ce kö·tü ol·du·ğu, ber·bat sa·nal yer. ü·top·ya·nın zıd·dı